Mar 14, 2025
Mar 14, 2025
There is nothing that is unimportant in life. It is just that we do not always accord enough importance to all the people and all the works that come our way. When life is run in a business-like manner, a human is reduced to a shopkeeper, always comparing, equating and attempting to make something out of everything. Profit is the prime motive of life. No one wants to work at a loss. Life is real; and not everything can pass as notional. Adjustments are not limited to married life alone. We may accept a loss willingly or forgo a position. It is because we are bargaining a situation at that point to find better value in something else.
Relationships play in key role in life. We give them more weightage than most other things. Many things are imbedded in human character like love and respect. Spouses may exhibit adherence unto each other and do things keeping aside personal likes and dislikes. Acceptance or rejection of that relationship decide the choices and responses which come in different measures.
Our individuality is most important. This has nothing to do with greed or being self-centric. It’s about understanding of the self. We occupy center-stage, position to be looked upon, when we do justice to the individuality of people around us. Each person has own relationships, choices, pre-conceived notions, and what not. Let liberty prevail. To become important, one has to forget domination.
The whole purpose of knowledge and its varied manifestations, is to make ourselves more comfortable. As new ideas emanate, rigidity gives way to flexibility. Experiments turn into inventions. Creativity sets new standards for a new world ushering in changing ethos and transforming the way of life. The way forward is to look ahead. However, the moment we look back, irritations of past erupt attaching more significance to the gone by.
Old embarrassments and other inhibitions prevent us to grow. We, as legal entities, must always seek redressal mechanisms that exist, but are mostly overlooked due to complacency or unawareness.
We have conditioned ourselves to the realm of past glory and prejudice against present. During the tides of turbulence, success is to stay afloat. Anticipations and outcomes often mismatch. Its then, we find refuge in curses and boons of destiny.
Unless called upon to deliver sentence, man can never be impartial. Intellect - the power to discriminate - may not always prevail. Not necessarily it means that ethics have been compromised. It is the subconscious, the subtle element which gets finally overtly expressed.
Philanthropy is charity done with fanfare. We want to buy popularity. Even governments, at the cost of public money, capture best slots in media to advertise their 10 Paise welfare projects out of a Rupee, while spending 90 Paise on publicity of that 10 Paise spent for under-privileged. In any case, democracy is all about influencing electors to buy their votes. We associate ourselves with institutions that broadly match our belief systems. Our alliances add value to that institution. We have to ensure that we find credence in the system itself; lest left good as resource for dissemination of ideas.
A car is a cherished possession of a man; he is attached to. Even a small scratch visible, keeps pricking. So is with life. Bruises can heal, but scars of outrage seldom alleviate. Forgiveness is a divine virtue, precious for peace - critical element for a tranquil life.
Taste may not be as much important as much as brand loyalty is. Addiction to a stuff will cause equal composure on consumption of alternate. It is the ego, and not the need for satisfaction that becomes the determining factor. Availability or lack of it, to appreciate quality - to have a sense for excellence - is a welcome trait. But the moment we push loyalties, preference and not taste, become predominant.
Cosmetic changes, cover ups or excuses mostly end in self-deceit. Dirt must be wiped not only from the shelf top, but from hidden corners too. The idea is to appreciate. Mostly we are interested in our own world. There is no reason to expect others to have interest in our world if we do not show equal interest in others. This is society. Sharing reluctantly or participating due to compulsion, is like seeking easy exit while fulfilling obligations at the same time. Multi-tasking is a good word for enhanced productivities. But with human relations, it works opposite. If I am mentally not there, then the event of that moment; and the beauty in that moment, is lost.
Are we willing to begin from scratch - day after day, and every day. Are we ready to start in a manner and end the task at hand in a manner, that would give that all important sensation of accomplishment.
Life is a wheel of actions and consequences. Each moment and each action is important so long as we believe and accord significance to our time; make every moment worthy for count.
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More by : Sanjay Chowdhary