
Srotas Samanya Vichar


Srotas are channels of circulations. These channels carry the dhatus undergoing transformation to their destination. Tissue elements are situated in different parts of the body and each of them has channels to carry their particular nourishment. So dhatus are nourished through their respective channels and one channel cannot provide nourishment to another dhatu. So the concept of srotas will be discussed in this presentation.


Srotas literally means the structure which continuously secretes.
It is the structure from where there is continues secretion of dhatu or bhavpadartha.


  • Srotas
  • Sira
  • Dhamani
  • Rasayani
  • Nadi
  • Path
  • Marga
  • Chhidra
  • Sthan
  • Aashaya
  • Niket


Srotas is avakash,originated from its mulsthan transport  respective bhavapadarth which is other than sira dhamani. Srotas is the anatomical structure which continuously transport asthayi dhatu. In the srotas, respective, dhatu are produced, so asthayi dhatu are transported through it.

These channels or srotas have the colour similar to that of the dhatu they carry. They are tubular, either large or small in size and either straight or reticulated in shape. Srotas are of colour same as that of respective dhatu as seen outside the body. For example, we can say that, raktvaha srotas is of red colour and so on.

  • They are circular, sthool, anuni means as fine as tissue or even cellular level. They conduct bhavapadartha even at cellular level.
  • Srotas are long and covers the whole body. They are present at every tissue and provides nourishment to it. It can be best explained by raktvaha srotas.
  • It can be compared with branches of tree which are swadhatuvarnani, vrutta, sthoola, and long.
  • Acharya Vagbhat have explained srotas as, long and fine as hair. Their free openings provide rasa to each cell of the body.


  • According to Sushruta every srotas have 2-2 mulsthan.
  • Chakradatta explains srotomula as
  • Production of bhavapadartha takes place at srotomul.
  • It controls the production hence described as prabhavsthana.
  • When there is mulasthan dushti the whole srotas get dushta
  • So for the treatment of dushta srotas  treatment of mulasthan is very important.
  • It can be elaborated by example of root of a tree.
  • Roots are very important for nourishment of the plant in the same manner srotomul is importanat in srotas.

Srotas Sankhya

  • Acharya Charaka have stated that srotas are aparisankhyeya and described 13 srotas.
  • Acharya Sushruta have stated 11 pairs of srotas.

Charak samhita

The specific varieties of the srotas in the human body are  the same in number as the structural entities in it. All the structural entities in the human body cease to maintain the continuity of their manifestations.
Acharya  Charak  have  described  following  srotas

  • Rasvaha
  • Raktavaha
  • Mansvaha
  • Medovaha
  • Asthivaha
  • Majjavaha
  • Shukravah
  • Pranvaha
  • Annavaha
  • Udakvaha
  • Purishvaha
  • Mutravaha
  • Swedavaha

Sushrut samhita

  • Acharya Sushruta have described 11 pairs of srotas.
  • Acharya have not described asthivaha, majjavaha,swedavaha srotas described by Charak, in addition to that mentioned aartavaha srotas.
  • Total number of srotas mentioned by Sushruta is 22
  • Sushruta have mentioned srotas considering their mulvidhha lakshanas.
  • Sushrut samhita mainly described shalya tantra, hence Sushruta have described srotas accordingly.


Acharya Vagbhat have stated 9 srotas as 2 nasika, 2 karn, 2 netra, mukha, payu, mehan in male.
In female there are additional 2 srotas viz stana.

  • Vagbhat have stated only those srotas having opening visible on the body.
  • These are also called bahirmukh srotas.
  • So those srotas explained by Charak and Sushruta can be described as antarmukh srotas.


Food and regimens that promote the morbidity of doshas and go contrary to the well being of dhatus vitiate the srotas

  • Aahar and vihar of same guna of dosha in excess amount which causes upalep to srotas and ultimately sanga lakshana.
  • Here “dhatubhi vigun” indicates the aahar and vihar which is opposite i.e. virodhiswabhav to dhatu and not merely that of opposite property.

Dushti Lakshana

  • In this case, any dhatu or other bhavapadartha produced or transported  through respective srotas will be in excess quantity.
  • Their production may be in normal amount but if they are transported defectively, it is also called atipravrutti.

For example,

  • when there is rapid empting of stomach it is atipravrutti.
  • In artav vridhhi there is excess production of artav.
  • In case of prameha there is more excretion of urine,polyuria.


  • Sanga can be described as no production or transfer of dhatu or respective bhavapadartha.
  • It is deformity in srotas, which affects the sanvrutat and vivrutatva,can be described as contraction or relaxation property.
  • Sanga may be because of aama, kapha, shalya, upalepa.

For example,

  • In jwar srotorodh is due to aama
  • In rudhhapath kamala srotorodh is due to kapha
  • In ashmari srotorodh is due to mutrashmari which is a shalya.


  • It is obstructive pathology in the srotas itself.
  • When there is obstruction due to tumor it is called as siragranthi.

For example,

  • Thrombolism in the blood vessels.


  • Srotorodh leads to vimargagaman.
  • Due to srotorodh  transportation of bhavapadartha get obstructed and transfer to other srotas or dhatu.
  •  Laskshana appears at that site.
  • Vimargagaman is cardinal in srotodushti.

For example

  • In shotha vimargagaman of udak and rakta dhatu.
  • In bahupitta kamala vimargagaman of pitta.


When there is injury to srotas it causes moha, kampa,adhmana, fever, pain, or even death.
Importance of srotas

  • Production of dosh, dhatu, mala.
  • Transportation of respective bhavapadartha.
  • Agni also performs its functions with the help of srotas.
  • Sthansanshraya, 4th kriyakal, occurs in srotas itself.
  • Srotovaigunya is precondition for disease

Bibliography –

  • Dr.Ghanekar, Dhamani sharir, Sharirsthan,  Sushrut samhita, Chaukhamba oriental publications, Varanasi, 2003
  • Acharya Yadavji Trikamji, Srotovimaniya adhyay, Vimansthan, Charak samhita, Chaukhamba oriental publications, Varanasi, 1998
  • Y.G.Joshi, srotas vidnyan, rognidan vikrutividnyan,  Vaidyamitra publication, Pune, 2006


More by :  Dr. Kshitij Garge

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