Mar 16, 2025
Mar 16, 2025
by T. A. Ramesh
Natural calamities such as earth-quakes, volcanic eruptions, storms, typhoons and forest-fires cause great havocs to various parts of the world now and then, which are beyond the control of human power. But man made havocs such as terrorism, wars and guerrilla wars terribly affect peace, order and harmony of human life in the world. If ignorance and misunderstandings are cleared by the light of knowledge and human life is inspired by the sweetness of love, the world will become a better place to live, a heaven or paradise on the Earth. So, first the threats to world peace should be dealt with proper measures so that people can live as they wish without fear and in freedom.
More over, poverty in the world and economic backwardness of the poor countries are the vital problems needing priority attention so as to be managed to a better position by the support, assistance and help of the developed countries. Further, the many differences among nations should be resolved by cooperation on the basis of friendship so that peaceful coexistence of the world nations can lead to the formation of one human world in the due course of time.
One World Government
As suggested by H.G. Wells, opined by Albert Einstein, dreamt by Jawaharlal Nehru, visualized by John F. Kennedy and recently by George W. Bush also to some extent, only by the formation of one world government for all the nations, wars in the world can be stopped, poverty can be eliminated, the economy of the under developed nations can be developed and good government can be established in the poor countries of the world.
Previously the threats to world peace were militarization for war, communist infiltration and nuclear proliferation. Now the only biggest threat to developed countries, developing countries and under developed countries, in short, the whole world is terrorism. International terrorism and nuclear proliferation for the production of atomic bombs or weapons of mass destruction are the biggest threats posing as a greatest challenge to the world requiring immediate action by the united efforts of all the nations to stop or destroy them at any cost so that the world can be saved from extinction.
Nuclear Radiation
Next, the threat to the safety of the environment is due to the possible leakages caused by the cracks that may develop by earth-quakes or terrorist attacks in the nuclear power stations producing electricity for the consumption of industries, domestic and commercial purposes in towns and cities, if proper safety guards are not provided. So, there is every chance that the radiation coming out of the nuclear leakages may endanger the lives of plants, animals and human beings living in many sq. kms. around the nuclear power stations existing in various nations of the world.
Then there is the threat of pollution to environment caused by the emissions of smokes containing Co, Co2, CFC, etc. from vehicles, industries and chemical plants. Due to this cause, ozone layer is getting depleted in the atmosphere; and as a result, the ultra-violet rays of the Sun directly create health problems to human beings. Also, heat trapped inside the smoke cover, causing global warming, may lead to the melting of ice over the mountains, resulting in the increase of sea water levels, heavy rains and floods that would cause unimaginable havocs to cities, properties and men there all over the world. These problems can be solved only by the collective efforts of all nations through one world forum only and hence, the creation of one world government has become a necessity today.
Analyzing the main trends of the past of key countries of the world till recently a clear picture will be formed regarding the possible course of action of the world nations though they may be the main issues or peripheral matters of certain countries.
1. Germany
When terrorism was looming large in the world, it was a good sign that Gerhard Schroeder, the Chancellor of Germany had come forward to dismantle nuclear power stations in order to protect the environment with all living beings from radiation hazards, in case the terrorists damaged the power plants by their bomb attacks there. The 1997 Kyoto Protocol negotiated by Germany, France and other European countries will mitigate the green house gases polluting the world environment, will preserve nature and protect the earth from destruction, provided the measures stipulated therein are properly followed by both the developed and developing nations of the world. But unfortunately, USA has no faith in the protocol and says that it would be harmful to its economy and the world depending it.
There are contradictions between Europeans countries and America on many world matters. One such thing was the disarming of Iraq and replacing the government of Saddam Hussein by a new government by the force of US army, if Iraq refused to do so after the weapons inspections were carried out by the UN inspectors. In this matter, Germany, Russia, France, also India and China opposed unilateral action led by USA but supported multilateral action approved by the UNO. Indeed Germany’s efforts in the reunification of Germany, the formation of European Union and the efforts towards peace and the protection of the earth from wars, pollution and nuclear radiation are commendable and stand as a model for other nations to follow so that the development of one human society or one human world may be possible.
2. Russia
In the last decade of cold war, Soviet Union was in control of Afghanistan. At the end of the cold war, Soviet Union tried to install a non-aligned democratic government under the leadership of Dr. Najibullah in Afghanistan. But he was killed and his body was hanged on a public building thereby the Taliban rebels supported by Pakistan with sophisticated weapons and ammunition as a strategic counter measure of USA against USSR. After Mikhail Gorbachev became the President of Russia, he brought an end to the cold war, withdrew Russian troops from Afghanistan and reformed the political set up in Russia. That helped member States of Soviet Union to dismantle from it and establish themselves as independent nations. Then Talibans took control of the whole of Afghanistan.
In the meantime, Osama bin Laden was extradited from Saudi Arabia as he tried to bring down monarchy and establish people’s government there. So, he stayed in Yemen for sometime and settled in Afghanistan as he supported the Taliban government there with his religious ideas and economic aids, which helped him to promote terrorism in the international level, in order to form it into a separate radical Islamic nation. But the efforts of Chechnyan rebels were crushed by Russia under the leadership of its new President Vladimir Putin. After the terrorist attacks in New York on the 11th September 2001, Russia firmly joined with the international community in the fight against international terrorism. Russia is interested in multilateral action against terrorism as against the unilateral efforts of USA whether it is in Iraq or anywhere else in the world.
3. India
In the 1971 Indo-Pak War, Pakistan lost East Pakistan, which became Bangladesh, a separate nation. From then on, to compensate that loss, Pakistan has been trying to wrest Kashmir from India and annex it with Pakistan only in vain. So, as there is no other go for the past 15 years, Pakistan is indirectly encouraging cross border terrorism and terrorist infiltrations in Kashmir. The Kashmir State of India comprises of Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh regions with majority Hindus in Jammu, Buddhists in Ladakh and Muslims in Kashmir. Kashmiriyat culture is secular in nature. But Pakistan tried to convince the people by evoking religious feeling there also in vain. Therefore, though Pakistan is against international terrorism, it is supporting terrorism in Kashmir in the name of freedom struggle there, which is not supported by the international community. So, to pacify the international community, Pakistan has promised to put a permanent end to terrorism spread from Pakistan into Kashmir to other neighboring countries..
But, as Pakistan is interested in proxy war against India, it has not yet taken the steps to crackdown terrorist camps in Pakistan in order to fulfill the promise it has made in January 2002. That is why India has said to the international community and Pakistan that unless Pakistan stops cross-border terrorism, India cannot have peace dialogue with Pakistan in order to resolve Kashmir dispute between them though actually Kashmir is the integral part of India and Kashmiri people are not interested in going to the side of Pakistan. Only some secessionists called as Hurriyats are talking about separation of Kashmir, which has been taken advantage of by Pakistan to fulfill its own secret desire by religion and force.
So, to deceive the international community, Pakistan indulges in double talks often on the one hand and prolongs terrorist activities, supported by its intelligence bureau called Inter Service Intelligence [ISI], in India through terrorist infiltrators in order to disrupt peace and stability there on the other hand. So, to put an end to this kind of terrorism, India is very much interested to cooperate with USA or other countries in this regard and is ready to do anything now in coalition with the international community to see that a successful result is achieved in this matter at the earliest so that Pakistan cannot wag its tail in the internal affairs of India any longer.
4. China
After the Second World War, communist infiltration was a big threat to the world order. Communism affected and disrupted the political, economic and social systems in many nations of the world. Communism was then dropped, as it made devastating effects in the economies of many nations. China is the only largest nation still following communism to govern its people. Hardliners have died and mediocre rulers have come to power there. Marxism-Leninism was modified by Mao Zedong according to the need of China. Then Maoism was modified by Deng Xiaoping, who was responsible for the Cultural Revolution in the 1980s and economically slight introduction of Capitalism in the Chinese Communism. To protect their boundary Chinese were aggressive in the boundaries of other countries around their land and were active in the spread of Communism in other countries too hand in hand with Russia.
Now China is interested in the development of its economy on the model of Hong Kong’s economy after it has become part of China in 1999. Also, China’s concern is in the consolidation of its national boundary after annexing Tibet and Hong Kong, eyeing very much on the small island, Taiwan. They have even compromised with America and normalized friendly ties with India after China conquered some areas in Kashmir and North East Frontier areas of India.
China is not interested in the spread of Communism, and also in war with neighbors, after it came to know to its great surprise that the Xinjiang province was under the control of Muslim terrorist rebels demanding separate nationhood for it from China. So, China is against international terrorism and is ready to cooperate with the international community by all means to put an end to terrorism once and for all so that its economic programmes won’t be affected, when it is making head way towards prosperity since recently under the Chairmanship of Jiang Zemin, who has given new interpretation to Communist Constitution of China based on the three Theories represented by Marxism-Leninism, Maoism and the Theory of Deng Xiaoping allowing socialist modernization, entrepreneurship and human initiatives slowly paving the way towards socialist democracy in China.
5. Sri Lanka
Some thousand years ago Sri Lanka was under the control of Tamil kings ruling in South India. During the British rule in India, Indians were taken to South Africa and Ceylon for plantation works. After Ceylon became Sri Lanka, Singhalese domination and deprivation of benefits and rights to Tamilians triggered ethnic crisis there. So, many revolutionary groups with military background started to fight against Sri Lankan government demanding for their rights. The ethnic crisis took a formidable form during President Jayewardene’s period. Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam [LTTE] consolidated itself to be the strongest opposing force against Sri Lankan government; and continuous fights between both armies in the Northern Province made it impossible for the Tamil people to live and do their works in peace. So, lakhs of Tamil refugees took asylum in Tamil Nadu State of India.
After the murder of former Prime Minister of India, Rajiv Gandhi, LTTE lost the sympathy of India. But the fights between LTTE and Sri Lankan government continued without an end like the Vietnam War. LTTE’s demand for the formation of separate Tamil nation in the Northern Province of Sri Lanka remained without a change for two decades.
After the 9/11 terrorist attack in New York, the world trend has changed. The LTTE-Sri Lankan problem has become similar to the Israeli-Palestinian problem. Now like the Palestinians, LTTE organization has accepted to have peace talk with Sri Lankan government under the mediation of the Norwegian government relinquishing the demand of separate nationhood for Tamils in the Northern Province for the present. There Tamil people have a sigh of relief after the LTTE has realized that not by wars but only by negotiations problems can be solved. The latest Air attack by LTTE on Colombo just shows the stage of vexation reached by them.
6. Israel
The statements of the previous British Foreign Minister, Jack Straw in the New Statesman journal endorsed the view that the British Colonial Power had committed a lot of blunders in Asia, Arabia and Africa, though it was responsible for the introduction of “rule of law” and “parliamentary democracy,” which have developed into problems and disputes between North and South Korea, India and Pakistan, Israel and Palestine and so on requiring to be solved by waging or supporting wars with the monitoring of the Western Powers.
The sensational statements of history are the matters of discussions in their parliaments today in order to solve the Israeli-Palestinian problem. But at the same time the conflicts between Israel and Palestine are going on endlessly keeping the world people speculating in suspense and tension as to what would be the position of the world if it leads to a world war sooner or later. Bringing the two parties to the table for peace talk is a big job.
Camp David summit at Capital Hill mediated by the President of USA, Jimmy Carter was a great break through, for which and for his other works along with the promotion of international peace, he is honored by Noble Peace Prize in 2002. Then the peace talk took an effective turn during the Democratic Party President of USA, Bill Clinton’s period.
Palestine comprising of Gaza and West Bank, which is enjoying autonomous status, was about to have been given the status of separate Statehood, but because of the follow up peace talks were not properly conducted it has not yet become a full fledged State. After the 9/11 terrorist attack every nation in the world wishes for the resolution of Israel-Palestine problem. But there is no restraint on either side. And so, violence is still continuing in the form of suicide bomb attacks in Israel and Palestine frequently.
7. Korea
Peoples of the same race and language are divided and living in separate regions due to mere ideological differences. The example for this case is Korea functioning as North Korea and South Korea under the communist dictatorship rule and capitalistic democracy respectively. Even after the cold war, though communism and socialism have failed and dismantled everywhere in the world, North Korea is functioning as a communist State along with China and Cuba, the other communist countries of the world. Because of the nuclear programmes of North Korea it is considered to be a great threat to peace in South East Asia and the world as well.
It has come to the world notice that Pakistan has transported nuclear technology to North Korea and in return North Korea has supplied missiles to Pakistan. As per the US assessment North Korea is one of the forces of evil along with Iraq, Iran and [Libya] as they seem to ignore international law and order and also unpredictable and unreliable as far as world peace and security are concerned.
After the recent South East Asian Nations conference on cooperation and coordination against international terrorism and socio-economic developments in the region with the support of USA, India, China and Japan, North Korea also has started to have normalized relationships with USA and Japan. But how far this will go on and get materialized would be North Korea’s responsibility. However, its immediate concern could be as to how to reunite North Korea and South Korea into one Korea, which is the long cherished desire of their peoples and the international community in the larger interest of the world unity in the future.
More by : T. A. Ramesh
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it's more good I like them |
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Woooow!!!! this is interesting as i enrolled on a coarse of international relations this yeer, please help and keep me posted and updated |