Mar 19, 2025
Mar 19, 2025
A personal letter to all Hindus of Kerala
This is a personal letter to my dearest Hindus of Kerala. Aptly called as the God's Own country, everyone in India loves your state. When I was very young I was always being told Kerala is a highly cultural state in addition to its fame of being the mosty literate state.
I am from Tamilnadu and I was always not happy for TN as Dravidian parties have ruined the state intially in the form of anti-brahminism and later using Tamil Nationalism (read as separatism). Those days I always used to hold kerala high up and thought inspite of the state being ruled by Communists the state has not left its rich culture. All the singers in tamil film industry used to be from Kerala. As I grew up this thought started to change. After taking job, I started learning up a bit of history - Indian Independence movement, Jalian Wala Bhagh e.t.c.
It is true that all of us has read all of these in our school, but it did not create any impact at that time. It is during that time I read detailed history of the 1921 Moplah rebellion and was appalled. I got more interested in Kerala history and read about the Matoommal Narasimha moorthy temple reconstruction and Ramasimhan. Meanwhile I got married to a Palakkad girl and came to know more about people of Kerala and their thoughts. This is when it became clear that Kerala is not the perfect state that I used to beleive it was. From Love Jihad to terror links to suppression of Hindus all is happening in Kerala. But alas, the Kerala Hindu does not seem to be interested in all these. They seem to be loyal to the communists and help the speedy destruction of Kerala Hindu society.
It is unfortunate that the Kerala Hindus are not ready to accept the problem in hand even when they are being singly attacked for being Hindus. Even after suffering for these long years, they are not united in raising their voice against these attrocities they are being subjected to.
Dear Hindus of Kerala, please acknowldege the fact that Hindus will cease to exist
if you dont unite now. Please wake up and save Kerala.
More by : Srinivasan MK