Random Thoughts

Dilution and Loss of Ethics

Do you think more is merrier? Do you think that everyone should get everything is the right formula? Do you believe in surfeit of anything is wonderful?

But, always one should not forget the dictum that ‘Even nectar can turn poison if it exceeds the limits’.

Unfortunately, India suffers from many excesses. We think more the merrier. We feel that everyone should get everything at least superficially. We love surfeit of anything. It is not only for our country men. I think it holds good for the developed nations too.

Otherwise, Middle East would not employ so many Indians for their work because of cheap labor and safeguard their own population from heavy loads of work. The all powerful USA would not seek and allow Indian exodus to Silican Valley for the IT sector.

Anyway, look at India. Once, the politics was the preferred field of highly qualified and the rich. We had all educated and enlightened lot attracting the public to understand the significance of being a politician. Later, it was felt that politicians need not be from the elite and it should provide ample space for the poor and uneducated also. The result? Today, dilution of ethics and we have the most corrupt politicians notwithstanding their background or education.
Engineering and Medicine were the most coveted subjects of the bright and brilliant. Suddenly, the Indians felt why it should be so? Everyone should become an engineer and doctor. We have therefore, now many ‘unemployable’ engineers and ‘unethical’ doctors.

Media was once controlled by the elite and sophisticated. Later, it was felt that the arts area is unnecessarily pampering the rich and not the poor. The cinema and the related media shifted hands. There is no point in now feeling for movies replete with vulgarity and obscenity.

Air travel was considered to be the privilege of the wealthy. Today? No. Anyone can travel by air and if one happened to travel by any airlines from or to Gulf countries feel that the travel has become more like train travel with noisy passengers and dirty toilets.

What all these show?

If we try to entertain everyone with everything, automatically dilution takes place; be it education or population. Because we are more in number we provide cheap labor for the whole world. Because we provide space for anyone the politics our policies and politicians turned dirty. Because we allow anyone to enter the field of media, it tries to sell morbidity. Because we allowed access to vehicle for everyone, the roads have turned chaotic. What are the results of excess freedom of expression and access to the entire world? It creates as much problems as benefit.

It is always necessary that certain things have to be dear. It should be got by diligence and not by demand. Unfortunately, we and whole world don’t think so. The casualty in this endeavor is ethics. Yes, there are hardly ethics in any field now. 


More by :  G Swaminathan

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Views: 3579      Comments: 1

Comment The write-up sharply reminds of what one read on ' THE SYMPTOMS OF KALI-YUGA', - a list of predictions and prophecies about the dark times faced with, - said written 5000 years ago by sage, Vedavyasa; and commended to be ‘amazing’ because those appear to be too accurate not to be readily believed , much less digested. The listed symptoms are, as revealed, to be found in the last canto of the BHAGAVATA PURANA, - SB 12.2.1 ETC., cryptically describing the present age as an “ocean of faults”. But , that the only saving grace is the singular good quality of chanting the name of THE LORD having the inherent potential to elevate and promote a willing individual to that far off /invisible "transcendental kingdom " ,
Courtesy: "Dharmic Dharshan" (Bengaluru)

12-Nov-2014 23:18 PM

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