Feb 21, 2025
Feb 21, 2025
Shatawari means one ‘who possesses a hundred husband’. It is a versatile traditional plant used for a variety of serious diseases as also impotency of both the sexes. It is considered both a general tonic and a female reproductive tonic. Shatawari is used for sexual debility and infertility in both sexes. It is also used for the menopausal symptoms and to increase the lactation.
The Asparagus genus is considered to be of medicinal importance because of the presence of steroidal saponins and sapogenins in various parts of the plant.
Asparagus Recemosus is commonly mentioned as a Rasayana in Ayurveda. Rasayana are those plant drugs which promotes general well being of an individual by increasing cellular vitality or resistance.
Synonyms – Shatawari, Shatapadi, Bahusuta, Atirasa, Bhiru, Indivari, Vari, Mahodari, Narayani, Shataveerya, Pivari, Shatamooli, Urdhwakantika, Rishyaprokta.
Botanical name – Asparagus racemosus Willd.
Family – Liliaceae
Distribution: Tropical and subtropical India - Shatawari is an indigenous medicinal plant used in Ayurveda, Siddha and Homoeopathy medicines. It is estimated that in India, more than 500 tonnes of Shatawari roots are needed every year for various medicinal preparations.
Classical Categorization -
Charaka – Balya, Prajasthapana, Vayasthapana.
Sushruta – Vidarigandhadi, Varunadi, Kantakapanchmoola.
Vagbhatta – Vidaryadi, Varunadi.
Ayurvedic Properties -
Rasa – Madhura, Tikta
Guna – Guru, Snigdha
Veerya – Sheeta
Vipaka – Madhura
Dosha – Vatapittakaphashamaka.
Dhatu – Rasayani, Medhya, Shukravrudhikar, Raktagami.
Mala - Purish samgrahani
Avayava – Netrya, Aamashaya, Pittashaya, Hrudya.
Rogaghnata - Apasmara, Murchha, Amlapitta, Hridroga, Raktapitta, Drishtimandya, Daurbalya.
Parts used - Tuberous root, Leaves, Infloroscence
Major Chemical Constituents -
Root - Sapogenin, 4 saponins, Shatavarin I to IV, Sitosterol, two spirostanolic, Polycyclic alkaloid, asparagamine A, disaccharide
Flower & Fruit - Sarsapogenin, Saponins A4 – A7, hyperoside
Leaves - Diosgenin
Vedanasthapana, Medhya, Raktapittashamaka, Rasayana,
Chakshushya, Pittashamaka, Shukrala, Mootrala.
Shatawari is used in following conditions:
Kasa, Parinam Shula, Gulma, Atisara,
Rakatisara, Mutrarakta, Amlapitta, Arsha,
Vataj jwar, Swarbheda, Naktadhya, Vatarakta,
Raktapitta, Visarpa, Sutika roga, Stanya dosha,
Cancer, Convalescence, Cough, Herpes,
Dehydration, Dysentry, Hematemesis, Impotance,
Infertility, Leucorrhoea, Menopause, Lung abscess,
Inflammation, Diseases of Eye, Tumors, Epilepsy,
Tuberculosis, Leprosy, Throat diseases, Rhumatism,
Night Blindness, Sexual debility.
Shatawari can be used in inflamed membrane of kidneys, Lungs, Stomuch, Sexual organs etc. It is powerful Rasayana capable of improving memory power, intelligence, physical strength and maintaining youghfullness.
Dosage: 1) Root Powder 3 - 6 mg b.i.d.
2) Phalghrita 5 – 15 ml b.i.d.
3) Swarasa 10 – 20 ml b.i.d.
4) Kwatha 50-100 ml / day
5) Choorna 3 - 6 gm /day
More by : Dr. Kiran Patil