Mar 20, 2025
Mar 20, 2025
Almost 13 years ago.. It was 14th February, 2000... Some shops of Kolkata, India were decorated with red balloons to celebrate the Valentine's day... That time, its celebration was not a big deal unlike today... One of my friend called me up in the morning & wanted me to go to her home as she wanted to show me something... She used to stay in the same locality... So, I reached her place within a few minutes... We went to her room & she closed the door... With her bright eyes, she was looking very ecstatic...
Almost in an inaudible voice, she whispered,
"Tushi, I think, am in love...Someone proposed me today..."
I (with a broad smile): "Who ?"
She: "......." (She uttered the name)
I (I also knew that guy...We met him in a tuition): "Hmm...He is a nice boy...But, we know him for a long time now...Do u used to like him? Thats why, you agreed to his proposal so promptly ?"
She: "No re...Didn't have any crush on him earlier.."
I: "Then...?"
She: "The way he proposed me...thats something special...It moved me.."
In answer to the question that was sparkling in my eye, she showed me a diary, which was written & subsequently given to her by this boy.... The pages of that diary were showing daily activities of her which she used to do at the coaching... For example, what questions were asked to her by the teacher... what she answered... how she looks in different she reacts when she gets angry... how does she look when she bursts into laughter... how does she keep twisting her hair strands with her fingers that fall into her forehead.... how does she nods her head in response to class-bunking & all.... The last page was blank, as the boy wanted to continue the diary... If he writes on the last page, it would appear like, the diary-writing is over... He didn't want that...
I was feeling extremely happy for my friend...Very often, gifts are ridiculously equalized with its price value... The gem which lies right there in small actions.. in every nitty gritty gets unnoticed... The moment one throws light on that semi-lighted corner of our heart, our atriums & ventricles listen no worries... They start contracting in the same rhythm... creating a magical sound called 'love' !!
More by : Dipashri Bardhan