Random Thoughts

Aam Aadmi Party

... giving Indian democracy a chance

Since last few days I have been thinking about writing about Aam Aadmi Party. I wanted to gather statistical data, read more what the organisation is doing and what they expect to do, instead here I am gathering thoughts and typing away just the way it is coming.

Living, practicing medicine in a conventional way and involving in poetry, visual arts and publishing in South Africa, it always excites me if a new political organisation gathers shape and takes to its wings at a provincial or a national level in India, the same way if an Indian politician takes to creative arts at a professional level or at least stops dozing away on the back benches of Indian parliament.

Sometime in the eighties, I had the fortune to attend a talk by a leading Indian Danseuse at Jawaharlal Nehru University. Student politics was left and extreme left and we all looked towards left even while walking towards the cafeteria. There were far more beautiful girls on the left rather than on the right. Somebody from the audience asked her, what can be the Marxist interpretation of your dance? Pat came her answer, I think, politicians know, how to dance.

There is a genocide going on at this moment in Central African Republic (CAR) which might surpass the figures of Rwanda in 1994. I have even coined the word of ‘Migration Medicine’ as a speciality and edited recently, a poetry anthology of Migration Poetry of South Africa.

Human beings interest me who wish to bring over a radical change and especially if they are from the South Asian subcontinent. We who migrated in search for better or worse happen to be a part of this change physically or virtually, when the mind takes over to our age old desires.

Politics in India is corrupt, dynastic and linear. Indian politicians stay glued to the emperor’s seat simply because they are addicted. The general masses that are the Aam Aadmi have become used to a single party rule and more or less to a single opposition cowering over them since independence. Intellectuals fear to voice their concerns simply because they need to be politically right to survive as an intellectual.

Corruption finally leads to violence and even genocides. The world is rife with such examples. The reader might feel unhappy at my comparison of India, its economic glory with failed republics like the CAR. There is some truth in it. If you arrive at Bangui today, there will be a scramble to remove all, whatever you are carrying even before you exit the airport premises. This scene looks pretty familiar to me, even a few years back at the Mumbai Airport when somebody wanted to quarantine me because I didn’t have proof of Yellow Fever Vaccination and I looked a bit yellow coming from Johannesburg. It’s only after I introduced myself that I got an irritable reply, ‘Pehle batana tha na, You should have told us before...’

The Civil Services in India is the crème de la crème of the Indian social structure, a colonial bastion, corrupt to the core and masquerades as India’s intelligentsia, encircles politicians and channels funds from corporate groups. If one needs to remove corruption in India, one need to break this so called impregnable structure.

Fighting an election on a political platform with one single ideology of breaking the tentacles of corruption may be right but I would still love to ask Arvind bhai about thousands of kilometres of ‘liberated’ land where villagers have decided to protect themselves from class enemies, how does he propose to assist in bringing them back in the mainstream of development. Who will release Kobad Ghandy? How would the urban middle and lower class Indian retain their confidence on Government structures?

I remember Sir Ken Robinson saying, even if there is a faint possibility that a revolution will happen, let’s bring in the revolution. Aam Aadmi Party has raised our hopes, even it means, storming the Bastille, then let it be so. We voted the Congress, we voted the BJP, we even voted the CPM, lets vote this time for Aam Aadmi Party and give this democracy a chance for the first time.


More by :  Dr. Amitabh Mitra

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Views: 3608      Comments: 4

Comment I dont understand what this has to do with this article. Kedarnath ji I can only say, Yes, there are many famous surgeons, prominent among them were the the 18 century Barber Surgeons who laid foundations of Modern Surgery. Evan Thomas is another, considered Father of Orthopaedic Surgery, he never went to a Surgical School and practiced in the area of Hills of Wales. If you are not a Surgeon Kedarnath ji, you wouldnt have quoted those lines

24-Nov-2013 02:08 AM

Comment We have great managers who haven't spent a day in management school. Do we
have great surgeons that haven't spent a day in surgical school? ~Henry

22-Nov-2013 19:05 PM

Comment Dear Shiv Bhai
Many Thanks
Corruption and exploitation is embedded in every section of the Indian social structure. Have you ever visited the local thana for any of your problem and have you ever been helped. If Arvind promises to bring such a change then lets give him a chance. Why should we be afraid in giving our vote to an unknown person or a party. If we find him and his friends the same, we would then be vocal that we did a mistake.

Amitabh Mitra
07-Nov-2013 12:51 PM

Comment Your thoughts are well articulated but then you are backing a dubious horse which looks good from outside but has very weak legs.The weakness is the bunch led by Arvind Kejeriwal.Arvind worked as a babu throughout his career and I have not come across one article where he has done some good/ something spectacular.Is he honest? I don't know but then he could stick on to Delhi for 18 long years.How come he could do this? Other questions are so far all the charges he has laid are something similar to what jayalaitha or karunanidhi or deve gowda or krishna or any typical indian politician do.lay a charge of corruption on the cabal surrounding the leader but not the leader.When one or the other come to power, they do nothing to go after the corrupt.Sure,,even BJP has the same traits.None of their chief ministers( mind you not a single one has been charged for personal corruption barring yediyurappa ) including Modi have gone after corrupt, making the big crooks as an example that crime does not pay.If arvind is going to be the same as shoot and scoot, i will rather stick to BJP at the present moment.One final thing,, you are known by the company you keep.Arvind is influenced by the same bandicoots like arunaroy,harshmander and their clans who have systematically destroyed india since independence.Why should I give my vote to these leeches who have always been associated with power? Unfortunately learned people like you are drawn by sentiments rather than cold analysis.This is the reason I say education is not the be all and end all that will lead to balanced society.

06-Nov-2013 20:33 PM

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