Mar 20, 2025
Mar 20, 2025
It was nothing but a newspaper ... That too in a regional language (Bengali). Every Saturday, there used to be a supplementary copy along with the main paper, which were entirely meant for women. Naturally topics were related to fashion / skin care / home decoration / cooking recipes and of course glamour world. On one of such Saturdays, I happened to spot a terribly pretty smile there ... The smile of that lady was glowing up that page so much that it felt like, she was beyond those black carbon prints and physically present in front of my eyes. Being awestruck, I haphazardly threw my glances at the article. Among the crowd of letters, a particular word flashed my eyeball – ‘Suicide’!
I looked above and read the headline – ‘Marilyn Monroe’!
As a teenager, it was my first memory with this Hollywood Diva ... Back in 1992!
Cut to The Present:
Delhi summer never fails to irritate with its horribly annoying heat wave. That’s why a glass of lemon water is my blissful companion in every morning of summer. On 4th June, 2013, like any other day, I was drinking that ‘Sharbat’, while watching news in TV. But unlike other days, that morning didn’t start well since the mysterious death news of Bollywood seductress Nafisa Khan (well-known as Jiah Khan) shocked my ‘just-awakened-from-sleep’ nerves. Opened Facebook / Twitter after a few hours only to see that both of these social forums were already flooded with posts regarding this 25 years old siren. By the very next day, the death mystery solved, since it was clear that she hanged herself and committed suicide. Through death, fame embraced her petite shoulder more swiftly than her short acting span, when she was alive!!
Definition and History:
Suicide, by definition means, “The act of taking one's own life”. Now, the question is why? Life is always beautiful with changing seasons, blooming flowers and colorful festivals, isn’t it? Then why people become so desperate to kill their own nucleus? Apart from today’s modern world, the incidents of suicide were quite frequent in ancient Greece and Rome too. Let me quote Greek Philosopher Aristotle (around 300 BC) in this context: “To run away from trouble is a form of cowardice and, while it is true that the suicide braves death, he does it not for some noble object but to escape some ill.”
Taken into account all the rewards that life bestows on us, there is enough space left for some negative forces too, like Depression or Loss of pleasure in life. Let me elaborate it, in reference to the above-mentioned actresses!!
1) Monroe committed suicide for she used to lead a messed up life behind the glamour of showbiz. Her much publicized love affair with John F. Kennedy (the then US President) came to a humiliating end, when he dumped her after getting saturated with her sex appeal. Unfortunately Marilyn realized this too late. According to her dress designer, the day when J.F. Kennedy was supposed to propose her formally/in front of media, Marilyn became too nervous to handle the dress (a flesh colored marquisette fabricated evening gown) and despite being considered as the most beautiful woman of the world by the leading fashion magazines of that time, she was asking her repeatedly that how she was looking with that dress. That evening of 19th May, 1962 Monroe sang ‘Happy Birthday, Mr. President’ which created history overnight. The birthday celebration was perfect but, the love gradually started to disappear since Mr. Kennedy was not keen to divorce his better half and came to that event along with Jacqueline Kennedy (his wife). A heartbroken Marilyn lost her vivacity amidst drugs/excessive drinking. She tried to become a mother but again failure greeted her as she repeatedly failed to conceive. After a couple of unsuccessful relationships with some other high profile men Monroe fell victim to severe depression leading to suicide. Here is one of her quotes that sums up her pain so truly: “I’m selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.”
Sigh!! Most of her boyfriends wanted to see her at her best, without thinking much about her gloomy sides too!!
2) Nafisa Khan, as per media reports committed suicide for she was not getting appropriate acting assignments and failed to make it a big in Bollywood, which was also her dream + her failed relationship with her last boyfriend. Investigation is still on about the exact reason behind her death but, it’s quite evident why she took such a drastic step, because emotional issues don’t need any direct evidence. Mind is the chief player behind all actions and when there is a misbalance in cognizance, and then one can very much opt for such unlikely reaction.
Science and Philosophy:
If analyzed scientifically, then low levels of BDNF (Brain Derived Neurotropic Factor) and Serotonin (a brain neurotransmitter) stimulate the willingness to suicide since both of these factors are directly related to Schizophrenia / Stress or mental disorders. For some cases, genetics also play a vital role to make a person mentally ill. However, if assisted psychologically with adequate help from family and friends, the proneness of such incidents can be minimized. Once Ernest Hemingway said “The real reason for not committing suicide is because you always know how swell life gets again after the hell is over.”
I know giving advice is easier than performing the same. Also I know that people often rush to such extreme end out of emotional instability (caused by hormonal imbalances at times), still I would like to accredit this circuit of logic and counter logic by that phenomenal quote of Phil Donahue, which says: “Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.”
Final Words:
Life is not Mathematics, where every problem can be solved with algebra or trigonometry. It’s more of a ‘frictional’ Physics, where a solid floor (adversity) is badly required in holding back our feet to the ground steadily. Had it been a smooth surface (fortune) all the time, then probably there would be no fun in riding the most adventurous roller coaster called ‘Life’.
Enjoy this ride, irrespective of age and negative pull!!
More by : Dipashri Bardhan
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Thanks a lot Sumit for your encouraging words...Also agree with what you said regarding Suicidal issues :-) |
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u r doing very gud job... u cn more define some how its True tht people more often doing dis... thos who really fed up 4m life dey usually think to do dis...few do dis n few as a matter of fact we have to solve any probs.of life nor we do al dis... |