
Garden of Peace is now a ‘Jungle of Trouble’

The Dravidian parties ruling Tamil Nadu alternatively used to describe the state as ‘Amaithi Poonga’ meaning ‘Garden of Peace’. How this statement could be digested was indeed a million dollar question.

In recent times, if one happened to watch the news cast in any channel worth the name, we could only see of agitations, violation, theft, robbery, murder and mayhem. Above all a new trend has been set now in Tamil Nadu to stall movies which are supposedly the staple craze of Tamil population. A movie which was said to be hurting the sentiments of Muslims was up on the net and immediately the entire Tamil Nadu Muslims have started agitation and attacked the American consulate and created terrible traffic snarls and inconvenience to the public. Well, the grave truth was that even Islamic countries did not give a damn about that piece on the internet.

Later, it was Kamalhassan’s ‘Viswaroopam’ once again courted the wrath of the same community. It was stalled and after several rounds of talks, deletions and appeasement the film was released. Recently, it is Vijay starrer ‘Thalaivaa’ that had been prevented from screening on the date announced especially in Tamil Nadu and Chennai because some unknown group threatened the cinema halls will be blasted if the movie is released. Once again after several pleadings and also agitations by the fans of Vijay (one even said to have committed suicide because he could not watch the movie on the D Day!) the movie was released last week.

Now one insignificant political outfit had taken strong objection to the screening of ‘Madras Café’ because it is said to show the LTTE in poor light. So notwithstanding the fact that the movie has been dubbed in Tamil and shown to the protestors and even the Court had given permission for the screening, the state and the theatres did not oblige. So the movie is stalled.

When India and the Indian intellectuals and politicians wax eloquent on the freedom of expression in this secular country, how one group can intrude into the freedom of expression of another? What sort of democracy it is?
Movies are mainly made with a major motive of entertainment, unabashed objectives of business and profit. It can be termed as an art also with serious reservations. Nevertheless, if the public likes a particular film it turns out to be a hit and if not it bombs at the box office. Many times, movies which have been critically acclaimed have turned out to be super flops because the public had completely rejected them. Therefore, ultimately, it is the consumer, here the viewer, who has the right to make a film acceptable or not and thus a hit or a flop.

Obviously, all these agitators have some other agenda in their minds and try protests, agitations and threats with completely different motive. The all prevailing nasty politics in this country and the utterly self centered and unruly groups take advantage of such situations for exploitation.

Off late, democracy’s lofty principles are terribly misused and violated by Indian people to create trouble, halt proceedings and hit the news. Undoubtedly, this is a disturbing and deplorable trend and unless we try to correct ourselves and respect everyone’s right or freedom, India cannot be termed a democratic country but a ridiculous nation controlled by any group with some muscle and money power leading to total chaos and confusion.

Watching all these happenings one cannot but wonder whether India will ever become a decent, disciplined and dignified land at any point of time. The so called ‘Garden of Peace’ had turned into a ‘Jungle of Trouble’ long since.

So what, we always have something to boast without shame: the Past Glory!


More by :  G Swaminathan

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