
Clinical case presentation of Raktpitta Vyadhi

Patient name: A. B. C.
Sex: Male
Age: 17yrs
Business: Student
Desha: Anupdesha
Cast: Hindu
Saratva: Mansaar
Prukriti: Pittavanubandhi

Present Complaints:
Patient came in our hospital i.e. Seth R. V. Ayurved Hospital, Sion on 17/07/13 with following complaints

Petechial hemorrhagic spots over both hands and abdomen
Pain in abdomen
Black slimy melena
Since 1 month.

Past History:
Patient had urticarial rashes all over body. Therefore he was admitted in private hospital on 19/06/13 and took following medication

Tab. Montelucast (10mg) once a day for one month.
Tab. Wysolone (10mg) thrice a day for 5 days followed by (20mg) thrice a day for 2 days
Unknown NSAIDs for same days
According to history given by patient.

Family History:

Grandmother: diabetes
Uncle: Diabetes with H. S. Purpura

Laboratory Investigations on Dated (16/06/13)

HB: 16.10gm%
WBC: 17000/ccm
Platelet: 247 lakh/ ccm
ESR: 67 mm of Hg/ hr
BT: 2 Min 30 Sec
CT: 4 Min 15 Sec
IgG: 5120
USG Abdomen and pelvis: within normal limit
ON date (18/07/13)
Occult blood: Positive
E. Histolyticiace: Present
Mucous: ++
On Date (17/07/13)
Occult blood: Negative
E. Histolyticiace: Occasional
Mucous: ++

Asthtavidh Praikshan:

Shabda: Spastha
Sparsh: Normal
Druka: Normal
Aakruti: Madhyam
Nadi: 76/Min Regular
Mala: Black Slimy Melana
Mutra: Normal
Jivha: Sama
Strotasa Parikshana:

Mahastrotus: Agimandya, pain in abdomen
Rasa-Raktava: Patechial haemmorhagic spots over both hands and abdomen
Other Strotasa are normal.

Nidan Panchak of Raktapitta:

Aahar: Amla, Lavan, Ushna, Tikshna Gunatmka.
Vihar: Sitting For Long Time, Irregular Diet Timing, Traveling Soon After Eating.
Manas: Krodha, Shok, Chinta.
Oushadhi: NSAIDS, Steroids.


Agnimadya, Udarshula, Kandu


Petechial hemorrhagic spots over both hands and abdomen, Pain in abdomen, Black slimy melena


Vitiation of Pittadosha (mainly Ushna, Drava and Sara guna)
Vitiated Pitta mix with Raktadhatu
Raktadusthi and increase Ushna guna of pitta Pitta causes Ksharan of Mansadi dhatus and increases Drava quantity
Increase volume of Rakta
Increases Pressure on Raktavahini
Raktavahini Kshatgrasth (break down of capillaries)
Gudagata raktastrava(melena), Petechial hemorrhagic spots over both hands and abdomen

Raktapitta Vyadhi

Due to Langhana and Chikitsa
Due to hetusevan and Apathya sevan

Daily Evaluation Of Improvement:

Day 1st (17/07/13)
1) Kamudharas- 250mg + Vasa Churna- 500mg thrice a day with Yastimadhu ghrit
2) Gandhak Rasayan 250mg Thrice a day
3) Laghu aahar sevan

Day 2nd (18/07/13)
Continue above medicine and add Mochras Siddha Basti 120ml daily

Day 3rd (19/07/13)
Petechial hemorrhagic spots, pain in abdomen and black slimy melena are reduced.

Day 4th (20/07/13)
No Pain in abdomen, Samyaka malapravruti.

Day 5th (21/07/13)
All the symptoms get reduced. No fresh complain also.

Day 6th (22/07/13)
The petechial hemorrhagic spots recurrence was their because of last night patient consume Fenugreek (Methi) vegetable in his dinner as an apathya aahar.

From that day along with all previous medicine add Vasa ghrit 2 tsf twice a day was started. Then from next day patient shows relief from above mentioned symptoms. Patient got relief from all the symptoms and these symptoms never reoccurred. Patient was discharged on 25/ 07/ 13. After that patient give regular follow-up weekly on OPD basis and never had any sort of symptoms till date. Out of all medicine only Mochras siddha basti was stopped and all other are continue now also.

Chikitsa Vaishishtey (Characteristic of Treatment):

Pittapachak, Pittashamak, Shitvirya, Raktaprasadak, Raktastambhak, Reduces Tikshntvaand Dravtva of vitiated Pittadosha.

Vasa Churna:
Tikta- kashaya Rasatmak, Shitvirya, Kaphapittaghna, Pittashamak, Raktastambhak, Raktapitta Vinashak.

Vasa Ghrit:
Drug of choice in Raktapitta due to Sheetvirya and Tiktakashaya Rasa. (Cha. Chi 4/88)

Yashtimadhu Ghrit:

Mochras Siddha Basti:
Mochrasa have Madhur-Kashaya Rasa and Sheetvirya and act as Raktastambhak.

Gandhak Rasayana:
Due to Pittashamak properties it reduces Pakopti (immflamation) caused by vitiated Pittadosha.

This is how patient of Raktaptta was treated by considering dosha- dushya gati and patient got relief.

Ayurvedic treatment for Raktapitta can also be used for various modern diseases which seem to be incurable in this time also. But for that what is required is research by modern techniques and faith of patients on Ayurveda.


More by :  Dr. Gangadhar Dhandge

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