Feb 23, 2025
Feb 23, 2025
by Ravi Pipal
The future is quite promising for the illiterates in our country for just look at these legislators, ministers, chief ministers and you would know what I mean. Other day I asked an upcoming small time politician the reason for his remaining uneducated, he promptly replied with all seriousness how he was all along preoccupied with the freedom struggle and later with the development of nation, he could never find time for his own educational development. He had always put mother land above petty considerations like self literacy. However, he insisted he was a self-taught man - whatever that means. All successful people and of late even not so successful ones have acquired skill of attributing their failure in learning three Rs to lofty ideals such as service to the nation, upliftment of untouchables and rural development. It has now become fashionable among successful men to remain uneducated, better still to be a drop out. This gives them enough snacks for thought from cocktail circuit to election campaign. People simply hold you in awe, if he can become great without having to go to school leave alone university - why the hell we slogged for obtaining degrees - of what use. The solution of great problems, answer of complicated questions and above all these inventions and discoveries all germinated in man's mind first as a tiny idea, a simple thought. Problems are seemingly simple, initially, but are not attended to till they gain status of a national / international issue. It becomes prestigious to identify at that stage. You become as famous as the issue itself and often, if cleverly tackled, you can outshine the issue, you stood for, you can systematically go about the issue such as organizing seminar, raising it in legislature, parliamentary committees. Make the issue so prominent that its handling would require an office, staff, deputations, foreign tours to make a comparative analysis for example how the habits and habitat of Indian rats differ from their counterpart in Australia.
Drought relief, flood relief, woman's lib, rehabilitation of orphans and widows these issues have become outdated. Not that there is any relief from recurring drought or women have been liberated except perhaps the ones into modeling and beauty contests. These issues are no longer discussed, therefore, no longer respected in societal and governmental sector.
However, there is no dearth of issues today. Look around you will find several. You can pick as per your capacity, ambition and geographical conditions. Here is a sample list of one dozen such issues. Like ready - to - eat fast food these are ready-to-raise hot issues. Have your pick and rest not till you achieve your goal be it membership of assembly, parliament, an award or an invitation to lecture series in a foreign university.
So act fast and choose an issue of your liking. For more details send a self addressed envelope with ten thousand rupees towards my fee. I beg your pardon, did you say you want to raise the issue of exemption from exorbitant fees, so my article is already working on you.
More by : Ravi Pipal