
Efficacy of Shadbindu Tail

as a Pratimarshanasya in Allergic Rhinitis


Allergic rhinitis must be regarded as a serious condition because it can impact negatively on the quality of life of sufferers not only by producing severe symptoms but also by producing complication. Allergic rhinitis is an inflammation of the nasal airway. It accurse when an allergens such as pollen, dust or animal dander (particle of shed skin of hair) is inhaled by an individual with sensitive immune system. Seasonal allergic rhinitis is a specific allergic reaction to nasal mucosa principally to pollens, usually occurs in spring early, summer and with the change of season. Perennial allergic rhinitis due to sensitivity and contact with allergens which are present in the environment throughout the year. It is usually caused by home or workplace airborne pollutants. Allergens triggers production and antibody immunoglobin E (IgE) which binds the mast cells and basophil containing histamine. Shadbindu tail is the combination of various drugs which are help to reduce such type of pathology. The drugs present in shadbindu tail are ushana-teekshana gunaatmak and helps to reduce the excessive production of mucus and in decreasing the symptoms. Open randamized study was done at Ayurved Mahavidyalaya Sion Mumbai-22. 30 patients included in the study for duration of 30 day. Assement done on the basis of symptoms like Rhinorrhoea, Nasal congestion, Itching, Nasal obstruction.


Rhinitis means inflammation of mucous membrane inside the nose caused by virus, bacteria, irritants or allergens. Inflammation results in the generation of large amount of mucous.

Allergic rhinitis is an allergic inflammation of the nasal airways. It occurs when an allergen, such as pollen, dust or animal dander (particles of shed skin and hair) is inhaled by an individual with a sensitized immune system. The allergen triggers the production of the antibody immunoglobulin E (IgE), which binds to mast cells and basophils containing histamine. This usually causes sneezing, itchy and watery eyes, swelling and inflammation of the nasal passages and an increase in mucus production. Heredity and environmental exposures may contribute to a predisposition to allergies.


Nasya is a kind of Panchakarmas mentioned in Ayurveda. It is a process wherein the drug is administered through the nostrils. Since nose is the gateway of the head, the therapy is highly effective in curing a number of diseases pertaining to the head. The therapy cleanses and opens the channels of the head, thereby improving the process of oxygenation (prana), which has a direct influence on the functioning of brain.

Types Of Nasya Karm

1) Pradhamana (virechan) Nasya (cleansing nasya): In this type of Nasya karma, dry powders (rather than oils) are blown into the nose with the help of a tube

2) Bruhana Nasya (nutrition nasya): This treatment uses ghee, oils and medicated milk to cure vata disorders.

3) Shaman Nasya (Sedative Nasya): It is type in which pitta-type of disorders are treated.

4) Navana Nasya (Decoction Nasya): This type of therapy is used in vata-pitta or kapha-pitta disorders.

5) Marshya Nasya (Ghee Or Oil Nasya): The therapy is administered for a particular reason, which may not be disease, but a condition of uneasiness arising from a particular disease.

6) Pratimarshy Nasya (Daily Oil Nasya): This type of therapy is administered by dipping the clean little finger in ghee or oil and inserting into each nostril.

Materials and Methods

Design of study: Open random type.

Place of study: Ayurved college & Hospital Sion, Mumbai- 22

Inclusion criteria:
Either sex, All type of allergic rhinitis, Age between 16 to 30 yrs

Exclusion criteria:
Age less than 16yrs and more than 30 yrs., Pregnant women & children, Patient with any chronic disease like HIV, HTN, DM, Patient with any ma or illness related to brain like CA etc.

Study Design :
Total no of cases: 30
Dosages: 2 drops twice a day in each nostril
Durration : 30 days
Paschatakarma :Koshanodak gandush.
Route of administration: Locally.
Kaal: Morning & Evening
Subjective improvement: Judged by weekly assessment in the reduction of following symptoms in OPD patients.

Pathological Assessment

Statistical Analysis
The study data generated and collected was put to statistical analysis to reach to the final result. Wherever, possible efforts were made to present the data in the form of “t- test”.

Result: Symptomatic relief obtained is as follows:

Symtoms BT - Out of 30 pt. AT-Out of 30 pt.
Got Result
%age Result
Rhinorrhoea 20 (66.66%) 15 75%
Nasal Congestion 28 (93.33%) 22 78.57%
Itching 28 (93.33%) 20 71.42%
Nasal Obstruction 30 (100%) 25 83.33%


Acharya Govind das has mentioned shadbindutail in kushattarog chikitsa (54). Main action of this kalpa is Kaphashoshana, Vatashamak, Shirovirechaka & Srotoshodhana. As Shadabindu tail is for upper respiratory tract infection but is very effective in allergic rhinitis to decrease excessive mucus (kapha) production, decreases dryness (Vatashamana & Snigdhatva).
For present sudy 30 patient were taken. Pratimarshanasya of Shadabindu tail was given to 30 pt. for duration of 30 days.

Symptoms associated with Allergic rhinitis are:
Rhinorrhoea, Nasal congestion, Itching, Nasal obstruction. They were studied after every week and values are noted. There was considerable decrease in eosinophil count.

Samprapti of Allergic Rhinitis
Allergens such as pollen, dust or animal dander (particle of shed skin of hair) Allergen triggers the production of the antibody immunoglobulin E (IgE), which binds to mast cells and basophils containing histamine IgE bound to mast cells are stimulated by allergens, causing the release of inflammatory Mediators such as histamine causes sneezing, itchy and watery eyes, swelling and inflammation of the nasal passages .

Allergic Rhinitis.

Breaking of Pathogenesis by Pratimarshanasya Of Shadabindutail

Shadbindu tail it can be conclude that this kalpa may have following properties:

Tikta –Katu rasa Increases kaphadhatvagni;Ushan –Tikshanaguna Decreases excessive kapha production;Madhur vipak Balya to nasal mucosa;
Snigdhaguna Stabilises vitiated vata- pitta dosha.
There was considerable decrease in symptoms.
Overall we got 77.08% symptomatic relief with shadbindu tail nasya.
Maximum improvement in nasal congestion i.e. 78.57% , nasal obstruction 83.33%, rhinorrhea i.e.75% and nasal itching i.e. 71.42%
So, from above discussion it can be conclude that pratimarshanasya of shadbindu tail in allergic rhinitis is very much effective.


Allergic rhinitis is the group of symptoms like rhinorrhoea, nasal congestion, itching, nasal obstruction which causes mainly because of an inflammation of the nasal airway & excessive mucus production. Shadbindu tail is mainly of tikta-katu rasa, ushana tikshana gunatmaka, madhur vipak helps in decreasing the excessive mucus production & inflammation. This kalpa helps in reducing dryness of nasal cavity.


More by :  Dr. Vijay Karbhal

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Views: 3614      Comments: 3

Comment Iam suffering from nasyal pholyps.....now that iam useing shadbindu taila abt 2 drops in the morning.... .how many days I must use this to cure pholyps....pls suggest

31-Dec-2020 04:50 AM

Comment Iam suffering from nasyal pholyps.....now that iam useing shadbindu taila abt 2 drops in the morning.... .how many days I must use this to cure pholyps....pls suggest

11-Aug-2019 11:50 AM

Comment Dr. Karbhal,

Your article on Shadbindu Tail / Rhinitis was very informative I am myself suffering from this problem for a long time. All the symptoms mentioned in your Blog are there and affecting quality of my daily life Where can I get a good quality of this Tail.

R.C. Sharma
02-Feb-2015 11:01 AM

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