
Modi Fantasy-Time Ahead

Now a days Modi phenomenon has grown all over our country and outside. Such phenomenon and hysteria associated with it was never seen or felt before since Indira Gandhi left. A tea boy reaching the heights of becoming Prime Minister of the country stretched new boundaries of fantasy. Modi has become iconic inspiration for starlets waiting in wings with their ambition.

I stretched the same fantasy boundary, but on other side in and times ahead, imagining a hypothetical situation where Modi has to turn back to Chai ki Dukann. I fantasised Modi becoming chai wala post completing his 5 year term in 2019. The euphoria surrounded him has vanished. The flashing cameras, social media pages, twitters, etc. have become a thing of past for him. End of the term he is left more apologetic than the previous Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. Ghotalas, Scams, legal cases, etc. loathed on him by now which is becoming unbearable for him. Just before he has quits the prime ministership, he is expelled from BJP.

Now his basic survival is under question mark. He ended up in full circle-inkling now to open up chai shop at Ahmedabad. He applies for license to Ahmedabad Railways and they refused to give him permission to run Chai shop on Railway platform. Reason cited was-“ex-primeminister of odd repute disqualify for the permit”. He shouts at the officials - “I brought acche din in these 5 years, you don’t have courtesy to offer me permit to open up chai shop?”Adamant official replies - “Acche din was only yours. We are better acche without you. Hence your permit rejected.”

Dejected but not surrendered, he goes to municipal office to get permission to put up Chai larry(mobile shop) on main road. As soon as his motives were known, the Chai wala association embark on dharna at municipal office against Modi’s application. Among commotion and to diffuse the situation, the municipality offers him permit on ‘humanitarian’ ground despite heavy opposition from Chai wala union.

Finally Modi secured his livelihood. He is now owner of a Chai larry and has stationed himself up right in front of Gandhinagar Sachivalaya. That is the place he thought would give him good earning. That was the place he thought would have people whom he had known for years. However to his dismay, all known people have changed their loyalties and they deliberately ignored him and his tea. Industrialists who would wait for hours and days for his appointments go past him not even wishing him. Though hurt, Modi knows things can change so quickly. Fate does exchange hands swiftly.

Suddenly one of NRI approaches him and asks for 1 cup of tea. He happily obliges him and is paid Rs 10 for the tea. Feeling comfortable Modi asked him - “Do you recognise me?” Yes said the NRI. And slowly his business picked up. He named his chai stall as NaMo chai stall. Thanks to Gandhinagar municipality, who in honour of its ex-citizen, named NaMo Chai stall in tourism list. Everyday tourist bus would stop at his stall and people would come out to see ex-prime minister and take snap with him. Not to mention they have tea from his stall. Who says success dies so soon. His business boomed and money started pouring in. Over the years he is cleared from all the cases of corruption, fraud, scams, etc. Though substantial money went towards it but with his current income he could cater it all. His chai shop would open at 7.00 am and would be open upto 10.00 pm, non-stop all days, all throughout the year.

Meantime country faced political turmoil. From bad political scenario soon after Modi left, the scenario has turned worse. Country is looking for somebody at helm of affairs who could bring sanity to entire politics and country. Some political pundit suggested bringing Modi back. Soon entire country got involved in Modi and acche din talk. At NaMo chai stall, politicians, journalists, babusstarted queuing in.

After discussion between all political parties, Modi came out as lone name to lead the country. Modi gave his first call to nation from his NaMo tea stall. He looked same as before with loads of energy, passion and dreams.

Destiny has clicked Modi name as Prime Minister for 2024.


More by :  Varun Dhyani

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Comment Top class brother. I could not resist or stop. Read all your 5 writeups

Mohammad Aamir
18-Aug-2016 08:24 AM

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