Feb 23, 2025
Feb 23, 2025
Time is a strange being. It is everywhere and is always running. In all literature, science and mythologies it always goes in one direction-forward. According to relativity theory it can become zero or stand still at speeds of light. But it can never vanish. It is our belief that time can be removed and introduced into the universe thereby showing that total universal time is constant. This is a weird concept and we will try to explain how it might be possible.
Our journey starts with understanding of higher dimensional space. The present world that we see both with our eyes open and closed (in dreams) is made up of 4 dimensional space-time. This world is experienced by our senses and is the only world we can feel, smell, hear and touch. However there are other dimensional worlds which we cannot feel with our present senses but we can visualize and comprehend through higher mathematics.
Thus when 100 billion neurons in the brain fire with laser like action to produce a single deep thought, which can be continued for a long time, then that thought can occupy a higher dimensional space. It is called Sanyam in Patanjali Yoga Darshan. Mundane thoughts which use small part of brain and hence do not use all the neurons also produce a structure called thought but it exists in 4 dimensional space and can attenuate its energy according to inverse distance law. The higher dimensional thought however can go to large distances without attenuation. The transformation of four-dimensional space to higher dimensional space is via 'thought engine' and follows the second law of thermodynamics; namely, energy is needed to transform the lower dimensional space into higher dimensional space. Similarly when higher dimensional space is converted into lower dimensional space then matter and energy are produced. This 'thought engine' works when large number of inputs are involved in producing an output. Here we talk about large as loosely in the range of 1-100 billion. The most important thing is that the process has to produce a structured output. Thus sometimes large number of inputs can be used in production of random noise and hence not produce any coherent output. It seems that the structured output can only be produced by a living entity.
If we extend this thought engine analogy further then the highest space is T dimensional (an arbitrary number about which we do not know presently but it is bigger than 4). In reaching this T space even time is absorbed. Thus time is the last thing to be sucked in. It is also the first thing to come out when T dimensional space converts into lower and hence T-1 space. The T dimensional space is the final destination in Universe to which everything converts to ultimately. Probably it is God. This is what Adi Shankaracharya has described in Vivekchudamani where he calls the ultimate reality as Akasa.
This concept has interesting implications namely that the time, space and energy are interchangeable and have similar characteristics, which may be geometric in nature. Thus TIME ↔ SPACE ↔ ENERGY. Because only then can time be absorbed and evolve from space via the 'thought engine'. This also means that since total time of the universe is constant hence there is never been a singular big bang but continuously evolving and dissolving universes. The expansion process of Universe that we perceive today is but an illusion and probably the signal we are getting could be distorted by higher dimensional space. Since time remains nearly till the end (the last thing sucked in before T space is formed), it is possible that the Universe that we can visualize has the dimensions of time. What that dimensions is, we are not yet sure. Also as the time is the last thing to be absorbed hence it is not possible for time travel or to go back in time.
I also feel that the T dimensional space starts 'becoming' when time comes out. It is as if the 'ultimate thing' enjoys the world after the time comes out. Thus in the evolutionary process, devolution of T to T-1 space releases time and after that the regular evolutionary process starts. It seems therefore that time is life and life is time. This evolutionary process continues with life forms emerging and evolving to highly intelligent life, till it again reaches T space and thus the cycle continues as shown in figure below. Why the T dimensional space should go through this cycle, we still do not know. Maybe it is the way the universe is structured. A possible scenario of the evolutionary process is shown in the diagram below.
The above is very similar to the big bang scenario, but we are claiming that instead of one big bang there are large number of big bangs and it is a continuous transformation of T ↔ T-1 space. Thus many universes are being formed continuously.
In the Indian Yogic system there is a lot written about duality. Thus there is Purusha and Prakruti, or sometimes Pran and Akasa. According to the scriptures the combination or interaction of these two produces different worlds. I think this interaction could be possible via the thought engine and feel that this duality only comes out when time comes out. And when the time itself is sucked in, then only the T space remains.
More by : Dr. Anil Rajvanshi