
Medicinal Plant Patol

"Trichosanthes dioica Roxb.

Synonyms of Patol (Trichosanthes dioica Roxb)

Amrutphala, Karkasha, Chhada, Karkashadala, Katu, Katuka, Katuphala, Kasabhanjana, Kasamardana, Kulaka, Kustaghna, Kustaha,  Kustari, Jyotsna, Tiktottama, Tiktaka, Dirgha, Patolika, Nagaphala, Pancha, Rajiphala, Beejagarbha Rajinama, Rajiphala, Rajimana, Swadupatra, Snigdha Parni, Mandali, Jwaranashana.

Vernacular Names :-

- Hindi: Parval & Parvar
- Malayalam: Patolam
- Tamil: Kombuppudhlai
- Telugu: Kommupotla
- Oriya: Patal
- Gujarati :Padval & Parval
- Bengali: Patola
- Kannada: Kaadu Padawal
- English: Pointed Gourd

Gana/Varga of Patol:-

Charakaa Samhita

- Triptighna Mahakasaya
- Trishna Nigrahana Mahakasaya
- Shaka Varga
- Tikta Skandha

Sushruta Samhita

- Patoladi Gana
- Aragvadhadi Gana

Tikta Shaka Varga

- Astanga Hridaya (A.H.Su. 6,10,15)
- Patoladi Gana
- Aragvadhadi Gana
- Dhanwantari Nighantu : Guduchyadi Varga
- Madanapal Nighantu : Shaka Varga
- Kaiyadeva Nighantu Aushadi Varga
- Raj Nighantu : Guduchyadi Varga
- Raja Vallabha Nighantu : Shaka Varga
- Bhavaprakasha Nighantu : Shaka Varga
- Shaligram Nighantu :Phalashaka Varga
- Madana Vinoda Nighantu : Shaka Varga
- Nighantu Shiromani :Guduchyadi Varga
- Adarsha Nighantu :Kushmandadi Varga
- Dravyaguna Vignan (P.V. Sharma) : Jvaradi Varga (Jwaraghna)
- Indian Medicinal Plants :Cucurbitaceae

Taxonomic Position:

- Kingdom : Plantae
- Division : Spermatophyta
- Subdivision : Angiosperm
- Class : Dicotyledonae
- Subclass : Polypetalae
- Order : Passiflorales
- Family : Cucurbitaceae
- Genus : Trichosanthes
- Species : Dioica

Botanical Description

Habit: Dioecious, herbaceous, slender, trailing or climbing with tendrils and trigosely hairy annuals.
Habitat: It was found, wild in the plains of North India from Punjab to Assam; it is also extensively cultivated all over the warmer region of India, Particularly in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal and Assam for it's Fruit.
Stem: Stem is rather quandrangular twining and striated, sometimes woody and scabrous.
Leaf: Simple, alternate, 5 cm by 9 cm length by 3 to 7 cm broad, ovate - oblong with cordate base and acute apex with a sinuate and dentate margin, both surfaces are very rough with rigid hairs. Petioles : 2 to 4 cm long and 3 to 5 mm thick with plenty of Trichomes. Odour-Characteristics Taste - Slightly bitter.
Flower: Dioecious male penduncles paired, both 1 - flowered, 2-3 cm long; calyx tube subcylindric, calyx tube - 4.5 cm, narrow, Anther free, linear, petals-oblong, not racemed, woolly outside, female flower solitary, ovary oblong.
Fruit: Globose, oblong or nearly spherical acute, smooth, 5-12 cm by 2-6 cm pale to dark green colour with green stripes on the young fruit, orange red colour on ripening
Seeds: Seeds are minute, compressed and corrugated on the margin, 1/2 - ellipsoid.


- Rasa: Tikta and Katu rasa.
- Guna: Laghu, Snigdha, Ushna and Tikshna guna.
- Veerya: Ushna Veerya
- Vipaka: Katu Vipaka
- Doshaghnata: Pitta Kapha Shamaka
- Karma of Patola: Anulomana, Bhedhana, Balya, Vrushya, Deepana, Pachana, Hridhya, Pustikara, Rasayana, Rochana, Saraka,  Shothaghna, Vedanahara, Virechana, Vrana Shodhana, Vrana Ropa.

Rogaghnata of Patola : Jvara, Kasa, Kandu, Krimi, Kostharoga, Kustha, Netroroga, Raktapitta, Raktavikara, Shirashula, Mutra Krichchra, Shotha, Shwasa, Trishna, Udararoga, Visharpa,Vrana, Daha.


More by :  Dr. Suhas Kolekar

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