
Ayurveda Herbal Remedies

for Erectile Dysfunction

Acharya charaka has explained various treatment methods to treat Impotence or Erectile dysfunction which arise due to different causes. These treatment methods have been elaborated in “Chikitsa sthana”.
When impotence occurs due to reduction in quality and quantity of semen it is known as “Bhijopaghataja Klaibya”. When man suffers from undernourishment or malnourishment, the lack of nutrients in body, cause this type of sexual dysfunction. Ayurveda acharyas recommend replenishing these nutrients through ayurvedic herbal preparations.

When man suffers from sexually transmitted diseases, trauma etc the tissues of his reproductive organs may suffer injury.  These injuries may lead to erectile dysfunction. This is known as “dhwajabhanga klaibya”. In this condition the injured part has to be treated with herbal pastes, herbal oils and the chronic diseases have to be addressed.

When erectile dysfunction is age related (“jaraja klaibya”), and then remedial measures have to be undertaken with rejuvenating herbs and herbal preparations.
Excessive indulgence in sexual activities like masturbation, repeated intercourses etc can also cause erectile dysfunction. Increased ejaculation of semen or shukra leads to ED. This is known as “shukra kshyaja klaibya”. In this condition herbs which increase quality and quantity of semen have to be incorporated in treatment.

The herbs like ashwagandha (withania somnifera), shatavari, bala (Sida cardifolia), atibala, amalaki (emblica officinalis), draksha (grapes), kapikacchu (mucuna pruriens), shweta musli, etc are useful in these types of erectile dysfunctions. These herbs can be processed with sugar, ghee or milk to make the preparations more palatable and fortified. Honey is liberally added to enhance the medicinal properties of these preparations.  Various herbal remedies for erectile dysfunction like “Ashwagandha ksheerapaka”, “vaajikarana milk” etc can be prepared at home using the herbs which are easily available.


More by :  Dr. Savitha Suri

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Views: 3607      Comments: 6

Comment I am 73 yrs old have married and having chicken too. For last two yrs I am suffering from erectile dysfunction and pe also. My one of the testical is paining also my semen quantity and quality is less and bad smell respectively. Please advise.

Himatlal Sakaria
25-Mar-2022 06:25 AM

Comment I'm having a problem of erectile dysfunction...age is 53... suggest me some ayurvedic medicine

Turab Unwalla
22-Jan-2022 01:31 AM

Comment Dear Mam,

With due respect i am Tapas Patra 25 years old unmared . Now my penis size 4" and my semains have very liquid type (like water). I can fillings very bad condition.

So i am request you to please give some need full idea. How to long size my penis and how to development my semains plz....plz give me good suggestion.

I am waiting for your positive replay.

Thanks Regards
Tapas Patra
I.Q City Project Medical college
Durgapur (W.B)
Email:- tapas.lntecc@gmail.com

Tapas Patra
24-Oct-2014 04:51 AM

Comment I am 59 having ED problem Plz suggest the best remedy for my problem

k s prasad
13-Apr-2014 12:01 PM

Comment I am suffering ED and premature ijaculation from 6 years and from last 2 year I am taking cilalis 5mg and citalapram 10mg whenever needs sex but also I have ulcer from last two months my gastritis is very severe its too painful stomach so now I cant take any cialis due to the severe ulcer for ulcer I am taking lansaprozole 30gm daily. Could you please provide a best medicine for the above with no side effects

09-Oct-2013 07:43 AM

Comment Dear Mam
Please note that I had checked all checkup with reputed lab and found that some heamoglobin is less, now I am ok and all reports are ok.
I can not go up to 12 stairs.Having 100% impotancy age 42 Years.
Please suggest me 100% solid medicine for stamina and power and potancy.

Thanks & Regards

Anil Kumar
04-Sep-2013 02:17 AM