Feb 22, 2025
Feb 22, 2025
by Michael Levy
Nearly every day in our lives, if we are out and about, we will run into people who are unpleasantness, obnoxious and downright nasty. It could be on the roads, in the supermarket, in the workplace or any other location were we come into contact with people with differing views. Perhaps those people see us as unpleasantness, obnoxious and downright nasty and maybe sometimes we are, knowingly or unknowingly, the agitators. "Many have made a trade of delusions and false miracles, deceiving the stupid multitude."_ Leonardo da Vinci Lots of mainstream magazine editors articulate to me I'm not their cup of tea.... Well, my flavors are without refined academic sugary fluff that is bad for the souls health, but my teachings do contain lots of wholesome spice that is beneficial for the mind and body ... so no rave reviews from that aloof neck of the dark woods. "I have never let my schooling interfere with my education." _ Mark Twain A few so called spiritual editors imagine I'm too judgmental...well, I might agree with them about being too mental, but I'm not the judge in their lives, their own body cells and immune systems are ... so no rave reviews from that frosty ad-ministration. The universe is change; our life is what our thoughts make it. _ Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Academic journal editors think I am (to use an oxford professors recent description of me) an intellectual pigmy ... Compliment for every season to me, by intellectual folks who embrace a code of education that dictates "Its not our job to teach morals" I reply to them..."Up your nose with three Ho! Ho!Ho's!" ...so no rave reviews from that standoffish habitat. "To repeat what others have said, requires education; to challenge it, requires brains." _ Mary Pettibone Poole. I am rejected by most religious editors as my Love and Joy taints their ridged dogmas... So no rave reviews from that unapproachable location. "I prefer the company of peasants because they have not been educated sufficiently to reason incorrectly." _ Michel de Montaigne Thankfully there are a few editors who do like my approach to life and understand I can never take anything too seriously. Even if I achieve nil book sales, it will still make me laugh at the experience of it all.
If we hold on to the nasty comments of other people or our own, over time, it will swell into a river of negative thoughts. Therefore, it is best to forgive and forget any past unpleasantness. It is also very important to forgive ourselves for any transgressions our, over emotional ego's, may sometimes commit. Both forms of forgiving (self and other people) are very important if we are to remain health and disease free.
A mind filled with resentments and hates will fill the body full of cancer, heart failure and other debilitating illnesses over a period of years ... Hence, forgiveness is a powerful medicine and sometimes may be a hard pill to swallow.
Here is a view from an inspirational writers perspectives who has good intent, but many times his over enthusiastic manner upsets many close-minded editors.
A few people have asked me if I expect my new book "The Joys of Live Alchemy," to break all book sale records at Point of Life. Well, I feel it is the best book I have written so far. A book that explains how to live without worry and anxiety, despite the experts who claim it is impossible. That said, I have no expectations of any sort, so if the book starts out from zero, any growth in stature is a bonus. Since the book is alchemy that will work only in the minds of those who truly seek authentically inspired success, without preconditions of the ego, it may take a while before it catches on with most of the public.
Maybe the book is very happy to remain quiet for the time being. After all, it is only of interest to people who are willing to make the required changes that are impossible for normal people to make. Since most people cannot break free of their conditioned minds strong will power of dominance, it is normal for them to ignore anything that can dislodge their ego's alien hold on their minds and bodies.
If that clarification was not enough of a reason why normal people may not buy the book, I will not be hiring any PR, no marketing and no adverts, Therefore, not too many people will know it exists. As for help from the kind media, I think, nay, correction, I know that I have alienated every media book editor I've contacted in the USA and UK by my candid outspokenness ... so no rave reviews coming from that unapproachable hung, drawn and quarter.
My Jewish name is Menacha, which means to forgive. I may kid around with negative people and sometimes speak my mind about their negative approach to their readers...But I wish them all well and they should all live a prosperous life in love and joy despite their inner Goliaths.
As for future projects, I am putting the finishing touches to another new book titled "Worry Causes Wrinkles" slated for publication in the fall... I have another book almost competed for the winter. No title yet, but "Seriousness is a Killer" springs to mind as I write these words. There are another dozen or more books waiting their turn to blossom in my mind. The seeds are already planted... Good Game'Good Game! For even if I never sell one book, I can never be a victim of seeking fame and fortune...I am a smiling victor of contentment, embraced in Gods love and joy
You see, the success in writing books with true meaning is just to write them. If nobody reads them, then it is their loss, not the authentic authors. Eventually, who knows, they may be read by millions of people, just as the old master paintings took time to "catch on" with the public....Create something new from your heart and soul and don't expect instant gratifications has always been one of my numerous universal laws given to me by the ageless writer in the sky.
My past early work, selling cloth remnants in the street market of England in appalling weather certainly trained me for the intense aggressive responses and being passed over by the ivory tower dwellers.... They may believe they are powerful and high-up in the media and academic world, well perhaps they are in their minds, but the succulent fruits of the forest don't stay on the trees to be eaten...they have to fall to the ground to be enjoyed.
More by : Michael Levy