Mar 30, 2025
Mar 30, 2025
Well, this question may draw a host of answers from every Indian citizen differing as much diversities those exist in this nation. But, what surprised me really, rather I would put it that my judgment about this country and people are validated by the recent interim poll results from Gujarat, Bihar and West Bengal.
While every BJP supporter and Modi fan may feel proud about the results of Gujarat Lok Sabha results, one cannot but wonder about the mammoth success of Vittal Radadia from Porbhandar is surprising. A candidate who had defected from Congress to BJP just last year and also carries the (dis)credit of wielding his gun at toll booth attendant. Again, the victory of RJD’s Prabhunath Singh in Maharajganj is another intriguing success story of a defector from JD(U).
Now, the question is, whether it is the candidate or the party he is affiliated to brings the success or failure?
Indeed, a very difficult question to answer in an absolutely chaotic country like India where diversity rules the minds of the population. If the Gujarat’s success could be attributed to the charisma of Narendra Modi, it should go for Mamata Banarjee also for her party succeeding in West Bengal. Extending the same argument, the debacle in Bihar automatically falls on the much appreciated, ambitious and efficient Nitish Kumar. It indicates, unfortunately, the resurgence of the most corrupt and arrogant Lalu Prasad Yadav.
The results undoubtedly look confusing; while one efficient leader is successful another one loses it to the much maligned politician. Even if the Congress had wrested the Bihar seat it would mean something. Now, it clearly shows that people are not just whimsical but also vicious. Let the media shout or scream, appreciate or malign, criticize or advise, the public do things the way they like. Every state in India has it own set of rules like their so called culture, language and parochial views.
As for as Tamil Nadu is concerned the Dravidian Parties in different names and leaders only rule with the same style of administration. They care a damn about the national parties. This has almost becoming the case in every state slowly and steadily. But, we once again keep singing our great nation demonstrated unity in diversity.
India had never been a single nation with a common agenda or language or culture at anytime. History has reiterated a number of times that the nation had been always in small groups and factions governed by the mighty and influential. There is hardly any room for policy or principle. The most dubious adult franchise and ‘absolute democracy and extraordinary freedom’ only govern the selection of the party or candidate.
It is surprisingly growing everyday in independent India. So it is ‘We, The Powerful Public’ deciding the fate and future of this country. We will and can never become a super power. We are once again going to prove the whole world that ‘diversity’ and ‘personal whims’ are more powerful than ‘unity’.
More by : G Swaminathan