
Cowardly Pacifism Paralyzes India

The Chinese have done it again. Inch by inch they move in through cold terrains and pathless woods into our lands. Bristling with hostility, they demand demolition of India�s bunkers, claim 90,000 sq. km of Arunachal Pradesh including Tawang, and violate our borders with impunity. "We lay claim to the whole state of Arunachal Pradesh. Yes, that is our position," states the Chinese envoy with unmatched emphasis.

While our northern neighbor behaves true to his philosophy of "What is mine is mine, and what is yours is also mine," how do our wobbly politicians and leftist windbags react? Nothing beyond the usual sound bites expressing the same esoteric expressions of peace, same spin on opening new chapters to la-la land, and the same harping on the national vibe of cooperation, prosperity and the cusp of waking to a new era - possibly the "era of the mice." Completely absent is any sense of outrage, of passionate defiance, or even a categorical statement such as, "Arunachal Pradesh is an integral part of India. It is not negotiable." Moreover, the Prime Minister even avoids going to Tawang in order to appease the boisterous and puffed-up dragon. 

Contrast this with Iran, a smaller country with a much mightier spine, which can give the powers to be a run for their money. Even the nut jobs across the border can take a stand and fight for what they want. Yet we, the 'Quiet' Indians are either in a virtual world or busy revving up the money engine, while a 'coalition of opportunists' continue to bask in the sweet comfort of inaction. 

This Historical terrain has been covered before by another man, blind to reality�s harsh terrain, the venerable 'Chacha Nehru' and his disciple, Krishna Menon in 1962. To resounding cries of 'Hindi Chini bhai bhai,' the response from the Chinese was a convoy of tanks rolling into India with a cold blooded alacrity. Their blazing guns decimated jawans fighting without warm clothing and with World War 1 rifles. Adding injury to the criminal negligence of the army were the seditious slogans of the Marxists who marched into the streets of Calcutta shouting, 'China's chairman is our chairman.' 

It is only the profound indifference of the Indian masses that the Communist party which consistently bats for another country, is even tolerated on Indian soil. 

Some Historical graveyards unleashed by the dominant narrative of our times, Pacifism and its offshoots-appeasement, cowardice and dangerous denial are:

In response to Gandhi's unprecedented overtures of peace, including offering the position of Prime Minister to Jinnah to avoid partition, Jinnah let loose 'Direct Action Day,' an orgy of violence where blood flowed in torrents and caused a forced migration of 10 million people, the largest unacknowledged injustice in History.
Recognition of Tibet as part of China. Result - 'yeh dil maange more.' China is now lusting after Arunachal Pradesh.
'Article 370' whereby no Indian can buy property or settle in Kashmir. Result - the valley is loyal to Pakistan and hostile to India.
Tolerating the communist proxies of China to stall the economic progress and allowing over 5 million Bangladeshis free entry into India. Result - Assam, Nagaland, and the entire Northeast is raging with a secessionist fire stoked by the Marxists, terrorists are having a field day moving at ease in India and another partition is in the making by Bangladeshis who believe that 'possession is nine-tenths of the law.'
The treacherous ceasefire offered in Kashmir by Nehru in response to Pakistan�s invasion of Kashmir in 1948 is still haunting us. The heroic Indian army which reclaimed most of the land taken by Pakistan was suddenly ordered to 'ceasefire,' creating defeat from the jaws of victory. Result - loss of POK and the Northern areas Gilgit and Baltistan prevents India from accessing the vast hydrocarbon riches of Central Asia for oil. It also allows China to build the Karkoram Highway which will give them a foothold in the Arabian Sea via Gwadar and directly challenge the Indian Navy.
Absence of a Uniform Civil Code, an appeasement policy with far reaching ramifications.
Temple funds are controlled by the Government whereas foreign funds funneled into madrassas and churches flow freely. Result - subversion, extra territorial loyalties, and terrorism.
Make no mistake, the Chinese are serious. They know what they want and they are going about it with a diabolic efficiency. They are giving missiles and nuclear know-how to Pakistan. They have listening posts and naval bases in Gwadar and Burma, military bases in Thailand, and Cambodia, container port and naval facilities in Bangladesh, and a huge development zone in Sri Lanka, knocking at the Southern gates of India. When the time is right, all these proxies of China will swing into action to do their master's bidding. India is vulnerable and trapped in a Chakravyuh of its own making.

What would it take to rouse India from this destructive slumber? What would be required to remove the Hamlet like indecisiveness or its insular culture, and its perennial diffidence in International affairs? How do we make a nation stand up and demand what belongs to it? Once upon a time Indians stood up against the might of the British even when they were chained, beaten and lashed into obedience. Today, their bodies are free but their souls are numb. What was different then and now? 

To begin with, those were the days when every breath of a person rang with an 'India First' mantra of Nationalism and real activism. Idealists rallied to jolt the nation with courage. There was a fire in the belly in the nation's youth. They lit a blazing fire of awareness which spread and spread and drove out the foul winds of servitude. India now needs to delve into that time zone and retrieve from its fortresses of the spirit, values such as courage, sacrifice, Nationalism, involvement, and Justice.

Such a resurgent Nationalism will throw out the Government of the fools and will provide the required strategic compass to chart India's course in Independent waters. It could include deploying ICBM's, ATV's and a friendly country to provide bases to hit vital economic targets in China before it has a chance to respond. When we have those capabilities, and with our talented Engineers this should be attainable, China will behave as a good neighbor. Otherwise, no amount of appeasing or bending over backwards will prevent India from becoming a menu item at China's table. 


More by :  Aneeta Chakrabarty

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