Mar 20, 2025
Mar 20, 2025
Life, a very interesting journey. A journey of joys and sorrows. A journey so difficult to understand, that often we mislead our ways. And when we do so certain questions arise. Questions about death, the purpose of our life, salvation etc. In the midst of this situation we start seeking answers of questions deep and sometimes unknown. Suddenly we want to know more about God, eternity and the purpose of our being. And then is the time when we start going away from the society and the world. Depressed and confused they get into drugs, alcohol, sex and crime. Eventually some turning into criminals, addicts of drugs, religious brokers etc.
Today, I think a lot of people are confused in differentiating among simple things. Simple things such as spirituality, religion and truth. A few days back I was in Benares, often also known as the holiest city of this country. Frankly speaking it was a true experience of religion, love meditation and faith.
I had always taken religion as idol worships. But probably it's a lot more than words could ever describe. Religion of what I have felt has been something to know about. In short you could even tell it as a university in itself. For the facts, stories and lessons it carries. Books can be filled with it. It was also interesting to meet a sadhuji with whom I had some good talk regarding the Hindu and the Buddhist religion. In fact according to me every human being should know about the basic concepts and principles of his as well as some other religions too. I guess in a way that would help bringing different communities of the society together and thus strengthen our unity.
Love, well this word it self is a world in itself. For the amount of emotions it carries in itself. It melts anything coming its way someway or the other. Recently during my trip to Benares. I had met two foreign tourists who happened to be lovers. The man was from Italy and his name was Ricco and the woman was from Bangladesh. Ricco was unfortunately an addict of cocaine and smoking. He was in such bad state that the day when i met him, he hadn't slept for three days. Ricco's girl who was from Bangladesh, had tried a lot to remove such qualities of his lover. But it was hard since he had acquired it right from his childhood. Ricco's girl knew that the kind of condition in which Ricco was he wouldn't survive long. But she still loved him with all her soul and heart. And this was clearly visible when she told me that Ricco would never go, for he was their in her stomach ready to come once again in life.
Meditation, well when I speak this word. Many people relate it with Yoga or similar things. But meditation according to my concept would be a good hard concentration. That's right, concentration. Which can be done while studying hard or concentration on you daily work. The basic concept of meditation would be concentration on that particular one thing with the highest control on our senses. Its one thing that is done by all, some do it more while some don't reach that level of potentiality. So it basically varies from person to person, depending upon the kind of interest and control he shows for it.
Faith, a five alphabet word. It may seem to be small. But trust me it holds a lot more ground in a human beings daily life. Its presence may turn a negative vibe into a positive one. But its absence, may also turn it's vice versa. It has always played an important role while analyzing the trust meter. All in all it may seem as small as an atom, but surely it holds the power of an atom bomb.
More by : Raghvendra Singh