Mar 19, 2025
Mar 19, 2025
Policing around the world is under pressure and public scrutiny as never before. The demands on modern policing are such that effective and accountable leadership is essential. All too often management structures are unresponsive and those in senior roles reluctant to embrace change, let alone acknowledge failings and accept responsibility for inadequacies or serious misdemeanors. Many citizens around the world are keen to know precisely what the word ‘Service’ in the title ‘Police Service’ stands for in the modern age.
To citizens of Trinidad & Tobago the story in regard to the continued deterioration of public trust in the Police Service is a familiar one. Whilst there never were Halcyon Days when all was perfect, it is clear that there is a raft of issues and concerns that cannot simply be rubbished in the media, ignored and swept under the carpet. The charge sheet certainly makes disturbing reading:
A knee-jerk rejection of such concerns would speak volume of the defensive mindset of some in senior roles. In a democracy we ignore perceptions, misconceptions and anxiety at our peril. The issues that various demographics, ethnicities, economic groups and even some political party leaders are prepared to admit (even if in private) deserve to be taken seriously.
It would be utterly erroneous to portray the Police Service of Trinidad & Tobago as in some way irrevocably broken. There are a great many exemplary personnel doing a first rate job often in trying circumstances. It must not be forgotten that the vast majority of officers are imbued by a desire to perform their job in a professional manner, but are occasionally failed by those in roles of responsibility. Conduct and attitude in police stations across the country varies enormously and this is often down to those in charge as well as issues concerning governance, resources, operational priorities and the pressures to massage crime & detection figures. The challenge is to demonstrate that as a public service the police are strong on value and values and low on waste and misconduct. Effective training and the drawing on best practice both locally and in the form of services that share a similar tradition is vital if trust is to be restored. The police must strive to earn the respect of all citizens, and equally the public must never lose sight of the fact that every day police officers put their lives on the line in the quest to keep us all safe and uphold the rule of law. Working to protect and serve with pride is a constant challenge and requires first rate leadership, high morale and the trust and co-operation of the very citizens that the police are expected to serve and protect. If serious progress is to be made in addressing the current ‘trust deficit’ the Police Commissioner and the Minister for National Security will need to redouble their efforts and demonstrate a far firmer grasp and candor concerning current failings. It is also imperative that the Police Complaints Authority (PCA) be given real teeth that it has thus far been denied. A strong case could also be made for the establishment of a specialist Leadership Academy, one that nurtures the core values as well as the humility needed by those called on serve in the 21st century. Finally, in view of the unique role that the Police Service of Trinidad & Tobago plays in working to uphold law and order it is high time that a national monument be erected as a permanent memorial to all police officers who have killed in the line of duty.
The challenge is demonstrating that as a public service the police are strong on value and low on waste demonstrating that as a public service the police are strong on value and low on waste.
More by : Mark T. Jones