
How Rejection Becomes a Writers Tonic

A paradox in every writer's life is the fact that mainstream agencies, publishers and media will accept mediocre works/projects from famous people while they reject meaningful, eloquent compositions from unknown writers. The criteria for such erroneous deeds of ignorance are money'Lots and lots of money.

Green crinkly fields of the stuff require harvesting to satisfy hungry company directors who are haunted by the need for greed. Perhaps this section of society has always thought this way but I feel it is now more obvious and pronounced.

Many people in positions of power in the media ignore unknown writers. They have no time to consider inconsequential talent that cannot make instant money mounds 'Cast off as insignificant, a talented writer can starve while famous people gather accolades and praise for unwise works of mediocrity.

Does this mean that unknown writers should stop writing and get another job? Yes, they should if all they seek from writing is fame and fortune. Most writers will not make a mountain of money writing, so if they are not enjoying their craft they should find something else they do enjoy doing.

The writers who find no bliss in their compositions and do prostitute their soul just for money sake will find little contentment or joy with their moneyed achievements. The best the so-called money spinning ones will acquire is misery in luxurious surroundings.

Of course, some writers enjoy their work and do make a lot of money. When they write for the correct reasons, their wealth is enjoyable in contented bliss. This credo holds true in all walks of life.

A writer should write for the joy, love, enthusiasm and passion in the meaning of their work. Many challenges will be sent their way to test they resolve and happiness. Speaking of challenges, an unusual incident enfolded my way recently that can shed some light on what goes on behind the closed doors of people in power, who make decisions on who or what to accept/reject.

A few weeks ago, I read in the newspapers that Starbucks were going to put books in their coffee shops. They hired William Morris agency to stock their coffee shops with books of appeal to customers.

Since the beginning of contemporary society, people have gathered in teahouses and coffee shops to discuss the current events pertaining to the meaning of life. So I thought as an inspirational philosopher, what have I to lose by contacting William Morris agency in New York and see how the land lies.

I rang their New York office, I was requested to send my three proposed books to them, and they would give the books a fair review for acquisition for the Starbucks project. So, without any more to do, I mailed my three latest book titles. Two weeks later, I received the following reply'

June 12, 2006

Dear Mr. Levy,

"Thank you for allowing William Morris to Consider Ultra - Violet Haiku Delights, The Joys of Live Alchemy, and Invest With A Genius. We have had the opportunity to review your submissions, and while we appreciate your interest in Starbucks initiative, we have concluded that your project is not a right match for Starbucks at this time."

That is all fine and dandy...rejection is part of any writer's world and meant to be tasted and savored many times. However, there was just one slight, significant point they had overlooked. They never opened one single page of any of the books I sent them. How did I know you may ask.

All new books come from the printers with an invisible seal that seems to make the pages stick together. Once the cover is opened it raises a little, it rarely sits flush to the other pages. My sixth sense told me the reviewer had not seen inside the books. I felt they were returned without anyone reading one word inside the books.

Consequently, since their letter said they had reviewed my books, I contacted them on 19 June. After much reluctance to speak with me, I was connected to one of the people who make the decisions. He told me they had not yet decided which type of books or genre they wanted to include.

I ask why they rejected my books without ever reading one page beyond the cover. He apologized and admitted they had not opened any pages before rejecting the books.

He then remarked, "In a perfect world we would have read some part of the books before rejecting them" After I stopped laughing I thought ... Oh to live in a perfect world!

He also asked me to send them back for review. I directed him to my website so that he could read the reviews, then he could contact me and I would resend them. So far, he has not phoned and lucky for me I did not hold my breath waiting for a reply.

Writers should understand that many times when publishers, agents or media reject their works ' the quality, style and content has nothing to do with the negative response. It is just the fact there are erroneous systems now in place, embedded in most mainstream publishing and media establishments. The ritual of rejection without true cause or reason for worthy submissions is conducted by people who are programmed by the misfortunate circumstances of receiving a "good education" at university and not knowing how to apply it for the benefit of humanity with compassion and caring. As Oscar Wilde, so aptly put it... "Anything worth knowing cannot be taught."

This is just one of many awkward episodes every writer will face in their writing lifetime. The most important point of any writers life is the reality they are genuinely enjoying their works whether it is published or not.

Rejection can be the best tonic for writers who understand no-body or no-thing can stop them from savoring the joys of their inspirational craft. The act of writing in itself generates success.

Writers do not need permission to breath, nor do they require permission to write. Opinions of other people are of no consequence to writers who develop the skills to write for gratification of writing, no other reason is necessary.

When a writer develops the habit to love and enjoy rejection...To expect all their works to be rejected in a mode of delight. So much so, that if or when their work is accepted, the disappointment of the acceptance does not disturb their balance.

Who knows, after a while of acceptance, they may even get accustomed to enjoying both the ambiance of rejection and acceptance ... Never more to distinguish between the joys, both convey.

Singing in spirits gilded cage
the wise bird
seldom looks towards the open door     


More by :  Michael Levy

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