
Sanjeevani Vati and its efficacy in Samprapti Vighatan

Abstract -

The term 'Sanjeevan' means life and the one which gives life is known as 'Sanjeevani'. Sanjeevani Vati is the Ayurvedic formulation which consists of Triphala, Vatsnabha, Vidanga, Shunthi, Pippali, Vacha, Guduchi and Bhallataka these herbs are mixed together by Bhavana process and for this Bhavana, Gomutra is used. It is administered in the form of Vati along with Aardraka swaras.

In Sharangdhara Samhita first reference is found and he advocated its use in Jwara, Visuchika, Gulma, Ajirna and Snake bite.

The combination of above simple drugs gives the life saving property. The contributing factors seems to be the synergistic effect of the constituting drugs as well as special effect of Bhavana process is  'Samyog Prabhav'. Aacharya Charak has mentioned  that samyog of different drugs can transform even a drug of low potential to a highly potential drug.

This article deals to find out the important properties of the individual drugss and their possible effects in Samprapti bhang.

Introduction -

In Ayurveda, many herbal, mineral and herbo-mineral formulations are available to cure the diseases. Ayurvedic therapeutics uses single drugs in various kalpanas and in combinations of different drugs as well. Many yogas has been mentioned  in Ayurveda in which drugs are combined in different proportion to get desired effect and it is undergone different  Sanskars.

Bhavana is the one of the most important Sansakar in Ayurveda, in this process choorna of drugs is triturated with any kind of liquid till all the liquid gets absorbed completely. This helps in proper mixing of drugs, breaks the complicated chemical molecules to easily absorbable  simple ones, it increases the potency of medicine.

In Sanjeevani Vati Triphala, Vatsnabha, Vidang, Shunthi, Pippali, Vacha, Guduchi, Bhallataka and Gomutra combination may helps in

· Potentiation of drug action
· In preventing adverse effect of visha dravyas
· Useful in Dwandvaja as well as Tridoshaj diseases
· To increase the bioavailability

In management of particular diseases, Samprapti Vighatana is necessary to cure the diseases. The different properties of different drugs in formulation are utilised to cure the diseases by Samprapti Vighatan.

Aims and Objectives -

1. To search the reference of Sanjeevani Vati
2. To study the Ayurvedic pathogenesis, Samprapti of diseases in Indications of Sanjeevani Vati.
3. To find the important properties of individual drugs and their effects which are help in Samprapti Vighatan of diseases.

Materials and methods -

Materials related to Sanjeevani Vati and other related topics have been collected from Ayurvedic texts and this article is based on review of Ayurvedic texts and websites.

Properties of Drugs :

Drugs Guna Doshghnata Contributing property
Vatsnabh Ruksha, Tikshna, Laghu, Vyavayi, Vikasi, Madhur vipaka, Ushna Kapha Vata Swedjanan, Mutrjanan, Jwaraghna
Vidang Laghu, Ruksha, Tikshna, Katukashay, Ushna Kapha Vata Krimighna, Deepan Pachan, Anuloman, Mutrajanan
Pippali Laghu, Snigdha, Tikshna, Anushnasheet Kapha Vata Krimighna, Deepan, Vatanuloman, Kasashwashar, Mutral, Jwaraghna
Shunthi Laghu, Snigdha, Kashay Madhur Ushna Kapha Vata Deepan Pachan, Vatanuloman, Aampachan, Shwasahar, Jwaraghna
Haritaki Laghu, Ruksha, Pancharasa, Ushna Tridoshgna specially Vata Deepan, Pachan, Anuloman, Krimighna, Mutral, Jwaraghna
Aamalaki Guru, Ruksha, Sheeta, Madhur vipak, Tridoshghna specially Pitta Dahaprashaman, Rochan, Deepan, Anuloman, Shwasaghna, Mutral
Bibhitaki Ruksha, Laghu, Kashay, Madhur paki, Ushna Tridoshghna specially Kapha Deepan, Auloman, Krimighna, Jwaraghna
Guduchi Guru, Snigdha, Madhur, Tikta Kashay, Ushna Tridoshghna Deepan, Pachan, Anuloman, Dahaprashana
Vacha Laghu, Tikshna, Ushna, Katu, Tikta Kapha Vata Deepan, Truptighna, Krimighna, Kasa shwashar, Mutrajanan, Swedjanan
Bhallataka Laghu, Snigdha, madhur, Kashay, Tikta usna Kapha Vata Sheetaprashaman, Vishaghna, Deepan pachan, Aampachan, Chedan, Swedjanan, Yakrututtejaka
Gomutra Ushna, Tikshna, Katu, Lavan, alpa Madhur, Kapha Vata Krimi Kushtha nashak, Vatanulomak

Discussion -

Among the contents of Sanjeevani Vati, Triphala is proved for for Tridoshghna and other seven drugs pacify Vata and Kapha doshas. This makes Sanjeevani Vati Sannipathar with special action on Vata and Kapha doshas.

In Samprapti of Jwara roga, the aggrevated doshas accumulated in Amashaya viciate Rasa dhatu, propagate in whole body along with Rasa, obstruct swedvaha strotas. Thus a drug to pacify Jwara must have the capacity to remove Aama as well as obstruction of swedvaha strotas. The shunthi used in this yoga is one of the best Aamapachan in Ayurved, also all the other drugs in Sanjeevani Vati helps in digest and remove the Amavisha from the body.

Vatsnabh is very effective in removing obstruction of Swedvaha strotas and therefore has been mentioned in Swedjanan group. Similarly Pippali, Shunthi, Bhallataka and Vacha acts on Swedavaha strotas and generate sweating because of their Katu, Tikshna and Ushna guna.

This Aamaghna and swedjanan property of Sanjeevani Vati helps in Samprapti Vighatan of Jwara.

Sanjeevani Vati combat Visuchika and Ajirna, the main cause of Visuchika and ajirna is Aamvisha, the deepan pachan properties of the contents contribute in treating Ajirna and Visuchika. In Visuchika symptoms can be correlated with digestive gastroenteritis if it is not treated properly may lead to severe dehydration and acute renal failure, In Ayurveda Mutraghat is explained in Upadravas of Visuchika, and this can be treated with Sanjeevani Vati by Mutrajanan activity of Vatsnabh, Vidang, Pippali, Haritaki, Aamlaki, and Vacha also minerals present in Gomutr helps to combat with dehydration.

Gulma is vitiated with Vata independently or in association of Vata and Kapha. This vitiated Vata starts moving towards upper part of body rather than its normal downward movement, hence for Samprapti Vighatan of Gulma it is necessary to give normal movement of Vata by the process of Anuloman. Hatitaki used in Sanjeevani Vati is well known for anuloman, also Shunthi, Aamlaki, Bibhitaki, Guduchi and Vacha have Anuloman property.

Sanjeevani Vati is useful in Snake bite because of Vatsnabh and Bhallatak used in it, because Sthavar vish acts as antidote to Jangam vish, also Gomutra in it has Vishaghna properties.

Conclusion -

Sanjeevani Vati has Deepan, Pachan, Jwaraghna, Vishaghna, Anuloman properties and this can be utilised to break the pathogenesis of disease that is Samprapti Vighatan.

References -
1. Sharangdhar Samhita by Dr. Brahmanand Tripathi Madhyam Khand 7/18-21. Chaukhamba Subharti Publication, Varanasi, 2004 edition.
2. Charak Samhita Part 2 by Kashinath Pandey. Chaukhamba bharti academy Publication, 2007 edition.
3. Ayurvedya Rasashastra by Dr. Chandrabhushan Jha, Chaukhamba subharti Publication, 2004 ediion.
4. Dravyaguna Vidnyan part 2 by Acharya Priyavrat Sharma. Chaukhamba Bharti Academy Publication, 2005 edition.
5. Sushruta Samhita by Dr. Ambikadatta Shastri. Chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan Publication. 2004 edition.


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