Mar 28, 2025
Mar 28, 2025
Sri Sri Ravisankar calls Kejriwal a kid. Why Swamiji is so involved in politics? For whom he made that statement? Religious and "Spiritual" people dabbling in politics is not new. It has been happening from times immemorial in all societies and nations. Disciples may like spirituality of a particular Guru, but they need not and will not endorse his political or worldly statements. Swamijis must realize this too in addition to "Realising the Self".
Truth and reality are not one and the same. Truth is what it is and realty is our perception of the Truth.
In a democracy the representatives are elected according to the aspirations of the citizens. When majority of the citizens are electing the corrupt, the criminals, the practitioners of divisive politics, why intellectuals are opposing such an election? Honesty. Patriotism, welfare and well-being of all citizens are not on the radar of politicians or citizens. Better, intellectuals are silent and confine to their intellectual activities. Let the nation be taken care of by the people's representatives.
Mr. Kejriwal is hounded by media for his in-discrete observation on media. Might be whole media is not sold; but many times we see the nexus clearly. Public statements must be made with full caution and smartness.
Many accused in rape cases or financial misappropriations and are in jail are invoking their mothers, their health-condition, and their love for their mothers to get bail.
Did at any time these accused remembered their mothers when they are behavior the way they behaved?
In a society where entertainers rule the roost and individuals providing enlightenment are mistook for fake and commercial spiritualists, such a society is bound to revel for short intervals and can never get refreshed for want of proper understanding of human needs and psychology. Peace of mind and enlightenment always eludes them. Emotion and intellectual curiosity are traits of humans.
Ninety percent of the individuals are comfortable if their emotional needs are fulfilled and they do not possess intellectual curiosity. Spirituality is both and always at the same time transcends both in its climax.
Mere entertainers can never uplift the mood of depressed minds and afflicted hearts. Only enlightened persons can do it or the books that point towards emancipation will help.
Presently every one has become a joker and especially the politicians are entertaining us to our peril.
They, shamelessly are telling us in so many words that indulging in corruption, looting natural resources, dividing citizens by all means, bringing up their family members and bringing in them into politics and corridors of power is their right and to vote them without questioning is our duty.
The citizens who vote based on caste, region, religion, sub-nationality, freebies, fundamentalism - are not only depriving themselves a dignified life and are also depriving such a life to their fellow-citizens.
Let enlightenment guide us and not mere entertainment.
Indian citizens want freebies, special treatments, pampering from political leaders.
Indian politicians want to amass money and assets through all available illegal acts and loot nation of its natural resources and own and convert political parties as family fiefdoms.
Indian corporate bigwigs buy political leaders and parties and make profits to park them in Swiss banks.
American politicians and corporates want Indian market. European countries too want the same. That is why they are courting NaMo.
Every where money and commerce are ruling the roost. What happens to India?
The political parties do not hesitate or afraid of giving party tickets to corrupt, criminal and other anti-national and anti-social elements sans any ideological basis because they fully well know that the citizens vote based on freebees announced, caste, community, religion, religion and sub-nationality affiliations and never based on genuineness and worthy qualities of the contestants.
That is why Indian democratic system is polluted with the corrupt, fundamentalists of caste, community, religion, region and sub-nationality. Unless the citizens' attitude and perception changes nothing changes.
Just one leader or other will not be able to do much or bring change because the citizens themselves are not interested in removing themselves of all divisive affiliations.
Girls are also having responsibility for their safety. The negligence of girls is reflected by being engaged in mobile phone conversation having least concern even when associated with strangers both at Hyderabad in taxi and at LTT, Mumbai with "taxi driver". How can they be so casual when we are daily fed with news about rapes in all media?
More by : Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam