Mar 20, 2025
Mar 20, 2025
Scene 1
Kalpesh in a multiplex alongwith his friends Vikram and Ameya ... Ameya and Vikram are 'Bird Watching' ...
VIKRAM: Hey what’s that chick’s name???
AMEYA: Am I like an encyclopedia or a telephone directory or what???
KALPESH: Chill yaar, he was just asking the name…Why are u getting upset ?? Is she your sister by any chance ???
AMEYA: Thank God she isn’t…Her name is Pooja ..that's what I heard them talking….
VIKRAM: No man not Pooja…U know 99% of the girls with that name are bitches…. ek number ki…
KALPESH: What????
VIKRAM: Seriously, And any girl with the name Anjali is really nice…good cute looks…ideal wife…but won’t ever ever ever consent for pre marital sex….
Kalpesh gets a call on his mobile ....
KALPESH: Yes Ma, I’m with Vikram and Ameya at the Mall…No Ma We are not Drinking!!! … (continues)
VIKRAM: They’ll kiss and do all hanky panky but not sex…that is strictly post marriage...or if the guy is lucky…on the marriage night…
KALPESH: (to them) Guys…(suggesting them to mind their tongue) …..
AMEYA: How do u know all this stuff ???
VIKRAM: I don’t know…I just know it…Kind of gut feeling…
KALPESH: No Ma….Ma…Vikram and Ameya don’t smoke…It was Brijesh that u saw the other day…Ma Ma…Don’t worry .. I’ll come home very soon…next weekend for sure… OK??? Even I love u Ma….I will take care don’t worry…….(hangs up)
VIKRAM: And Jyoti is like the most common name for a call girl ….or a call lady for that matter…
AMEYA: Hey I thought that was Rita….
VIKRAM: No, Rita is for a Personal Secretary…
KALPESH: And u know what guys….listen to this..the most common name for gays is Vikram….
Kalpesh and Ameya laugh at Vikram's expense ….
AMEYA: Look who is laughing….Mama’s boy….
KALPESH: Hey it my fault if she’s like Aaj Tak … God knows from where she gets all the latest news about me….
VIKRAM: Only child.. center of all attraction and attention as well…
AMEYA: Tell me Mama’s boy, U really think your parents would approve of Fari….
KALPESH: Let Fari approve of me first….She just flew in yesterday.. .Boy I really missed her a lot…Shit oh shit here she comes again…I’m going to do it today…Finally gonna ask her today….
Farida comes in ...
FARIDA: Hey guys…
AMEYA: U won’t believe Fari, u were the last person in our mouths….in the normal sense of course…
FARIDA: I know…and so was pooja…jyoti..anjali…rita…. etc etc right ….
VIKRAM: And we thought Kalpesh’s mom was Aaj tak…
KALPESH: Ok…Hey u guys remember we have to do that thing we were talking about….
AMEYA: Which thing??
VIKRAM: THAT thing….
AMEYA: Oh yah that thing….
KALPESH: We should get started right away…right vikram…
VIKRAM: Yes, Cya around Fari…
AMEYA: Cya Pari ….sorry Fari…
FARIDA: Bye guys ..take care…
FARIDA: How come we are leaving so abruptly???
KALPESH: Well we have that thing to do….
FARIDA: What thing????
KALPESH: Hmm…that thing…
FARIDA: Kalpesh???
KALPESH: Ok fine….I wanted to leave …
FARIDA: Why???
KALPESH: Coz I wanted to be with u…alone…
FARIDA: Why???
KALPESH: Stop asking so many questions….
FARIDA: Why???
KALPESH: I love it when u annoy me….Coz u laugh …and I love it when u laugh…
FARIDA: I love it that u love it when I annoy u…
KALPESH: What???
FARIDA: Stop asking so many questions….
KALPESH: Hey but seriously Fari….
FARIDA: Seriously what???
KALPESH: I want to tell u something….
FARIDA: What??? Don’t tell me u love me ….
FARIDA: Love is something I’m forbidden to do…
KALPESH: But why??? Your parents… r they marrying u off to someone else ??? u think they won’t approve of your love marriage or something ??? Or is it that u love someone???
FARIDA: (sighs) …No No none of that….
KALPESH: Then what ???
FARIDA: I …..Look I haven’t said this to anyone…This is the first time I’m telling anyone…
KALPESH: Oh common….
KALPESH: what???? (cant believe wat he’s hearing)
FARIDA: yes….
KALPESH: Shit this is f**** bad…Shit oh shit…
FARIDA: It’s only a matter of a couple of months…
Scene 2
A nice posh residence (Government Quarters). Durga Bhai Shah (The CM) sitting on a relaxed Sofa and being interviewed by a Press Reporter...
REP: I would request you again to answer my question directly Sir. Aren’t u willing to accept the fact that the entire episode has been painted in a communal manner???
CM: We haven’t painted anything. The true picture is that the Kutch tragedy was a pre-planned Muslim conspiracy to attack Hindus, subvert the state, and damage the economy.
REP: But doesn’t a statement like that coming from the CM detrimental to the social fabric??? Isn’t it true for instance that the decision to bring the charred remains of the victims of the tragedy to Ahmedabad in a public ceremony, was intended to arouse religious passions of the majority Hindu community.
CM: What can I say if the press and the opposition have already passed the judgment against me…The riots are nothing but a natural spontaneous reaction to the Kutch violence? I’m asking u, what would have u done had your family been a part of that train?
The reporter takes out a piece of paper and cites from it ...
REP: According to media reports Sir, out of the 24 districts, 16 have been affected. Some of the worst violence has occurred in rural areas hundreds of miles from the train incident at Kutch…Had it been a natural retaliation as you are saying, the riots should’ve only been restricted to maybe 4 or 5 districts. Violence occurred simultaneously in most of these districts. Had it been a spontaneous reaction, it should’ve spread over the districts over time and not occurred simultaneously…
CM (INTERRUPTING): These reports are utter rubbish and baseless. I would personally request u, all your reporter friends and the liberal media that are actively reporting the violence against the Muslim community in detail; please leave this state for airing provocative coverage. This is a conspiracy to malign the government. Despite all your pseudo secularistic stories the Gaurav of the state will triumph…
REP: Sir, This rubbish and baseless report also states that in all these areas only Muslim-owned businesses have been destroyed, including hotels with Muslim dormant partners. Inventories of Muslim businesses, including hotels with Muslim partners, and Muslim residences….. were made available to the mobs by the Hindu Mahasabha, Shakti Samaj,….. and even the senior IPS Officers, Police commissioners, and the State Police. The riots were not mob managed but in fact state sponsored…Do u deny this charge Sir ???
CM: So it was during 1984 riots and the 92-93. Who is the opposition to point fingers us when they’ve themselves violated their so called secularistic ideals in the past so many times…
REP: Sir you’ve stated in the past that in response to the Bombay-Kutch Express fire, a compensation package of 200,000 rupees for each victim would be provided. However the victims of the anti-Muslim carnage following tragedy are victims of “communal violence” and their compensation package is 100,000 rupees. This inequity in the allocated compensatory amounts, based on religious affiliation for all intents and purposes, violates provisions of the Constitution contained in Articles 14 and 15 …..
CM: Again that is the total misrepresentation of truth by the media…I will request u to stop accusing the government of targeting the muslim community….
REP( INTERRUPTING HIM): My respected Sir, When the state is burning and these riots are in full flow, you have shut down the relief camps. You have also openly declared at the gaurav yatra about the population explosion problem for which you accused the ….
CM: I ask u ….Do we go and run relief camps? The population of the country in start of 1800 was only 25 crores. Since these 200 years it has jumped to 100 crores. 1800 years for 25 crores and 200 years for 75 crores… Should we these open child producing centers???… Those who are multiplying population at a rapid rate will need to learn a lesson……. The ever growing population is a fact and I’m surprised why u media people don’t give importance to…
REP: Please excuse me Sir I would also like to add that these relief camps set up to house the thousands of displaced Muslims were run largely by Muslim and other citizens groups. These camps have received little support or aid from the state. Moreover, it was reported that the few camps in Ahmedabad which are hosting [displaced] Hindus are visited more frequently by government authorities and receive more regular rations.. …
Meanwhile an aide of the CM comes in and quietly whispers something in CM's ear. CM mumbles something to him ....
CM: Sorry I have a prior appointment to catch up with and I’m getting late for it.. I hope I can complete your interview later…Jignesh just….(POINTS TO HIS AIDE)
Jignesh offers his hand to the reporter who does a handshake...somewhat forcing the reporter to stand up from his seat and the camera man is also escorted out, in a slightly rough and seemingly polite manner ...
CM (TO ANOTHER AIDE): Make sure this footage is edited properly…30 min interview has taken an hour….
CM sips on a glass of water. His aide nods his head ...
CM: And also tell that good for nothing rascal….I will see him in two minutes…
Scene 3
Cut to Scene 1 and somewhat continuing from there....
FARIDA nods...
KALPESH: Why???? how did this….(struggling for words) When was…..
FARIDA: When a mosquito bit me last night….
Farida bursts into laughter. Kalpesh is angry and then he slowly warms up ....
KALPESH: Was that supposed to be funny…I was close to a heart attack….
FARIDA: (laughing) U should’ve seen your face.. it was red with blood….
KALPESH: You talk too much Fari…and you keep pulling my leg….
FARIDA: So are you going to close my mouth???
KALPESH: Finally….
Kalpesh comes closer and gives her a passionate lip kiss ...
KALPESH: Now just listen to me and just shut up for some time… I would be nothing but a software geek without u…You’ve introduce me to life…Its like full of colors now…I just love to be with u…love to see u smile…love to see u cry….love to see u angry…love to see u pulling my leg….I just love to see u all the bloody time…I love u…Yes I really love u like nuts…I just want u to drive me crazy.. I just want to hug u tight and never leave u…I just want to kiss u for like eternity….I just want to bite these chubby cheeks of yours …I just want to eat u ….all the time…I just want u in my arms….I ….I just ….I just bloody want u ….
Farida Walks Off...
KALPESH: Fari…Fari…
She enters a shop ...
KALPESH: Look I’m sorry…..I didn’t mean to ….I’m sorry if …
FARIDA: Next time use this… (gives him a CLOSEUP toothpaste) ….
KALPESH: If I brush my teeth twice everyday…Will u kiss me everyday???
FARIDA: Hmmmmmmmmmmmm
KALPESH: Thrice…5 times….10?????
FARIDA: Perhaps….
KALPESH: If I use this toothpaste so much that I use it like…..20 times a day…I use it as a soap..a detergent to wash my clothes….
FARDIA: And mine as well…
KALPESH: And yours as well.. I use it like shampoo…I will consume an entire tube in a day…. All this because….because I love u Fari, Will u marry me Farida Mehboob Khan …????
FARIDA: I think I will…
KALPESH: Wow….I’m..I’m the happiest and the best smelling guy on the planet right now….
FARIDA: I know..and I love u for that…
KALPESH: Excuse me????
FARIDA: I said..I love u…
KALPESH: Hey you are actually blushing…Ok 15’th March 2002…7.30 pm…CineWonder Plaza… Ahmedabad. This is probably the 1st time you are blushing in your life….
FARIDA: Oh my God….I’ve to go….
KALPESH: But why???? Coz you are blushing???
FARIDA: 8 PM deadline…I’ve to go home…
KALPESH: Hey but u just came…
FARIDA: Now I just want to go…Will u leave me home????
KALPESH: Honey, I’ll never leave u…
KALPESH: Hey don’t wear this…I hate it when u hide your beautiful body behind this burkha….
FARIDA: And my parents hate it when I don’t wear it….
KALPESH: Why do you have to do this to a good muslim girl at home but gorgeous gal outside???
FARIDA: I don’t anyone to see us together and screw things up….besides I will be outside all the time otherwise…Moreover…I think I would want to keep my parents happy these days….
FARIDA: So that they are happy when I tell them about u…
KALPESH: Oh so am I supposed to start wearing all those Luckhnavi, Nawabi..Princely looking clothes….bandhgala coat and all that….Or should I wait till your father gives all that to me in dowry…
FARIDA: Hey…it is called Meher…and is given by the groom’s family…
KALPESH: Ok ok…We give u meher and u return all that stuff in form of dowry…Deal ???
FARIDA: Deal…pakka done….And honeymoon ???
KALPESH: Honey I can take u to the moon if u want me to…
FARIDA: Oh can u really afford it…
Just then an angry mob of rioters armed with hockey sticks, trishuls, swords, knives, laathis, come running from their back ... the mob catches hold of them....
RIOTER1: mian ko sambhalo hum ladki ko dekhtey hain….
Rioter 1, 2 and 3 'snatch' away Farida and take her offstage ... Farida's cries and protests can be heard all the time ...
KALPESH: chodho ussey … Fari.. Fari…
Rioters 4,5 and 6 beat him to pulp ...
Kalpesh on Ground...voices protests continuously...Screaming Hoarse...So is Farida...
Upon slashing him hard, Rioters 4,5 and 6 discover his "Janeyu" (scared Hindu thread) ...
RIOTER 4: Mian nahi hai…
RIOTER 5: Setting hogi saaley ki…
Rioter 4,5 and 6 stop hitting him with weapons and instead use their punches and kicks....
RIOTER 6: Hindu dharm pey dhabbey haraamzade! Tujhe dikhata hoon teri laundiyan ki kaisi lee jaati hai…
RIOTER 4: Manikbhai….
RIOTER 5: Abey chu**** naam mat ley…
RIOTER 4: Sorry … sorry …bhai ek din mey aur kitni logey ???
RIOTER 6: ganga beh rahi….jitni baari nahayega utney paap dhulengey…
Rioter 5 takes out Kalpesh's wallet - money, his gold chain,
RIOTER 5: Yeh credit cards leeney hain kya…
RIOTER 6: Nahin lega kya…Pehli baari kar raha hai kya ???
RIOTER 1: Abey haath saaf nahi karney kya…hamara ho gaya yahaan….
RIOTER 4: Sambhalo issey, Bahut cheekh raha hai…
Fari's helpless screams can be still heard
RIOTER 5: Aa gaye bhai, kya jaldi hai ???
Rioter 4, 5 and 6 take their turn (offstage) while Rioters 1, 2 and 3 emerge ...
Rioter 1 takes out a cigarette and shares with rioter 2
Kalpesh see a police jeep stopping nearby
Jeep drives away. Rioters try to close his mouth
RIOTER 1: Saala chilla kyun raha hai ??? Mein khud police waala hoon…
Rioter 1,2 and 3 laugh. They continue beating Kalpesh
RIOTER 3: Jaldi karo bey, saari raat nahi hai hamarey paas….
RIOTER 4 5 6 are done with their acts...
RIOTER 4 : Haan bas hallal kar raha hoon….
RIOTER 2: Mian ki toli kab aa jaye pata nahi….chalo bey aagey chaltey hain….
All are finished...they run away.... Farida's screams gurgle out with blood oozing out of her through...then only the gurgles remain
Kalpesh wakes up slowly...goes offstage to see Farida's shaken...comes on stage almost puking....
Kalpesh screams incoherently to the God...cries uncontrollably ...
KALPESH: This is all because of me….This is my entire fault…I’m sorry Fari…I’m really sorry…
Kalpesh is mute for like a minute...then a determined look appears on his face...He takes out his "Janeyu" and throws it to the ground...Walks off in a drunken fashion
Scene 4
Cut to the CM's house again...and the same scene (end of Scene 2) is played again ...
CM (TO ANOTHER AIDE): Make sure this footage is edited properly…30 min interview has taken an hour….
CM sips on a glass of water. His aide nods his head....
CM: And also tell that good for nothing rascal….I will see him in two minutes…
Kalpesh comes into the frame walking slowly, bloodied and bandaged....
KALPESH: That good for nothing rascal is here Pa…
CM: Where the hell have you been???? (Signaling the Aide to leave... )
KALPESH: I’ve been thru hell Pa….
CM: Last time u went out u said u would never come back till you are dead???
KALPESH: I am dead …
CM: What’s with all these bandages….Whose blood is this???
KALPESH: The bandages are mine, but the blood ….is yours…. I wish rather than flowing in my veins….
CM: Stop this nonsense….
KALPESH: I have said that to you many times…..and I will say it again Pa…
CM: Laxmi Laxmi….Where are u??? Ur son has come home drunk….
KALPESH: (Raising his voice)….Stop this nonsense….You are drunk Pa!!! Can u not see the blood all over the state??? Now it has come to your house….
CM: What the devil do you mean???
KALPESH: U mean the devil Pa….Ur the devil who has ruined my life completely…The only sanity in my life….the love of my life was killed in the riots today…
CM: Who told u to fall in love with them in the first place???
KALPESH: Beaten, Ravaged, Raped, Feasted upon, Gang raped, sexually mutilated repeatedly….
CM: Kalpesh….
KALPESH: repeatedly repeatedly…repeatedly….She was made a public toilet Pa…They spat on her after their satiation…The trishuls were used to sever her breasts, and to tear open her abdomen…
CM (Interrupting): I said stop it….
KALPESH: They used it to hallal her ….She was not put out of her misery quickly Pa. …The left her grappling crying gurgling….the blood came out like a fountain Pa…..
CM: I’m warning u Kalpesh…
KALPESH: I couldn’t do a thing Pa…I couldn’t do a thing but see her dying…see her ….just see her….and see blood…blood…just blood….blood and only blood…all over the place…bloody blood all bloody over the bloody place Pa….
CM throws the glass of water on his face
KALPESH: Have u ever seen blood Pa…Not the blood of the sacrificial goat on the forehead…not that tikka, but blood of someone u love…Would u like to see the blood of Ma??
CM gives him a tight slap ...
KALPESH: How lucky that she’s your wife right??? Would u like to see her lying nude in a pool of blood Pa??? with her throat pouring blood like a municipal tap…her red eyes….torn bloody clothes. Would u like to see these fanatics rape her in front of your eyes Pa ??? again again again and again till she cant scream anymore….Would u like to see her die in front of your eyes Pa ??? like Farida…Tell me Pa ?? Would u like to smell her blood??
CM beams him again....Yelling: Don’t u dare utter a word….
KALPESH: U’ve never allowed me to …Don’t touch me Pa, your hands are smeared with blood…blood….blood of the innocents…blood…
CM: You think this love is the only thing in life…I’ve struggled to reach this position and I will stay here. I will continue to enjoy this power…power…there is nor right or wrong….only power…Family , wife, children, love, all are meaningless…power is the only thing in life…that’s what I love….
KALPESH: You can have all the power in the world Pa, but still nothing will stop me from….
CM: From doing what??? Exposing me in the media …telling what a great sacrifice you’ve made ??? Proclaiming to the world that I organized the riots which took the life of my son’s love…I challenge u to ….
KALPESH: I challenge u Pa…Use all the power that u have….to protect yourself…I will myself kill u tonight…I swear to Farida’s life I will kill u tonight….
CM: Go on…Go on…One more fundamentalist added in my list.. One more person added in my list who plan to assassinate me…
KALPESH: As far as I’m concerned, you are the only fundamentalist in my list…Tell Ma to continue with her pooja…This might be her last pooja….
CM: Jignesh…Jignesh…
Jignesh comes in ...
CM: Make sure this mad boy doesn’t cross the threshold of my house….I want an eye on him all the time….
Kalpesh snatches Jignesh's pistol and points to CM's Head ...
KALPESH: Tell them all not to touch me….Else I will kill u…Tell them Pa…
KALPESH: Shut the f*** up…
Kalpesh walks out slowly but with an eye on everyone and the gun pointing at the CM...
KALPESH: Honorable Mr Durgabhai Shah, u took away from me what I loved the most….I will take away from u what u love the most...tonight….In a fashion which u will hate the most…..Good bye and Tell ma that I love her….
Kalpesh runs off...All are stunned....
Scene 5
Kalpesh walks towards the streets...fully dressed in a Pathani Kurta Pyjama...with a skullcap on his head...goes towards the rioters (who have Tika on their foreheads and trishuls / swords / knives in their hand) ...
KALPESH: I love u Fari, Will u marry me Farida Mehboob Khan …?
The rioters butcher him....
Kalpesh doesn't even bother to put up a fight...
More by : Kartik Krishnan