
Modi’s Self-goal in Goa

Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi’s most trusted aide is BJP President Mr. Amit Shah. The responsibility for decisions taken in the party rests with Mr. Shah. It may be assumed Mr. Shah’s decisions are approved by Mr. Modi. However in the formal sense Mr. Shah is accountable. This writer believes that his decisions are harming the Prime Minister’s long term prospects and agenda. If this is being done with Mr. Modi’s approval the PM is scoring a self-goal.

The BJP may congratulate itself for successfully installing Mr. Laxmikant Parsekar as the new Goa Chief Minister and of curbing the dissent of Deputy Chief Minister Mr. Francis D’Souza. The latter appears foolish by continuing in office after his talk of quitting the cabinet if forced to serve under a junior. But BJP leaders do not mind appearing foolish. They rarely display self respect. They delude themselves with the belief that blind obedience to authority reflects discipline. Whether the 30 percent Catholic community of Goa which helped the BJP for the first time to form its government in the state remains equally compliant will be known in the future. However the message across the nation by the BJP decision in Goa is loud and clear. The BJP seeks a Hindu Chief Minister in Kashmir. It cannot tolerate a Christian Chief Minister in Goa.

In Kashmir there is certainly need for revising tradition. The Valley has barely more legislators than in Ladakh and Jammu combined. Yet the Chief Minister invariably is from the Valley. The solution is of course for the state to be divided into three parts which have different cultural, ethnic and linguistic characteristics. Instead the BJP obsessed with propagating its myopic vision of Hinduism is aspiring to create a Hindu Chief Minister.

Regardless of what happens in Goa and Kashmir it can safely be said that the long term impact of the decision to block a Goa Christian Chief Minister could have serious electoral repercussions. The BJP strategy by now is crystal clear. It is to create a wholly Hindu nation along the lines advocated by RSS Chief Mr. Mohan Bhagwat. Ironically Mr. Bhagwat’s view of Hinduism is unexceptionable if taken to suggest that all people in India partake of the Hindu way of life. In other words, as this writer has repeatedly urged, all people in India should be described by their correct nomenclature which is Hindustani. But Mr. Bhagwat insists on describing them as Hindus. For Hindus it is insulting to suggest that Christians and Muslims in India are also Hindus, implying thereby that the Hindu community has no religious identity.

The RSS and the BJP are free to pursue their goal of creating a so-called Hindu India. They believe that it is also helping them win elections. Without judging the goodness or badness of their decision this writer believes that its pursuit will in the long term prove losable and not winnable. The future will prove who is right, the RSS or this writer.


More by :  Dr. Rajinder Puri

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Views: 3580      Comments: 3

Comment Dear Sir,

From any standards, BJP governments (in states and center) can not be termed as spreading hatred or unrest or creating divide between Hindus, Muslims, Christians etc.

So, why to view Mr. D'Souza's continuation as deputy CM from a 'communal' angle ?
(in other words, do we see a communally divided India 10 years from now if BJP continues in office ? - I saw that if Congress or 3rd front continued)

As long as the party (the rular) is not spreading hatred by actions and provocations, should it be not left to the suitability of governance and choice of political masters to decide who should do what in their party ?

I think, the notion that a Christian is required in office to serve christian community and and hindu is required in office to serve hindu community itself is incorrect. If such a requirement occurs, it means the governance is subjective rather than objective.

Dinesh Kumar Bohre
17-Nov-2014 03:48 AM

Comment What odd logic! Why could not Mr. Parrikar become Defence Minister (an excellent choice) and also Mr. D'Souza become Chief Minister? Why should BJP at all risk losing Goa?

My Word
10-Nov-2014 22:55 PM

Comment Sir,

More than gain or loss to BJP in Goa, isn't it a lot bigger factor that India got a permanent (for next 4.5 years) Defense Minister, who is straight, capable and has a honest and bold image ?

For the benefit of India, if BJP loses in Goa, let it lose.

Dinesh Kumar Bohre
10-Nov-2014 03:19 AM

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