Mar 28, 2025
Mar 28, 2025
by Kunal Arora
He was sharp as an axe, brilliant, consummate orator, class representative, came from a rich and educated family who wanted him to become a lawyer. His approach was defined by the way he lived life, passionate, his standards were not matched by many and his fellow members always crave for the skills like him. From school till the days spent in college his charm was spread everywhere, girls hitting him every time, people were crazy for the sessions he gave during the breaks. He was one of those diamonds which are cut with highest precision and the glare he gave was unmatched.
Never faced any failure in life, may be he was the one who described success as just success with no means of deviation from the path. A successful writer and a poet too, he even worked for some NGO’s giving support to the people who needed legal attention, gave lectures on life improvement and creating a balance. No one knows when time is turning round to give a new face to life and same things happened with the brilliant boy. For those who can handle academic pressure somewhere doesn’t know the way of handling the pressured break ups, the deep love he had for a girl was just a play for the lady and even leaving him alone and broken was not an issue for her.
The discipline and principles he followed were the hammers which smashed the relationship, losing the love for the rules which were in his soul was not acceptable to him. Love was the first thing he lost and it was followed by many, he started scoring less, sessions were now not much powerful, supporters were not much interested in making it more. He was losing himself every day and it was not noticed by many, his roommate knew the situation around him and he felt the pain making marks in his life. He became an insomniac and this led him to start sessions with the shrink which gave him support and also asked him to involve his parents for holding the guy in rough time.
It was not easy for the parents to understand the changed life pattern of their son and they somewhere forced him to focus on studies and be a leader again. Already tensed by therapies, medicines, counseling’s, advices, he started behaving obnoxious. The day was not far when his inner strength would give up and yes one strange night he was found almost half dead, puking blood, excessive dosage of medicines caused this and after three days he ended up in a coffin.
He was declared as a coward who sacrificed his life because something got wrong and he was not able to overcome it but did he really was a quitter. There are situations which can break us, a person who is trapped inside a building on fire made several attempts to move out but in the end he died, he tried to escape but was not successful, his efforts were same like the boy who committed suicide. He tried moving out of the trauma but failed.
Nowhere it means that suicide is a solution, there are many who come out of the black phase very well and fly in the sky with more grace they had before but for those who fail, calling them as coward and sinner is not the right way. Life is a game, some play anyway and is successful but some lose the path and the game also.
More by : Kunal Arora