
Modi Helpless Against Terror?

Increasingly people are beginning to grumble about the gap between Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi’s promises and performance. People may tolerate the government’s inaction regarding corruption and reforms. But the government’s impotence displayed in Kashmir as cross border terrorism by Pakistan continues to cost soldiers’ lives is unacceptable.

The Prime Minister describes Pakistan’s actions as a shameful attack on Indian democracy. Home Minister Mr. Rajnath Singh says Pakistan is showing desperation. Is it not time Mr. Home Minister, that India display some desperation too?

All these statements by politicians while soldiers and civilians continue to die sound hollow and meaningless. What is the government doing to stop the rot? Does the government have any plan of action? One suspects it has none. That is why Mr. Modi’s flip flop over Pakistan. During the height of Pakistan’s cross border incursions Mr. Modi initiated the peace dialogue with Pakistan. On a contrived non-issue he canceled it. During the SAARC summit in Kathmandu he snubbed Prime Minister Mr. Nawaz Sharif by spurning his plea for peace talks.

Policy should be dictated by the idea of the government’s final goal. Does Mr. Modi have any clear idea of what is his goal in Pakistan? The government cannot afford the luxury of remaining vague about its final goal in Pakistan. Our nation continues to bleed, soldiers and civilians continue to die, and Ministers continue to make empty rhetorical statements. It is time the government properly assesses Pakistan. That will be the first step for formulating policy.

Pakistan was artificially created as a nation state by an Imperialist power pursuing its global strategy. Subsequently the Imperialist power was supplanted by other foreign powers that made Pakistan the hub of global terrorism. From almost its inception Pakistan has been heavily subverted by foreign powers. The bulk of its civil population is liberal but a prisoner of fundamentalist terrorist elements owing allegiance to foreign powers that have infiltrated and taken control of the army and ruling political establishment. It is this dispensation that is instigating terror attacks against India.

How should India react?

India’s aim should be to isolate and defeat the all powerful fundamentalist fringe and liberate the bulk of Pakistan’s population that wants democracy. India should either help stabilize Pakistan as a functioning democracy or, if that is not possible, take diplomatic steps to dismember it. India’s final aim should be to help peoples of India and Pakistan to reclaim their common cultural identity and live in peace. To achieve this India should offer Pakistan joint defence to combat terrorism. That would provide a litmus test of Pakistan’s intentions. If Pakistan refuses India should cut off all cultural and diplomatic contacts with Islamabad, extend moral support to Baluch independence, and recognize the legitimacy of the Durand Line Treaty between Pakistan and Afghanistan by which Pakistan’s tribal belt must revert to Afghanistan. These measures could destroy Pakistan. The government should adopt one or other option. India cannot afford to drift and be bled forever.


More by :  Dr. Rajinder Puri

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Views: 3586      Comments: 1

Comment Sir, do you really mean that India should liberate the bulk of Pak population--liberate from whom and rehabilitate where? What will be our role after that, in the most unlikely event of it ever happening? We did dismember Pak once and are still suffering from its after-effects. Cutting off cultural and diplomatic ties was also tried out earlier but remained unsuccessful.The whole world is convinced that it is Pak's policy to sponsor terror in India and in which case, what purpose would it serve in a joint terror fighting mechanism? It would only help Pak to make deeper penetration in India and had been rightly rejected by those concerned. Moral support to Balochistan--this further clarity. Is it the same way Pak is doing with Kashmiris? Six decades of hostility won't vanish overnight and the knee-jerk reactions like the ones suggested are unlikely to work.India should further strengthen border vigil, though easier said than done given the inhospitable nature of the area.

10-Dec-2014 02:14 AM

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