Mar 19, 2025
Mar 19, 2025
A new book of verses of Rumi by an award-winning translator and poet. This selection catches Rumi in a rare mood and these are some of Rumi's most passionate and heart-felt expressions, each poem resonating with the intensity and fire rarely seen in English language before.
Shiva says, "Rumi--I am constantly reminded--is a miracle. Everything about him is absolute magic. Poetry in perfect rhyme and meter poured out of him as he whirled for hours on end, or as he fell into various states of ecstasy and rapture. There is music, rhythm and breath in most of his poems in Persian language. In my work as a translator I try to bring out some of these nuances. I try to pay a special attention to Rumi as a Persian mystic, and to the origin and the method of the creation of these timeless, sublime and always magical words."
---Deepak Chopra, author of How to Know God and several NY Times Bestsellers "...These verses are not just meant for the libraries or the classrooms of academia. They are meant to be recited by human lovers and lovers of God. The passion of Rumi expressed in this book by Shahram Shiva will restore the exultation of spirit in your Being. This passion is holy and it will heal you..."
About the Author:
Shahram Shiva is an author, award-winning translator and performer of Rumi, the 13th century Persian mystic poet. Born in Iran, Shiva is perhaps the only major presenter of Rumi in the West who speaks the native language of Rumi and thus has an unadulterated access to these original Persian poems. Since 1988, Shiva has translated several hundred of Rumi's poems and his translations have also been utilized by many Western Rumi interpreters. He is a longtime practitioner of Eastern mystical traditions (including Sufism) and an adept in the Persian mystical terminology.
More by : Shahram Shiva