Book Reviews

Personality Development

The betterment in quality of education and rapid strides in spread of knowledge calls for better developed students and recipients of knowledge. Thus, one can easily see the need for well developed personality and purity of character in students and young adults. This aspect is highlighted in this excellent Compact Disk developed and promoted jointly by India Quality Forum (IQF), New Delhi and Ramakrishna Institute of Moral and Spiritual education (RIMSE), a Unit of Ramakrishna Ashrama, Mysore. NIIT computer services have provided the necessary technology and format.

The CD opens with introduction as a dialogue between a student and his learned guide as to what personality development is all about. It introduces the viewer and listener to the vedantic concept of inherent divinity in all of us. It tells the student, liberally quoting the energetic words of Swami Vivekananda, to have and develop 'faith in oneself'. This faith in oneself is the key to success in life and progress to realization of inner divinity.

After introduction, the serene and clear voice of the narrator dwells on the five dimensions that are involved in forming the human personality. These are physical self, energy self, intellectual self, mental self, and blissful self. Because of ignorance these aspects are not properly expressed in everyone's life. Well developed personality is the sum total of harmonious expression of these five dimensions. 

The third subchapter is about the five-fold approach to develop these aspects in one's life. This is labeled as 'Panchsheels" of personality development. These five principles are self-effort, self-sacrifice, self-knowledge, self-control, and self-confidence. By quoting from the speeches of Swami Vivekananda, and giving real life examples from great personalities, each one of these aspects is effectively elaborated to viewer's satisfaction. It is indeed very pleasant to see that the illustrations, the selection of the incidences, and the language used are very effective in keeping the interest of the students alive as well as creating a desired impression on them.

Next, a practical program is given to make this 'intellectual gymnastic' real in our lives. This simple action plan consists of daily physical exercise, reading good literature, sincere prayers and meditation for ten minutes. This is besides student's regular studies and work.

This version does not contain instructions for guided meditation and other related details. I am sure the next version would include those important instructions.

The CD is easy to install; the graphics are clear, informative and appropriate to the subject matter. CD is easy to handle both as a continuous uninterrupted play or manual running.

The CD would be best useful to the young students if they view it in a group and a guide, acquainted to some extent with the life and teachings of Swami Vivekananda, is also present to explain certain concepts and student's queries on the spot.


More by :  Dr. C.S. Shah

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Comment i wish to purchase this cd

nazneen akhtarr
23-Feb-2012 02:27 AM

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