
Ophthalmology - You Should Know

  1. The natures greatest boon bestowed to all creatures is undoubtedly “the sight”.
  2. Treatment of choice for acute anterior uveitis is topical steroids.
  3. Treatment for first degree angle closure glaucoma is Laser Irodotomy.
  4. Occulomotor palsy shows Ptosis, Mydriasis and loss of pupillary reflex but not medially deviated eyeball.
  5. Best investigation for optic nerve damage is Perimetry.
  6. The most common cataract due to diabetes is the posterior sub capsular cataract.
  7. Ascorbic acid concentration is highest in the aqueous followed by the lens and then the serum.
  8. The most common location of Metastasis to the eye is choroid at the posterior pole.
  9. In Retinal Ischemia, the electroretinogram will show an abnormal ‘B’ wave.
  10. Magnification obtained with direct ophthalmoscopy for an emmetropic eye is 15 times while with indirect ophthalmoscopy is just 5 times.
  11. Nd. YAG laser is used in the management of after cataract .
  12. Most common cause of adult unilateral proptosis is Thyroid orbitopathy.
  13. Orbital blow out fractures may cause Diplopia.
  14. The earliest sign of Endophthalmitis is loss of red reflex.
  15. Pin point pupil is caused by Opiates.
  16. ‘Headlight in the fog’ picture is characteristic of Toxoplasmosis.
  17. Most common cause of anterior uveitis is Ankylosing Spondylitis.
  18. Nuclear cataract is associated with Myopia.
  19. Fluorescein angiography is a sure shot method of diagnosing Papilloedema.
  20. In paralytic squint, the primary deviation is always less than secondary deviation.
  21. “Cover – uncover” test is used to diagnose Heterophoria.
  22. “Maddox wing” is used for measuring amount of Heterophoria.
  23. A difference upto 5% between the sizes of the retinal images can be tolerated.
  24. Swimming bath conjunctivitis is caused by TRIC virus.
  25. The shape of macular star is due to the arrangement of the nerve fibers at the macula.
  26. Dry eye state due to aqueous deficiency is most commonly seen in post menopausal women.
  27. MRI is certainly an excellent tool for investigation of orbital space occupying lesions because it is superior to CT scan in evaluating intracanalicular, chaismal and postchaismal extension of tumours.
  28. Fluorescein staining of cornea indicates deficiency of epithelium in that area.
  29. Normal Schirmers test values in males are 10 to 15 mm in 5 minutes.
  30. Recurrent chalazion like lesion at the same site may be suggestive of malignancy of Meibomian glands.
  31. Hypermetropia in children may be associated with convergent squint.
  32. The lens capsule is the thickest at paraequatorial region.
  33. Focimeter and lensometer are used for calculating the power of spectacles.
  34. Corneal thickness can be measured by using Pachymeter.
  35. Examination of corneal surface is done by corneal topography.
  36. Specular microscopy is used for studying corneal endothelium.
  37. Amsler grid is used for macular function test.
  38. Treatment of choice for angular conjunctivitis is Zinc Oxide.
  39. The drug always indicated in corneal ulcer is cycloplegic.
  40. Anterior polar cataracts develops after penetrating injury of cornea.
  41. Rosette and Pseudorosette cataract is due to trauma.
  42. Sutures commonly used in extracapsular cataract surgery is 10.0 silk. Other sutures are 9.0 silk or nylon or 10.0 nylon.
  43. Latent squint is detected by cover – uncover test.
  44. The best treatment for amblyopia is occlusion.
  45. Childhood squint surgery is best done at the age of 5 yrs.


More by :  Dr. Kiran Patil

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Comment Little bit Triphala and Yogic eye exercise, oil pulling and Paranayam also does wonders.

21-Sep-2014 23:43 PM

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