Mar 19, 2025
Mar 19, 2025
It is ardent clear of the fact that in order to understand better, the major trends and promising efforts at the students' level is much of an experiment rather than the implementation in long run. Under this comes the Identification of Challenges, and Important Issues on a regular basis in totality. The formation of an Intelligence Body with Quality Conscious People has to have a proper streamline of the following points to incorporate Quality Framework in the work arena:
Lack of Alignment
Inconsistencies in the funding formulas, and differences in the priorities of schools, community colleges, and universities create areas of concern.
Diversity Issues
Concern is generally raised regarding a low level of teacher competence in serving a diverse student population.
Funding for Teacher Preparation
Funding for teacher education is viewed as a low priority in the state. A realignment of funding
according to actual needs and accompanying reassessment of institutional funding priorities have to be identified.
Teacher Recognition
Recognition of good performance is essential. Additionally, teacher preparation should be geared to include more field experience to enhance performance.
The Need for a Strategic Plan
The entire effort to improve teacher preparation and development requires an organized
strategic planning effort to involve the broader public, to identify common expectations and goals, and to measure progress toward the goals.
Marketplace for Best Practices
To demonstrate successful programs and partnerships currently being implemented have to be made available to the other departments.
Representatives from these programs have to make presentations about their programs and
discuss their ideas with the Roundtable participants for flow of ideas for betterment and Total Quality:
Collaborative for Excellence in Teacher Preparation (CETP)
This must be the part of every Academic Organization for motivation and involvement of all the employees to strive for betterment.
Addressing Common Concerns
At a nut shell it is also required to promote harmony and participative culture through the process of identifying challenges and important issues of the employees, teachers and other members.
This may include formation of the different groups for universal touch to quality framework as
Funding & Resource Allocation
Consistent, Aligned Standards, Policies & Expectations
Partnerships for High Quality, Accessible Professional Development
Recruiting and Retaining a Competent and Diverse Teacher and Student Population
Summing up must be done by each group and develop one or more recommended strategies or initiatives. These initiatives are reflected in the action plan.
Roundtable Follow-up
This is required as a follow up step for a polish outcome to incorporate. This is generally done by the Leaders of the issue and takes a U turn with the Benefits arisen. The final outcome is laminated with the Presentation Before the Management over the target/ source outcome and the same is finally implemented in the Daily Affair mode of programming on a regular basis.
School children can achieve and demonstrate high standards if appropriate support is provided to them. It is also ardent clear of the fact that good teaching matters, and a high quality teacher in every classroom is the single most effective way to assure that all students achieve at high levels. As a matter of fact, a well planned, multi-year, multi-institution, multi-layered, and inclusive effort is necessary. The Quality of Teaching is thus directly proportional to the Quality of Learning.
The above methodology of Quality Education Implementation plan identifies issues in the areas of Planning and Leadership, Improving the Recruitment of Teachers, Improving the Quality of Teacher Preparation Programs, Improved Induction for New Teachers, Expanded Opportunities for Strong Professional Development and Other Important Activities, and recommends initiatives to address
these issues in a big way. This would further lead to the following landmarks:
strengthen pre-service teacher education (including recruitment activities);
increase the supply and quality of teachers, particularly those from ethnic or other groupings that are historically underrepresented in the teaching profession;
support induction activities for new teachers during their first and up to their third year of teaching; and
coordinate and convene initial meetings in local communities that will provide follow-up to the
Not only this the various State Boards of Education and the Commission on Higher Education will must continue to work together and with stakeholders throughout for the purpose of supporting the teacher preparation and professional development agenda. All in all this is a seedling to the future of the Nation. We are building the pillars of our future generation and if the seedlings are well fed they ought to produce Quality Results.
More by : Dr. Dheeraj Malhotra