
Tailparna, the Under-explored Medicinal Plant

Tailparna commonly known as nilgiri is a medicinal plant having immense medicinal properties.  It is called as Taiparna as the leaves of this plant contains oil commonly known as nilgiri oil. This plant has been introduced in India of late i.e. in around ninteenth century hence its medicinal properties have not been explored much from ayurvedic point of view. The sole purpose of this reseaech article is to explore the medicinal properties of this under-explored but immensely useful medicinal plant.

The properties, actions, important formulations and theraprutic uses of this plant as per ayuevedic point of view can be elaborated as:

Rasa : katu, tikta, kashaya.
Guna : laghu,snigdha.
Veerya: ushna.
Vipaka : katu.
karma : Deepan, Hridya, Kaphahara, Mutrala, Pachana, vatahar, durgandhi-nashak and balaprada.

Importyant ayurvedic formulations in which taiulparna is used as an important ingredient can be listed as:

  1. Ekadash-shatik-prasanini tailam,
  2. mahasugandhik tailam,
  3. panchavaktra rasa,
  4. panchaguna tailam,
  5. martanda-bhairav rasa and
  6. jwaramari rasa.

Tailparna has got proven therapeutic utility in various ailments such as:

  1. Shoola,
  2. agnimandya,
  3. shwasa,
  4. hridroga,
  5. jwara
  6. krimi,
  7. kshaya,
  8. puyameha,
  9. pliharoga,
  10. pratishyaya,
  11. Prawahika,
  12. swar-bheda,
  13. visham-jwara,
  14. jirna-kasa and
  15. basti-roga.

In Sidhha system of medicine, tailparna is known as Karpoor-maranam.

Chemicaly tailparna oil is volatile and it contains 1,8-cineole i.e. Eucalyptol. It also contais tri-terpenes, mono-terpenes, sesqui-terpenes, aldehydes (myrtenal) and ketones (carvone). At a daily dosage of 0.05 to 2 ml, eucalyptus oil demonstrates expectorent and mucolytic action and stimulation of bronchial epithelium. Its antiseptic, deodorant and cooling actions have beem reported. It also demonstratrs strong anti-bacterial actions against several strains of streptococcus. Oral ingestion of eucalyptus oil can be toxic unless diluted properly.

Eucaluptus oil is used in inhalents and also as an effective decongestant. It is a component of many decongestent compounds, cough syrups, cough drops and lozenges. It is said to relieve excess mucus, colds, influenza, pulmonory tuberculosis, emphysema, chronic and acute bronchitis, asthama and dry coughs.  When used topicaly in vapour rubs, the oil may be rubbed directly on the chest, back or throat to relieve congestion or pain.

Thus, Tailparna ( i.e. Nilgiri - Euvalyptus globulus labill. ) having such diverse nedicinal properties deseves to be expolred more from therapeutic point of view.

(1) The wealth of india,CSIR,New Delhi, Vol.3.
(2) A review on work of indian medicinal plants, by Col.R.N.Chopra, I.C.Chopra (ICMR-New Delhi ).
(3) Vol.2, Vegetable Drugs, Prof. P.V. Sharma, Chaukhambha Bharati Acedemy, Varanasi, Reprint- 2005, page-311


More by :  Dr. Vanashree Labhshetwar

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