
A 'M K Hussain' of Tamilnadu

M F Hussain is known for his slandering of Hinduism through his nude paintings of Hindu Gods and Goddesses. M Karunanidhi, the Chief Minister of Tamilnadu, is trying to match the splendid Hindu-hating performance of M F Hussain through his classical Tamil words.

The Hindus of India in determined unison would like to salute the Janata Party President Dr Subramanian Swamy for having made a public declaration at a recent press meet that he would launch a massive agitation against Chief Minister M Karunanidhi if he failed to publicly apologize for the 'vulgar remarks' he recently made against the Hindu Gods and Deities.

There is no doubt whatsoever that the Chief Minister of Tamilnadu is well known for his Islam-embracing, Christianity-coveting and Hindu-hating or Hindu-baiting stances and postures, often laced with either malicious or ludicrous statements from time to time during the past five decades. Dr Swamy has also declared that a temple for Lord Shiva should be built in the place of Santhome Church as the Christian Shrine there was erected after demolishing an old Shiva temple in the 16th century. Dr Swamy has pungently observed that Karunanidhi has brought shame and infamy to the exalted post of Chief Minister by making dirty statements on Hindu Deities, vaingloriously imagining that the Hindus of Tamilnadu are in stark minority in terms of numbers.

There is no doubt whatsoever that the sentiments, feelings and susceptibilities of millions of Hindus in majority in India have been wounded by Tamilnadu Chief Minister's 'civilized' observations on Hindu Gods and Deities. What is even more shocking is the fact that the Chief Minister of Tamilnadu seems to have a total contempt for the Indian Penal Code in letter and spirit.

Section 153 (A) Indian Penal Code (IPC) states

Whoever by words, either spoken or written or by signs or by visible representations or otherwise promotes or attempts to promote on ground of religion, race, place of birth, residence, language, caste or community or any other ground whatsoever disharmony or feelings of enmity, hatred or ill will between different religious, racial, language or regional groups or castes or communities shall be punished with imprisonment.

The Hindus of Tamilnadu - numerically equal in number if not more than either the Muslims or Christians in contrived and absolute political majority (!!) would like to pose the following superstitious, irrational, obscurantist and totally devoid of self-respect (I mean in the ecstatic, Dravidian and poetic 'Suyamariyadhai' sense!) questions to the Honorable Chief Minister of Tamilnadu:

The great Periyar who was globally noted for his Himalayan and Herculean Scholarship in the field of Hate Hinduism and Hate Sanatana Dharma, came to the axiomatically eccentric conclusion that when he was attacking the Brahmins in particular, he was attacking Hinduism and Hindu way of life in general and when he was attacking Hinduism and Hindu way of life in particular, he was attacking Brahmins and Brahminism in general. As a gigantic intellectual of ever lasting fame, Periyar was steeped in self-chosen conceptual confusion. For him, every action that stemmed from conceptual confusion was rational and every action that stemmed from conceptual clarity was superstitious and irrational. Fortunately for the country, Periyar never held any public office. Karunanidhi is not in the same unenviable position as Chief Minister of Tamilnadu. He is bound by the law of the Constitution and therefore cannot arrogate himself the rights of an Idi Amin in Uganda or Stalin in Soviet Russia or Hitler in Nazi Germany.

I happened to see the special Issue of Periyar Birthday Celebration-84 volume dated 17 September 1962. Periyar wanted the total eradication of everyone around him everywhere, perhaps, excepting himself. To quote the militant words of Periyar in this context: 'If there has to be disciplined awakening among the people, cinema should be eradicated. If justice and rectitude has to be established, Vakil (advocate) system should be eradicated. If rascals have to be eradicated from the nation, media should be eradicated. If there has to be good governance and honesty, the election system should be eradicated.'

Deriving his inspiration from this ecstatic message of Periyar, it may not be too much to imagine that Karunanidhi may also like to declare that everybody other than himself and the members of his family should be eradicated in the larger interest of rationalism and social justice! The innocent Hindus of Tamilnadu would only beg of him to leave the Hindu Gods and Goddesses severely alone, even as he leaves Allah and Jesus Christ alone.!!

It is also heartening to note that all the senior Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leaders as well as other Hindu leaders in the state have reacted strongly against Tamilnadu Chief Minister M Karunanidhi speaking derisively about Hindu Gods and deities. They have also threatened to hold public agitations against Karunanidhi's 'obsessive running down of Hindu worship and traditional religious practices'.

Ramagopalan, the angry leader of the Hindu Munnani, has made one point abundantly clear. He has said: 'Ever since its formation, the DMK Government has been making a systematic effort to hurt Hindu sentiments. Karunanidhi takes immense pleasure in ridiculing Hindu gods, which is a direct assault on the religious sentiments of Hindus. The chief minister who does anything to appease the minorities has made it a habit of hurting Hindus. This just cannot be tolerated'.

I would like to invite the kind attention of Karunanidhi to the following inspiring words of Annie Besant (1847-1933) who showed a better understanding of Hinduism and what Sanatana Dharma stands for than Karunanidhi:

'After a study of some forty years and more of the great religions of the world, I find none so perfect, none so scientific, none so philosophical and none so spiritual as that great religion known by the name of Hinduism. Make no mistake, without Hinduism, India has no future. Hinduism is the soil in to which India's roots are stuck and torn out of that she will inevitably wither as a tree torn out from its place. And if Hindus do not maintain Hinduism who shall save it? If India's own children do not cling to her faith, who shall guard it? India alone can save India and India and Hinduism are one.'

All the Hindus of India fully endorse the stand taken by Annie Besant and reject with contempt the utterances of Karunanidhi on their time-honored religion and culture.  


More by :  V. Sundaram

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Comment Shame on politicians who support a bastard like Karunanidhi.

R S Dabeedeen
16-Aug-2011 05:38 AM

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