

Anupana itself has meaning in its name. Anu means After but Acharya Dalhan said that it is an indication for food. Pan means Drinkable liquid. Every liquid eg. - Madhu, ghee, etc. which is taken with drug or food or after drug or food intake are called Anupana. Acharya charka said that every liquid which intake after Ahar (Food) is Anupana but it is only for directional view. Acharya Dalhan also agree with Acharya charka.

Anupana have some specific characters like –

1. Just opposite nature to food.
2. Not opposite to Dhatus
3. Just opposite to Dosas.
4. Same nature to Medicine.
5. Dependable upon disease and time.

In Ayurveda best Anupana - Madhu.

According to doshas

V- Snigdha and Ushna
P- Madhur and Colds
K- Ruksha and Ushna

1. For week person – Alcohal is very good anupana also good for mandagni, Anidra etc.
2. For obese person – Madhu
3. Upvas, Marg gaman, exercise, after coming from hot temperature environment in these conditions best anupana is – milk

According to diseases

1. Fever - Tulsi leaf swaras , Adrak swaras , madhu, chiraita, sugandha bala, Pitpapda, shading water.
2. Chronic fever and cough – Vardhman piplli, sitopladi + Madhu, Ghee, Boiled milk
3. Shwas – Vasa juce + Adrak juce + Madhu
4. T.B. – Pure shilajatu
5. Prameha – Amla ras + Haridra churn.
6. Vat rog – Pure gugglu + Lahasun
7. Aam vat – Gomutra + castar oil
8. Anaemia – Mandoor Bhasm
9. Worm – Vidang churna
10. Diarrhea – Kutaj twak churna
11. Grahni – Takra
12. Unmad – old cow ghee
13. Khustha - khader and sariva kwatha
14. Shvittra – Bakuchi seeds
15. Ajirna – Shayan
16. Urdvajatrugat rog – Tekshna aushadi nasya
17. Pashrva shula – Pushkar mula
18. Ashmari – Pashan bhed, kulatha seeds, Varun twak kwatha
19. Gulma – Shegrumul twak
20. Vidradhi – Raktamokshna
21. Swarabhed – Gargal with hot water and salt or pushkarmul kwatha with madhu
22. Snehapanajirna – Ushnodak but in case of Bhallatak and Tuvarak snahapan we will take cold water.
23. Tail panajirna – Usha and Amla rus and Kngi
24. Murcha – Sheet veerya Brahhme and Shankhapushpi and Vacha
25. Bhaybheet – Aaswasan
26. Vaman – Lajamand with madhu
27. NidraKshya – Milk with suger
28. Vrana – Guggulu
29. Aruchi – Matulungnimbu swaras
30. Visharta – Sheresha twak churn and fruit churn
31. Udara rog – Verachana drug
32. Vat-rakta – Guduchi Ras
33. Medorog – Madhu with boiled water
34. Pradara – lodhra twak
35. Amlapitta – Draksha
36. For eyes – Triphla churn
37. Bleeding Piles – Negkasor, Amla churn, Ghee, Suger
38. Non bleeding Piles – Ghee + Triphala churn
39. Raktapitta and raktatisar – Vasa ras, durva ras, Moch ras
40. For Hikka – Myurpicchha Bhasma
41. For Unmad and Apsmar – Ghee + Brahmi swaras
42. Mutra Krichha and Mutraghat – Rice boiled , Gokshur kwatha
43. Shotha – Punarnava, Makoya, Bivbe
44. Vrishya – Aswagandha, Musali, Koch seeds + Mishri with milk
45. Gulm, udar, liver, spleen – Gomutra, Triphla kwath, Kumaryasav with Yavakshar with caster oil.


More by :  Dr. Suhas Kolekar

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