
The Brazen Society Emerges in this Century

The new generation is conspicuous in contemporary world. As all kinds of development is taking place in this contemporary world, the brazen generation is emerging leading to alter the life style and perspective of personal freedom and desires. There is legalization of Euthanasia, same-sex marriage, cohabitation, ordaining the gay priest, Ads in nudity and so on. 

It is indeed something new in this generation, which is hardly recorded, in human history before. In ancient time, it seems people have never suffered which they cannot bear the pains. Why euthanasia law is introduced in this century? There were gays and lesbians but publicly never known in past history of same-sex marriages. There are priests but no history has written about the ordaining of gay priest. Cohabitation was never known publicly and legalized. Actresses in western country are becoming bolder day by day in public kissing. Many 'A' rated movies are produced in India in recent years. Advertisement is becoming full of semi-nude pictures in today's world. 

The euthanasia case was first brought to light in China in 1986 when Wang Mingcheng, his younger sister and two doctors were put on trial, but acquitted of murder. Wan became nationally known in 1986 when he persuaded doctors in Handzhong to give his mother a lethal injection t end her suffering from painful, terminal liver disease. After his mother died, he had stomach cancer and in the hospital and in the hospital he pleaded doctors for a peaceful happy death, but was refused. He died of s stomach cancer in August 2003 in northwest China's Shaanxi province after the hospital refused to help him end his life. 

Euthanasia was first legalized in the world in Netherlands on 10th April 2001, which allow the doctors to end the lives of patients suffering unbearably and without hope. More than 10,000 people gathered outside the parliament in protest against the law. The Christians sang the hymns and quoted Bible. Others protestors with 25,000 names with their signature protested. But nothing could with held to withdraw the law and ultimately passed the euthanasia law. Any religious leaders whether ' Hindu, Christians, Muslims and so on will against the euthanasia law for God is the giver of life and life is in the hand of God. Man cannot extend life even a single minute and we are not supposed to eliminate our live as our wish. 

On 22nd March 2002, a British woman paralyzed from the neck down was granted the right to die after she signed her own death sentence. A ruptured blood vessel in her neck a year ago before she died left the woman paralyzed and unable to breathe unaided. The case of euthanasia began with high drama when court forced to gather at the woman's hospital to hear her plead to die peacefully. She was later granted the right to die. 

According to some religion scripture, life is in God's hand and suffering is only to reveal God's power on them through healing them miraculously. Whatever it may be, euthanasia is just a frustration and no courage to bear the pain. In today's world personal liberties and desires are legalized in some countries like euthanasia, same-sex marriage, cohabitation etc. In next century more personal desires and liberties may be legalized in many countries. 

When we talk about same-sex marriage, the Western Europe is already gone ahead of other developed nations. While in United States, President George Bush wants to ban same-sex marriages. He favored a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriages. All the Scandinavian countries except Finland allow two people of the same sex to officially make a record of their union or marriage. In San Francisco city, nearly 3,000 same-sex couples have married in a week in February 2004 but the State law prohibits the recognition of same-sex marriages. San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom, a newly elected Democrat defied state law and made the city the focus of the Burgeoning gay marriage movement by ordering the city clerks to issue same-sex marriage license. 

What about the same-sex marriage in India? Will it be possible to legalize? In recent years, some of the gays had started urging the government of India in some cities to legalize the homosexuality.

The New Delhi-based NGO working for the welfare of HIV and AIDS patient challenged the validity of the provision and urged the homosexuality be legalized. But the central government has informed the Delhi high court that homosexuality cannot be legalized in India, as the Indian society is intolerant to the practice of homosexuality or lesbianism. It may no legalize the homosexuality in India but if the government's principle is not based on morality and religion aspects, it will be legalized someday. Same-sex marriage is legalized only in some countries but secret homosexual intercourse is not free from all the countries. Cohabitation between same-sex and opposite sex is well known in many countries. Gays and lesbians cohabitation is very common but generally keep secret their activities to the public. 

Not only same-sex cohabitation, but opposite sex cohabitation become common in India and other foreign countries. When the gay and lesbian cohabitation becomes an open secret or publicly noticeable, unconsciously or consciously same-sex marriage may be legalized even in India. The brazen society is emerging gradually in this century. How can a gay become a priest and ordain? Is there no more morality in the society? But it is possible in today's world. A gay priest was ordained in United State in 2004 and there was pandemonium and division in the church. He was married to another male but split. After he was ordained as a gay priest, he called for re-union of his male partner. 

He was ordained and reunion but people were divided. There may be gay priest, monk, sadhus, mullah etc in the past history but it never publicly declared and ordained such a priest. Today our society is leading astray by some cult, religious fanatic and personal interest leaders. 

Coming to bureaucrat, actor, actress, singer and so on, you will notice that they are also doing some unexpected things. In 2003, Pop star, Michael Jackson was accused of child molestation. He had surrendered to authorities on 20th November 2003 to face accusation of child molestation. Former US President, Bill Clinton was in adversity due to sex scandal. He was alleged to have sexual relationship with Monica Lewinsky. 

A good singer Britney spears is getting bolder day by day. She posed in naked for Cosmopolitan. Now topless and revealing cleavage is nothing for her. In September 2003, Madonna and Britney kissed in MTV Video Music Awards stirred up so much controversy in Atlanta that the editor of Atlanta Journal-constitution issued an apology for printing it. This kind of blatancy kiss is no happen in the past years. In 2004, a girl blatantly auctioned her virginity to the public to earn some money. She would have done in other way to raise the money. According to her, it is her personal liberties to do auction her virginity and raise the money. This is undesirable thing and it has not happened in last century.

In January 1999, when the film "Fire" was released, the Shiv Sainiks demonstrated against the Film Fire. They went to Excelsior Cinema where the film Fire was being exhibited. Later they went to the residence of thespian Dilip Kumar in Bandra with no armor except the knickers and their bare bodies. I think such kind of demonstration showed new trend in our society.

Ms Kesari belongs to Gond tribe was auctioned for Rs 551 in the presence of 200 villagers in Chattisgarh, this 18 years old girl committed suicide on 23 July 2003 to escape marrying her buyer, Babulal. Many parents were alleged in selling their children but hardly notice doing auctioned in public in past history. 

If you are religious fanatic and against the Miss World Beauty contest in Bangalore or anywhere in the world, the Miss World Beauty Contest reveals nothing of their bare-bodies. If you watch the AXN Hot and Wild Nation Wide contest in Mumbai last September 2003 or FTV, you will indeed say Miss World Beauty contest is a very decent show and contest. In recent years, Indian Bollywood directors, actors and actresses are coping up well the westernized films. Many 'A' rated movies are released in 2003-04. As compare to other years, in recent years had released more 'A' rated movies. The entire societies in this world is consciously or unconsciously changing and loosing their morality. Many undesirable things are happening in this century. 

Here it is mentioned only some examples that are changing in our today's society but there are many bizarre and undesirable things are happening in this world. When the government legalizes personal liberties and desires without considering morality of the people, I am afraid that someday some countries may legalize even to murder human being as to have personal liberty and desire. 

All kinds of euthanasia, same-sex marriage, sex scandal, obscene advertisement etc are only personal desire and liberty. If this kind of personal liberties and desires are not controlled, some day human being will be like animals copulating in the streets.  


More by :  Dr. Thohe Pou

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