
Kejriwal: From Crusader against Corruption

to Political Compromiser

Political ends do not justify the means and certainly not in the case of Arvind Kejriwal who from an inveterate crusader against Indian political corruption under Anna Hazare has switched colors like a chameleon from a noble anti-corruption activist to a political compromiser not much different from any run-of-the-mill politician. His sin is unforgiveable because he has come into political power in Delhi on the political strength of the very party Congress Party he was crusading against.

Kejriwal sin is unforgiveable because to ascend to political power he climbed on the shoulders of the very Congress Party which was his prime focus in his erstwhile corruption crusade. His moral sheen has evaporated in the process.

Kejriwal today stands as Chief Minister of Delhi today riding on Indian media hype who for want of a better topic to focus on have latched on to what they believe as a new phenomenon and wonder-boy who will change the face of Indian politics.

That Kejriwal has forsaken his anti-corruption crusade and has now engrossed in emerging as a political spoiler in General Elections in 2014 indicates that all along Kejriwal had giant-sized political ambitions and that joining the Anna Hazare anti-corruption crusade was not out of conviction but a means to exploit the anti-corruption platform to launch his political career.

Instead of “sweeping clean” the corruption that stenches Delhi from the Congress era Kejriwal has focussed on his populist schemes of social welfare.

The Indian media is wrong in estimating that Kejriwal in the 2014 General elections would sweep away the Indian middle class votes. It now appears that the Indian middle class is not his natural constituency. His natural constituency perceptionaly appears to be the urban lower middle class.

Political gimmickry and social populism would not be enough to sweep him into greater political power in 2014 General Elections. Kejriwal would need a change of brooms.


More by :  Dr. Subhash Kapila

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Comment Sir,
I would still keep my fingers crossed. He has mentioned that not him but lokpal would handle corruption charges against congress leaders - Delhi lokpal is yet to come... His promise to open call lines against bribe seekers is yet to open.

I believe, the real intentions will be clear after looking at how these two action items are carried out.

Dinesh Kumar Bohre
31-Dec-2013 13:11 PM

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