Mar 10, 2025
Mar 10, 2025
Hardly had Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi had uttered a few words of serving India and repaying his debts to the Mother India, the Congress Party’s loose cannons went ballistic in outpouring their venomously personal attacks on Modi. Sampling of the personal venom spouted by these worthies ranged from comparing Modi to Yamraj on a buffalo to summations that India should be beware that Modi might Repeat 2002 in other parts of India if he comes to power in Delhi. The crucial question needing an answer is whether such venomous outbursts and low-level debates have the sanction of the Congress President. India is watching.
What seems rattling to Congress Party leaders are that the very prospect of Modi emerging as Prime Minister in 2014 induces panic reactions in them. It seems that the Modi Steam-roller impelled by a vast majority of the Indian public support now seems to be unstoppable and jeopardizing the best and craftily designed plans to coronate the scion of the Congress dynasty.
What these loose cannons are oblivious to is that their loud-mouthed and personal attacks on Modi can draw equal and matching reactions besides disgusting the ordinary Indian who values some modicum of personal dignity in an individual’s behavior and speech even against one’s hated enemies.
Setting that aside, the Congress leadership should consider that it is high time that they restrain these loose cannons because if this is the level of debate that the Congress Party wants to stoop to, then they should not forget that their Party has far too many skeletons in their cupboards besides the cross that they have to bear of the rampant and despicable high level corruption that has engulfed this century old Party with footprints leading to the footsteps of their high and mighty.
Modi has been the target of unrestrained Congress Party demonization for a decade now and the reasons stand analyzed by me in a number of Columns in the past. Why do the Congress Party leaders not target other BJP Prime Minister hopefuls?
In the same vein some outside support coalition allies of the Congress make India laugh when on TV panel debates they are critical of Modi’s communal past. They fail to answer the question as to why more number of communal riots have taken place in Uttar Pradesh in a year in power and nothing has taken place in Gujarat after 2002.
In the run-up to General Elections 2014 other political parties should exhibit dignity and good taste by not stooping to the levels of the Congress loud-mouthies.
More by : Dr. Subhash Kapila
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Comments by Congres leadelrs remind me of the days when Sonia Gandhiits described Narendra Modi as motaka sodagar few years back. It points only that Congress is feeling the ground below its feet shaky. We should watch the scenario for coming few months. Congress may go bad to verse. Congress does not remember 1984 but it always harps on 2002 Godhara episode. I was in Ahmedabad those days. I shatter to think what would have happened to the people of Gujarat if the Gujarat Government did not act to curb the riots then. |