Mar 14, 2025
Mar 14, 2025
Kamala is mentioned along with Panduroga in Ayurvedic texts, as there is a correlation in between these two disease, regarding their hetus, rups, and chikitsa as well.
Swabhav – Darun.
Marg –Bahupitta : Kosthashrita
-Ruddhapatha : Sakhashrita.
Strotas – Raktavaha.
Prabhav – Amasaya
AHARA: Viruddha ahara, Asatmya Bhojana, Vidahi Ahara/ Tiksna Ahara
VIHARA- Saririka vihara-Divasvapana, Vyayama, Atapasevana, Ati- maithuna, Vegavidharana,Upavasa, Vyasana.
A) Manasika hetu- Manasika hetu like Bhaya, Krodha and cinta are vata and pitta prakopaka..
B) Ausadi- Pittakara ausadi like Citraka, Marica and Vaca in excessive use can cause Pittadusti.
Purvarupas of Kamala are also not mentioned in samhitas.
Haridra Netra: Yellow discolouration of eyes
Haridra Tvak, Nakha, Anana: Yellow discolouration of skin, nails &face occurs due to dusta Pitta.
Raktapittasakhruta: Excessive darkness or discoloration to mala leading to Rakta-Pitta-Sakruta.
Rakta-Pitta-Mutrata: Yellow discolouration of Mutra.
Hatendriya : reduced work of Indriya.
Daha: Increase in temperature of body(eternally & internally ).
Avipaka: Abnormal secretion of Pitta in Kostha causes proper digestion of food.
Dourbalya: hampers nutrition of body.
Sadana: fatigue in patient.
Karshana: Vitiated Pitta causes rasa, rakta and mansa ksaya.
Aruci: Vitiated Pitta causes dusti of Bodhaka, Kledaka kapha and Pranvayu. It also occurs causes dusti of rakta and mansa dhatu, which leads to Aruci.
Trusna: Vitiated Pitta and Vata causes dusti of Annavaha and Udakavaha strotasa, which causes Talusosa.
1) Rudhapatha kamala (Shakhashrita kamala)
2) Bahupita kamala (Kosthasrita Kamala)
Pathya : Godhuma, Sali, Jangal rasa, Mudga, Tikta rasa, Sita viryatmaka. Apathya: Apta sevana, Maithuna and Krodha
The process of development of disease is called Samprapti. Kosthasakhasrita Kamala is a next stage of Pandu rogi who continue to take Pittakara ahara vihara. According to Vagbhata, Kamala may occur by consumption of Pittakara ahara vihara without Pandu roga also. In Kosthasakhasrita Kamala Pittakara ahara vihara vitiates Pitta and causes vidagdhata of rakta and mansa dhatu, which leads to Kamala.
SAMPRAPTI: Caraka has described two types of Kamala-
1) Rudhapatha kamala (Shakhashrita kamala)
2) Bahupita kamala (Kosthasrita Kamala)
Samprapti of Kosthasakhasrita Kamala-
Pandurogi / Pittakara ahara vihara
Increased Usna, Tiksna guna
Dusta ahara rasa
Pacaka Pitta dusti
Rasa dusti
Hampered Dhatu formation,
Excessive Malarupa
ampered Pacaka Pitta
Rakta- Mansa dusti
Pitta formation
All over body sancara
Sakha and kosta gamana
Obstruction of Pitta nalika
Obstruction for the passing of Pitta in Kostha
Haridra tvak, netra, anana
Mutra, Purisa, Avipaka, Aruci
Kosthasakhasrita Kamala
Factors involved in Kosthasakhasrita Kamala-
Dosas |
Pitta- Pacaka, Ranjaka, Alocaka, Bhrajaka. Vata- Samana, Vyana. Kapha- Kleda |
Dhatu | Rasa, Rakta, Mansa |
Mala | Mutra, Purisa |
Strotasa | Annavaha, Rasavaha, Raktavaha, Mansavaha |
Avayava | Amasaya, Yakruta |
Agni | Jatharagni, Dhatvagni, Rasa, Rakta, Mansa |
Khavaigunya |
Racanatmaka- Yakruta dusti Kriyatmaka- Excessive formation and secretion of Mala, Pitta. |
Due to chornicity of Kosthasakhasrita Kamala, KumbhaKamala occurs; which is Krucchasadhya.
KumbhaKamala present with further symptoms like Krusna-pita sakruta or Mutra; Rakta Mutra, Sotha, Chardi, Daha, Aruci, Trusna, Anaha, Tandra, Moha, Nasthagni is Asadhya.
KumbhaKamala with Chardi, Aruci, Hrullas, Jvara, Klma, Swasa, Kasa, Atisara concider as Asadhya.
It is very much essential to understand the prognosis of disease, which denotes death definitely– Yellow discolouration of eyes, Sotha of face, deep seated eyes, having Usna anga and santrasta patient is Asadhya. That patient should be quitted by vaidya.
Kosthasakhasrita Kamala can be differentiated from other disease like Pittaja Pandu, Sakhasrita Kamala, Pittaja Atisara, Haridra Meha, Sannipatik a jvara, Haridra Sannipatika, Pittaja Gulma, Pittaja Apasmara, Pittavrutta Apana.
Upadrava is complication of disease arising from the same Doshas. It occurs after the onset of full blown disease, when the disease become chronic, uncontrolled. KumbhaKamala, Halimaka and Panaki are the Upadravas of Kosthasakhasrita Kamala.
The management of disease according to Ayurveda can be divided into 3 parts-
Cikitsa siddhanta of Kosthasakhasrita Kamala :
Pathyapathya in Kamala-
Pathyakara ahara | Apathyakara ahara |
Pathyakara vihara |
Apathyakara vihara | |
Annavarga |
Puransali Yava Godhuma |
Navanna |
Visrama, Ahara Niyamapalana Cittaprasadana |
Raktamoksana Dhumapana Vegavidharana Divaswapana Atapa,Krodha,Soka Bhaya,Ratri-jagarana Addiction-Tea, Coffee,Alcohol, Tobacco. |
Shaka |
Patola Kusmanda Jivanti Guduci Tanduliyaka |
Amla Ambadi Methi |
Shami |
Mudga Masura |
Kulattha Masa |
Madya |
Asava Arista |
Sura Souvira |
Phalavarga |
Dadima Amalaki Draksa |
Amlika Tomatto |
Tailvarga |
Til Tail Sarsapa |
Dugdhavarga |
Goghruta Godugdha Takra |
Dadhi Kurcika Mastu |
Krutanna | Yusa |
Chivada Cake Biscuit Bread, Pickle |
Hepatoprotective activity of Daruharidra In Ayurvedic text some drugs are explained as a hepatoprotective like Katuka (Picrorhiza kurroa Royle ex Benth), Kumari ( Aloe vera Tourn.ex Linn.) bhumiamalaki, kiratatikta, etc. Daruharidra is a one of that which shows Hepatoprotective activity.
Daruharidra is Rasa : Tikta, Katu, Gula : Laghu, Ruksa, Virya : Usha Vipaka : Katu and rich content of Berberine. It alleviates kapha and pitta dosas. It possesses light and dry attributes. In Ayurveda Daruharidra has diaphoretic, rejuvenating, antipyretic properties and is a bitter tonic. The properties like cholegogue, hepato-stimulant and astringent are useful in treating anorexia, dysentery, hepatitis and liver disorders. Daruharidra has Laghu, Ruksa gulamatak; Tikta Katu rasa include which helps to drava, kleda and amshoshana of kapha and pitta dosa in kosthasakhasrita kamala. Due to Tikta rasa and Berberine of Daruharidra, reduces the excretion of excessive formation of bile pigments. Due to this reduces the level of serum enzymes in blood and decreased the imflammation of liver. Daruharidra is Rakta sodhaka, tavk and means prasadaka. It is also yakrut uttejak and yakrut sodhana. Daruharidra is us?a viryatamak, but Rakta sodhaka, tvak and means prasadaka due to their Tikta rasa.
Samprapti Bhanga Action:
Daruharidra helps in Samprapti Bhanga due to its action on dusta dosa, dusya and dosa, dusya sammurcana nasana and action of Daruharidra on yakruta (mulasthana) and mahastrotasa (vyadhi udbhava sthana).
Samprapti Bhanga action is illustrated on flow chart given below-
Daruharidra Kwath Amasaya-gami, Yakruta Gami Pitta Sodhana, Saman (due to Laghu, Ruksa gula, Tikta rasa and Berberine of Daruharidra) Reduces the excessive formation of bile pigments. Rakta, Mansa Sodhana, Samana Decreased level of serum enzymes in blood and decreased the imflammation of liver, Yakrut Sodhana, Yakrut Utteja Prakruta Pitta and Rakta formation in Yakr Expel out dusta Pitta Dosa- Dusya Samyata Samprapti Bhanga and Upsaya
More by : Dr. Vijay Karbhal