
Washing with the Color of His Name

Continued from “Countless Paths: Which One to Choose? – Japji Sahib – VIII”

Guru Nanak’s Japji Sahib – IX

Pauri – 20

Bhariye Hath Pair Tan Deh
Pani Dhote Utras Kheh
Moot Paliti Kaparr Hoye
De Sabun Laiye Oh Dhoye
Bhariye Mat Papan Ke Sang
Oh Dhope Naven Ke Rang
Punni Papi Aakhun Nahin
Kar Kar Karna Likh Lai Jahu
Aape Beej Aape He Khahu
Nanak Hukmi Avoh Jahu

Dusty hands feet and body
get cleansed when washed with water
Clothes soiled by excreta
are washed by using soap
When the mind gets polluted by evil association
It gets washed only with the color (love) of His Name
Virtuous or vicious are not mere utterances
All our actions get recorded
Thus what we sow is what we reap
By His order we come and go

Our body is external and houses our mind. Thus mind is internal. The body gathers dust and is washed by bathing with water. Similarly, when the clothes get soiled, they are washed by using soap. The mind is seldom tranquil or in peace. It is always active, restless and is either busy influencing or getting influenced. Thus the mind too collects layers and layers of dust through “evil” associations of Kama (lust), Krodha (Anger), Lobha (Greed), Moha (attachment, selfishness) and Ahamkara (pride). Gradually the mind becomes polluted.

No matter how many times we may bathe during the day, the mind does not get cleaned. Then, how does one clean the contaminated and corrupted mind? How does one get purged and purified?

Guru Nanak says that the stained and tainted mind can be washed with the color (love) of His name. This implies to remember His name with love while conducting all our actions.

The naam here is Love. If we have love for others, then we cannot engage in lust, we cannot get angry, we cannot become greedy, we cannot be selfish and we cannot be arrogant with pride. Can we? Sins or evil deeds happen when love has evaporated from our lives. We cheat, deceive, steal, kill, etc. because at that time love is totally absent from our mind. If we lead our lives with love, then sin is impossible; because, when in love, we are conscious that harming the other in any way is simply harming our own self.

Thus Guru Nanak says that the polluted mind can be cleansed only by the love of His name.

Guru Nanak also says that virtues or vices are not to be merely talked about. Paradoxically, we all talk a lot about virtue, nobility, good actions and never talk about sin. Why? Because sin, we simply do it. Example: Do we hold ourselves even for a second when anger overtakes us or when we become abusive or simply behave in manners that are wild and unbecoming? In that brief moment of insensibility, we conduct actions that are destructive and when better sense prevails, we weep and repent. What an absurdity! First sin; then repent!

Guru Nanak proposes that virtues or vices are not to be thought or preached remaining oblivious to the consequent implications, as these are not mere words. All thoughts and preachings are potent causes of our actions; and actions, be they good or bad, are always recorded. That is the law of Karma. All “recordings” become seeds that get sown and sprout as the fruit. What we sow, so do we reap.

Reminds one of the popular maxims:

Sow a Thought, Reap an Act,
Sow an Act, Reap a Habit,
Sow a Habit, Reap a Character,
Sow a Character, Reap a Destiny.

Says, Guru Nanak,

Aape Beej Aape He Khahu
Nanak Hukmi Avoh Jahu

Thus what we sow is what we reap
By His order we come and go

Guru Nanak emphasizes on “What we sow, so do we reap”, clearly summarizing that man is the maker of his own destiny. Therefore, in the Divine Order, we come and go as per the direction we give to our own fate through our actions and deeds.

Who said, God is prejudiced?

Pauri - 21

Teerath Tap Daiya Datt Dan
Je Ko Pavey Til Ka Maan
Suniya Maniya Man Kitta Bhau
Antargat Teerath Mal Nau
Sab Gun Tere Main Nahin Koye
Vin Gun Keete Bhagati Na Hoye
Suasat Aathi Bani Barmau
Sat Suhan Sada Man Chau
Kavan Su Vela Vakhat Kavan, Kavan Thit Kavan Vaar
Kavan Si Rut Maah Kavan Jit Hoya Akaar
Vel Na Paeeya Pandati Je Hove Lekh Puraan
Vakhat Na Paeeyo Kadian Je Likhan Lekh Quraan
Thit Vaar Na Jogi Jaane Rut Maah Na Koyee
Ja Karta Sirthi Ko Saje Aape Jaane Soyee
Kiv Kar Aakhan Kiv Salaahi Kiyun Varni Kiv Jana
Nanak Aakhan Sab Ko Akhey Ik Du Ik Siyana
Vadda Sahib Vaddi Naiyee Kitta Ja Ka Hovey
Nanak Je Ko Aape Jaane Agge Gaya Na Sohey

Pilgrimage, austerity, compassion and charitable deed
Give paltry merit akin to a sesame seed
Listening, contemplating on His name
with mind full of Love
Bathes and cleanses in the “pilgrimage” within
Thou are the virtuous and I am worthless
Without virtuous actions true devotion is not possible
O Self-existent,
Thou art the primal Word and Creator (Brahma)
Benevolent existence perpetual in Thy mind
What was that moment, time,
date and day of the week
What season, what month
when You assumed form and Creation began
The Pundits knew not the moment;
there is no reference in Puranas
Neither the Qazis knew the time,
who wrote the Quran
Date and day the Yogi knows not,
the season or month none knows
The Creator who decorates the creation,
only He knows
How to address, adore, describe
and know the Creator?
Says Nanak, expression everyone makes,
each outsmarting the other
Supreme is Lord, His name grand,
all happens what is ordained
Says Nanak, whoever claims to be knower,
his progress is curtailed

Can external ritual ablutions purify the mind or bring any kind of transformation? Can they increase the level of one’s consciousness? At most the worldly pilgrimages, conducting austerities, showing compassion through charitable deeds can achieve is temporary honor in the society - which is paltry and akin to a sesame seed. Yet in this societal honor is the danger that the person’s ego only gets inflated as he/she starts narrating and bragging about the visits to various pilgrimage centers, fasting, external austerities etc.

Guru Nanak says that only by listening and contemplating with feelings of love for His name, one bathes and cleanses in the lake of pilgrimage within our self.

Lest arrogance takes over, Guru Nanak proclaims that all the virtues are of God the Creator (the Karta Purakh) and as a devotee admits that without virtuous actions even worship cannot be done, and so we are not even worthy of prayering if we are not virtuous in our actions.

And if we do have an egoistic conviction that we are capable then it implies that we deserve to get whatever we ask for. Doesn’t it? And if we do not get it in spite of our capabilities, then we have every reason to complain. And the moment we complain, we forget that God has already given us in abundance.

Remember in Pauri # 4 Guru Nanak addresses God as “Sacha Sahib” − true or Supreme Master; thereby making the devotee a subservient a seeker. A true devotee prays with gratitude and thanksgiving which is crystalized when Guru Nanak addresses God as the primal Word (“Ik Onkar”) and the Creator who perpetually carries benevolence in His mind for His entire creation.

Guru Nanak, therefore, unambiguously says:

Sab Gun Tere Main Nahin Koye
Vin Gun Keete Bhagati Na Hoye

Thou are the virtuous
and I am worthless
Without virtuous actions
true devotion is not possible

I have no capability, I am worthless. All I can do is to sing your praises, your glory, and your supremeness. I have no other ability.

Then Guru Nanak reveals his complete devotion or Bhakti towards God. He reflects upon “Genesis” in total humility. When did the formless “Ik Onkar” assume the form and the creation began? And he says that neither the pundits nor the Mohammedan clerics could know that. Had they known, then there should be reference of that in the Puranas and the Koran. In other words, the scriptures give no answer, no information about this. Even those engaged in Yoga do not know it. In fact, no one has the answer to this question.

If the sagacious, the intelligent and knowledgeable do not have the response to the question of how and when the Nirankar (the formless) assumed form and how He designed the creation, then how can I know?

Then who knows?

Guru Nanak avows that there is no point in debating about how, when and where the creation got manifested because only the “Karta Purakh” – the sole Doer, who formed and shaped the Creation, knows the answer. This exemplifies total devotion with absolute sense of contentment.

Echoing the devotion and also the predicament of the seeker Guru Nanak says,

Kiv Kar Aakhan Kiv Salaahi Kiyun Varni Kiv Jana
Nanak Aakhan Sab Ko Akhey Ik Du Ik Siyana
Vadda Sahib Vaddi Naiyee Kitta Ja Ka Hovey
Nanak Je Ko Aape Jaane Agge Gaya Na Sohey

How to address, adore, describe
and know the Creator?
Says Nanak, expression everyone makes,
each outsmarting the other
Supreme is Lord, His name grand,
all happens what is ordained
Says Nanak, whoever claims to be knower,
his progress is curtailed

The question is how should we speak, how should we greet, what words we should use to describe and worship the Lord since we know nothing about Him, only He knows. The words that we use to worship – are they perfect? Are they worthy and befitting? Do they really praise and glorify Him? How can an incompetent give any expression to the Supreme? For whatever expression one may give it will not be complete, it will not be perfect!

Having posed the question, Guru Nanak then says that there are many ingenious people who talk about this but each one appears endeavoring to merely outsmart the other. Instead of true devotion and worship, there is more of intellectual gymnastics. How can they be then worthy before Him? Such people have not progressed on their spiritual journey.

The only way to become a true devotee and worthy in the eyes of God is to always remember that He is “Vadda Sahib” – the Supreme Lord, His name even grander – and all that happens is due to His divine will.

Continued to "Charisma of the Infinite"

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More by :  Rajender Krishan

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Comment Wish to Gurbani in depth

Surjit Singh Minhas
27-Jul-2023 00:18 AM

Comment i want to be a true and worthy one in the eye of God

Pooja Sharma
15-Oct-2013 10:49 AM

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