Mar 28, 2025
Mar 28, 2025
Today over three quarters of world population relies on herbal plants and products for health care, as they symbolize safety in contrast to synthetics. In India nearly 9,500 registered herbal industries and a multitude cottage level herbal unit depends upon continuous supply of medicinal plants for manufacturing herbal medical formulation. In fact, the major wild resource of medicinal plant required for herbal Industry is facing shortage due to non-availability of genuine plants due various problems like over-exploitation, deforestation, loss of habitat, extinction of rare plants, indiscriminate harvesting impairing the availability of raw drugs. The demand of medicinal plant is ever increasing but fails to meet supply with authentic drug giving rise to adulteration and irrational substitution affecting efficacy and safety of herbal medicines.
The concept of substitution in Pharmcognosy or herbal science mainly refers it as a part of adulteration which may be deliberate or accidental. Usually this practice includes substitution of original crude drug partially or fully with other substances which is either from or inferior in chemical properties and therapeutics.
Unlike above, in Ayurveda the concept of substitution differs in a way that the substitute drug possesses similar ‘guna’ i.e. the Rasapanchakas (Ayurveda Pharmacology) on the level of attributes with that of the original drug. That means the substitutes seemed to be intentionally selected and utilize rationally to achieve the desired effect. Usage of Pratinidhi is alternate to rare/extinct/difficult to unobtainble original drug. It can overcome the depletion of rare drugs, thus lend a support in conservation and sustainability of medicinal plants and provide a quality herbal formulation with economic feasibility.
Pratinidhi Dravyas are substitute drugs utilize for the drugs which are not available. It mainly deals with rational substitution intentionally selected of crude drugs required for medicinal purpose. This concept is referred from one of the Laghutrayi, Bhavapraksh written in 16th century A.D. As the list of substitute is first of its kind and this Nighantu is considered as latest among classical work in Dravyaguna Shastra.
As the main requirement for an appropriate Pratinidhi Dravya is to possess similar gunas to that of original drug, the Abhava Pratinidhi dravyas were compared on basis of their Rasapanchak i.e. Guna (properties), Rasa (taste), Vipaka (post digestion and metabolism effect), Veerya (potency) along with Karma (actions) and Roghanata (Indications).
Pratinidhi drugs serves to overcome the problem of un-available drugs due to scarcity, rare or difficult to procure. This in a way helps to produce good quality herbal products and lend a support in conservation and sustainability of medicinal plants. With proper revalidation of existing documented examples there is always a scope to find out new substitutes for Abhava Dravyas of todays time.
Pratinidhi Dravyas for Sthavar Dravyas (Substitute Drugs of Plant Origin)
Drug | Botanical Names | Substitute | Botanical Names |
Chitraka | Plumbago zeylanica Linn | Danti | Baliospermum montanum Muell |
Shikhari (Apamarga) | Achyranthes aspera Linn | ||
Dhanvayas |
Alhagi camerlorum Fisch |
Duralabha | Fagonia Arabica Linn |
Tagar | Valeriana wallichii DC | Kushtha | Saussurea lappa C.B. Clarke |
Murva | Marsdenia tenacissima W | Jhingini | Odina woodier Roxb. |
Ahimsra | Capparis sepiaria | Mankanda | Alocasia indica (Roxb.) Schott |
Lakshmana | Solanum xanthocarpum Schrad or Ipomoea sepiara Koenig ex Roxb | Neelakanthashikha (Mayurshikha) | Adiantum caudatum Linn or Celiosia cristata Linn |
Bakula | Mimusops elengi Linn |
Kalhaar [Rakta Kumud] |
Nelumbo speciosum Willd Nelumbium rubra Roxb. |
Utpal |
Nymphea pubescens Willd Nymphea stellata Willd |
Pankaj |
Nelumbo speciosum Willd Nelumbo nucifera Willd |
Neel-utpala | Nymphea stellata Willd/ Nymphea Nouchali Burm.f. | Kumud |
Nymphea alba/ N.rubra Roxb.ex Andrews /N.edulisDC |
Jati pushpa (Javitri) |
Myristica fragrans flout | Lavanga | Syzygium aromaticum (Linn) Merr. & L.M.Perry |
Arka Payas (dugdha) |
Calotropis gigantean (Linn) R.Br. ex Ait | Arka patra swarasa | Calotropis gigantean (Linn) R.Br. ex Ait |
Poushkar |
Inula racemosa Hook.f. or Iris germanica Linn |
Kustha | Saussurea lappa C.B. Clarke |
Langali | Gloriosa superb Linn | ||
Sthouneya | Clerodendron infortunatum L. | ||
Chavika & | Piper chaba Hunter | Pippali mula | Piper longum Linn |
Gaja-Pippali | Scindapsus officinalis Schott | ||
Somraji (Bakuchi) |
Psoralea corylifolia Linn |
Prapunnad phala (Chakramarda) |
Cassia tora |
Daru-nisha (DaruHaridra) |
Berberis aristata DC |
Nisha (Haridra) |
Curcuma longa Linn |
Rasanjana | Berberis aristata DC | Darvi | Berberis aristata DC |
Talispatra | Abbies webbiana Lindl | Swarnataali | |
Bharangi | Clerodendrum serratum Spreng | Talispatra / | Abbies webbiana Lindl |
Kantakari mula | Solanum xanthocarpum Schrad & Wendl | ||
Madhuyasti | Glycrrhiza glabra Linn | Dhataki | Woodfordia floribunda Salisb |
Amlavetasa | Garcinia pedunculata Roxb or Rheum emodi Wall | Chukra | Rumex vesicarius Linn |
Draksha | Vitis vinifera Linn | Kashmari (Gambhari) | Gmelina arborea Linn |
Kashmari phala (Gambhari) |
Gmelina arborea Linn | Jati pushpa | Myristica fragrans flout |
Draksha & Gambhari | Same as above | Madhuca | Madhuca indica |
Kankola | Piper cubeba Linn.f. | Sugandhi Mustak | Cyperus rotundus Linn |
Karpura | Cinnamomum camphora Nees & Eberm | Granthipara | Angelica glauca Edgw |
Kumkum | Crocus sativus Linn | Kusumbha | Carthamus tinctorius Linn |
Shrikhanda (Sweta chandan) |
Santalum album Linn | Karpura | Cinnamomum camphora Nees & Eberm |
Sweta chandan & | Santalum album Linn | Rakta chandan | Pterocarpus santalinus Linn.f. |
Karpura | Cinnamomum camphora Nees & Eberm | ||
Rakta Chandan | Pterocarpus santalinus Linn.f. | Usheera (Nava) | Vetiveria zizanoides (Linn.) Nash |
Ativisha | Aconitum heterophyllum Wall | Musta | Cyperus rotundus Linn |
Shiva (Haritaki) |
Terminalia chebula Retz |
Shiva (Amalaki) |
Emblica offcinalis Gaertn. |
Nagpushpa (Nagkeshar) |
Mesua ferrea Linn | Padma keshar | Nelumbium speciosum Willd |
Meda & | Polygonatum cirrifoluim Linn |
Vari (Shatavari) |
Asparagus racemosus Willd |
Mahameda | Polygonatum verticillate | ||
Jeevak & | Microstylis wallichi Linn | Vidari kanda |
Pueraria tuberose D C OR Ipomoea Digitata Lin |
Rishbhaka | Microstysis muscifera | ||
Kakoli & | Fritillaria roylei | Ashwagand-ha | Withania somnifera Dunal |
Ksheerakakoi | Liluim polyphyllum D.Don | ||
Riddhi | Habenaria edgeworthii | Varahi kanda | Dioscorea bulbifera Linn |
Vriddhi | Habenaria latilabris | ||
Varahi kanda (Grushti) |
Dioscorea bulbifera Linn |
Charmakar alu |
Tacca aspera Roxb. |
Bhallatak Asahatva |
Semecarpus anacarduim Linn f |
Rakta chandan |
Pterocarpus santalinus Linn. f. |
Bhallatak | Semecarpus anacarduim Linn f | Chitra | Plumbago zeylanica Linn |
Pratinidhi Dravya for Jangam Dravyas (Substitute Drugs of Animal Origin)
Sr. No. | Drug | Botanical Names | Substitute | Botanical Names |
1 | Kasturi | Moschus moshifera | Kankola | Piper cubeba Linn f. Piperaceae |
2 | Nakha | Helix aspersa | Lavanga pushpa | Syzygium aromaticum (Linn) Merr.& L.M. Perry |
Pratinidhi Dravya for Ahariya Dravya (Substitute for Food Substances)
Sr. No. | Drug | Latin Names | Substitute | Botanical Names |
1 | Ikshu | Saccharum officinaria | Nala |
Phragmites Kirka Trin.ex.Steud or Lobelia nicotianaefolia |
2 | Madhu | Obtain from Honey Bees | Jeerna guda | Obtained from Sac charum officinaria |
3 | Matsya khanda | Condensed extract of Saccharum officinaria | Sita sharkara | Common sugar obtained from Saccharum officinaria |
4 | Sita | Common sugar obtained from Sacc harum officinaria | Khanda | Crude sugar obtained from Sacc harum officinaria |
5 | Ksheera | Mudga rasa/ | Phaseolus aureus | |
Masurak rasa | Lens culinaris |
More by : Dr. Swapnali Tulsankar