
Educating Bilawal Bhutto

Like his mother, late Benazir, Mr. Bilawal Bhutto was educated at Oxford. He lacks his mother’s wisdom. He lacks knowledge about Indian independence history. That is why he exposed his ignorance. Mr. Bhutto said: “I will take back Kashmir, all of it, and I will not leave behind a single inch of it because like other provinces, it belongs to Pakistan.” He added that India behaved towards Pakistan like Israel. Some latitude is allowed to politicians for stupidity while addressing supporters. But Mr. Bhutto should know that reopening the Partition issue can jeopardize the future of Pakistan. He is 26 years old. His generation needs education in history.

Historically not every inch of Kashmir belongs to Pakistan but every inch of Pakistan belongs to India. India is not behaving like Israel. Pakistan is a clone of Israel. Pakistan was created to justify the creation of Israel. Both are artificially created nation states established against the wishes of people who lived in them.

Opposition to the creation of Pakistan was more severe than to creation of Israel. Imperial Britain was divided between powerful pro-Arab and pro- Jewish lobbies. Supporters of Israel desperately needed a precedent to partition Palestine. They manipulated Congress leaders to achieve the Partition of India. Within months Palestine was partitioned. Jinnah, for years Winston Churchill’s stooge directed by the British leader authored the 1940 Lahore Resolution demanding the creation of Pakistan. He was clueless about ground realities. He had no real heart in the two-nation theory. He endorsed the Cabinet Mission Plan with unexceptionable preconditions on April 25 1947 which ruled out the creation of Pakistan. It was Sardar Patel representing the Congress who rejected the preconditions and insisted on the creation of Pakistan. This is recorded history.

It is recorded history that two successive British Governors of Punjab Sir Bernard Glancy and Sir Even Jenkins strongly opposed Partition because both Muslims and Hindus of Punjab were bitterly opposed to dividing their province. It is recorded history that the Unionist Party which had joined the Muslim League defied Jinnah and formed a coalition government with the Congress and Akalis. It is recorded history that the last Chief Minister of Punjab Khizar Tiwana pleaded with the British government to stay on in Punjab even after Independence to prevent division of Punjab. It is recorded history that the Muslim dominated West Punjab assembly asked to vote on the issue opposed partition of Punjab. It is recorded history that when Congress leaders like a bunch of quislings formally accepted Partition on June 3 1947 Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan publicly accused them of throwing his Pashtun followers “to the wolves”. It is recorded history that he sought a referendum for independence instead of becoming part of Pakistan but was betrayed by the Congress. There is more history. Does Mr. Bilawal Bhutto really want to reclaim every inch of Kashmir? Or, like his mother prefer an arrangement allowing both nations to live together in peace without surrendering their respective sovereignties?


More by :  Dr. Rajinder Puri

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Views: 3584      Comments: 1

Comment We are told that Jinnah championed for creation of Pakistan and made British agree. Gandhi did not agree in the beginning but later had to give in. Your lines above are confusing us, primarily we have not read in details. Can you please help us to understand exactly what happened. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

14-Oct-2014 09:35 AM

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