Mar 20, 2025
Mar 20, 2025
Global warming is very much in the news and we read about the possible consequences everyday. One has just to turn a few pages of the Earth's history to realize that the past has been worst. Of course we were not around, but several genera of animals and plants were not able to bear the heat and became extinct. Many of them changed their shapes and sizes; many migrated to far off lands/oceans, never to return. Climate history of the earth some 55 million years ago (m a) is a pointer towards how gory can be the global warming!
The present era of the earth's history is known as the Cenozoic Era and it started some 65 m a. The first two chapters of the Era are called the Paleocene and Eocene respectively. It was towards the end of the Paleocene, that is, 55.5 to 54.8 m a sudden global climate change upset oceanic and atmospheric circulation causing extinction of numerous deep sea marine forms and compelled the mammals to evolve on lines which continue till present. This sudden warming is called as Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM).
Those were the days when humans had not even evolved, as such anthropogenic activities like hacking of forests or smoke belching industries were impossible. Then why such a thing happened?
More by : V. K. Joshi (Bijji)