Mar 28, 2025
Mar 28, 2025
The sky was overcast. The cool breeze turned heavy, swirling things across its path, followed by the rattling sounds of doors and windowpanes, accompanied by the roars of thunder. The tiny droplets of rainwater battered the earth's surface. The mellow air was filled with the fragrance of mud, doused by the early summer showers. The tiny droplets suddenly turned into a heavy downpour, water gushed vehemently along the drains. The sound of the heavy downpour faltered slowly, paving way to tiny droplets, and the gentle stream of water flowing across the pathways. The sky was still overcast, the raindrops continued their dousing action. I waded through the brownish waters equipped with an umbrella; suddenly my mind was sullied, with the splash of water, by the passing truck, stirring elusive thoughts.
Wish I could hit the streets, early morning, for a brisk walk, at the strike of dawn, to the tunes of the chirping birds, to have a wisp of fresh air. Alas, unable to overcome the arduous task of waking up from the bed, with the eyelids glued heavily, as the Daylight approaches.
As I strode further, during the course of the day, I wish, I hit the bus stop, in the best attire, put the bus to a screeching halt! and Always I have to undergo 'Blondie' (a comic character appearing in the local daily 'DECCAN HERALD') type of acrobats to board the bus, the shoe-lace not tied up, holding my wrist watch in one hand, with no time left to choose the best attire.
Wish I hit the office lobby, at the specified time, but delayed, always, welcomed by the glare looks of the higher-ups. I wish I could fly through air, avoiding the traffic snarls of the bustling metropolis, striking work at the right time.
Wish I could return home early, again the snags creeping in at the time of dashing towards home, posing formidable challenges, resulting in dire consequences, if unattended.
And finally I wind up my day, Wishing that I could oppress the tyranny of the power starved bureaucrats, but suppressed by the muscle power and the overflowing heaps of hard currencies stored in their treasuries
Finally the rain had let up and the cool breeze setting in, the birds make their journey homewards. I return home unwillingly. As I settle down in a corner, I try to evade those long cherished wishes from my elusive state of mind.
Seek solace in the daily chores, like, hearing the chant of 'mantras' from the nearby temple, the ringing of the church bell, at the strike of the dawn. Have a cool shower during the course of the day and welcomed by the friendly gesture of the bus driver. Soak in lighter moments of laughter and exchange of woes with my colleagues at office. Wind up my day, after a long walk with my beloved pet.
More by : S. Sai Prakash