Mar 12, 2025
Mar 12, 2025
It is said that face is the mirror of our personality and it should be maintained from the what hairstyle we keep.
In today’s developing world there is lots changes in the eating habits and the lifestyle . Due to which it’s ill effects are seen on the body and out of which hair is affected the most. And hair fall has erupted as a major problem.
The most who are affected with this problem is the young population not only men but also womens. And people are spending lots of money to get rid of this problem but all in vain. In our ancient ayurvedic granthas it is said that hair and nail are the malas of the asthi dhatu ie they develop from the asthi dhatu.
Acharya shusruta had said in his shushruta samhita that the drusthi and the lomkupaa never grow throughout lifetime but hairs and nail do. Acharya charaka have also mentioned in his text that hairs is the mala of asthi dahtu. Acharya sharanagdhara have mentioned that kesha, loma, are the updhatu of majja dhatu.
of Hair Fall:
1) Virudh aahara vihara
2) Pitta vardhaka aahara vihara
3) Hina, mithya, and aatiyoga of aahara, nidra and bhramachaya.
4) Consuming polluted water
5) Living in polluted environment
6) Non application of oil on the scalp
7) Consumption of dushi visha
1) Fungal infection (tinia capitis)
2) Ulcerative colitis
3) Vit b12, iron, zinc, biotin and also vit e deficiency
4) Overdosage of vit a
5) Lack of vit b6 and folic acid in food
6) Rheumatoid arthritis
7) Thyroid dysfunction
8) Vitiligo
9) Radiotherapy and chemotherapy
10) Systemic lupus erthrematus
11) Pshycological stress
12) Nutrition
13) Seborhhic dermatitis
14) Hormonal imbalance
15) Folliculitis
16) Secondary syphilis and usage of drugs like warfarin and heparin
17) Usage of contraceptive pills antihypertensive drugs and anti diabetic drugs.
18) Anaemia
19) Long term usage of steroids
20) Overusage of shampoo containing Selenium.
Way to Grow:
Hair grow in three different cycles
1) Anagen
2) Catagen
3) Telogen
About 90% of the the hair of the head is in the anagen or the growing phase, which last for anywhere from 2 to 8 years. The catagen or the transition phase typically last for 2 to 3 weeks during which the follicles shrink. During the telogen cycle which last for around 2 to 4 months the hair rests.
Hairs grow about 6 inches a year for most people. In a normal individual hair falling of 100 to 250 hair sper day is a normal thing but more then 150 per day hair e fall would indicate there is a problem.
Ayurvedic Concept:
Acharya Sushruta have mentioned about hairfall in sushruta samhita nidan sthan there are three stages
1) Khalitya (alopecia totalis)
2) Palitya (whitening of hairs)
3) Indralupta (hairfall in patches ie alopecia areata)
“Romakupanugam pittam vaaten saha murchitam |
Prachyavayati romani tata: shleshma sahshonitam||
Runadhi romkupanstu taato anyesham sambhav|
Tad indraluptam khalitya rujyeti ch vibhajyate||”. Su. Ni. 11
The meaning of the above phrase is that when the vaata dosha get vitiated along with pitta dosha it goes into the romkupam ie the hair follicles and which results in hairfall. The next pathology that occurs is that the rakta dosha along with the kapha dosha goes in the romkupas whish cause the romkupas to close
which ultimately results in non growth of hair from that respective follicle . this disease is known as indralupta, khalitya, or rujya.
Strotasa that get involved in the following pathology.
1) Swedawaha strotasa
2) Asthivaha strotasa
3) Majjavaha strotasa
4) Rasavaha strotasa
5) Purishvaha strotasa
Modern concept:
Alopecia is a condition in which there is a loss of hair from head and body. Alopecia can refer to general hair loss or male pattern baldness . in a normal individual there are 1 to 1.5 lakh of hairs.
Mainly there are two types of alopecia
1) Scarring
2) Non scarring
1) Scarring: The type of baldness the hairfall in which the hairs fall with the follicle and is known as scarring alopecia . In this type of baldness there is no chance of hairs growing back after falling.
2) Non scarring: The type of baldness in which only the hairs falls and not the follicles so there is a chance that the hairs grow again. The main cause of non scarring baldness is Telogen effluvium.
In women the ovarian and adrenal gland dysfunction causes the hairs to fall.
Diagnostic Tests
1. Trichogram, tricoscopy, biopsy
2. Microscopic examination of plucked follicle
3. Biopsy of the scalp
4. Androgenic lab analysis of DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate and testosterone)
5. TSH
6. Serum iron
7. Total iron binding capacity
8. Trans ferrin saturation
9. CBC
Ayurvedic Line of Treatment
1. pachana and deepan
2. snehan and swedan
3. panchakarma (virechana)
4. nasya (yastimadhu tail).
5. basti (panch tikta kshir)
6. dhumpan
7. shirodhara
8. Rasayana chikitasa
Ayurvedic yogas
1. sanjeevani vati
2. Aarogya vardhini vati
3. sutshekhar rasa
4. kapardika bhasma
5. shankha bhasma
6. krumi kuthar rasa
7. mahamanjisthadi kashaya
8. Asthi posak vati
9. Ashwa gandha arista
10. brahami vati
11. gunja tail
12. karanj tail
14. neeli bhrungraj tail
15. rasayana churna
16. guduchi ghan vati
17. chyawan prash
18. langali tail
19. swarna bhama
20. maltyadi tail
21. amrutadi guggul
22. panchatikta gruth
23. trifala gruta
24. avipattikar churna
25. Shatavari kalp
26. Abha guggul
Modern Line of Treatment
The management of baldness is a multidiscipilanary effort that spans the medical , pharmaceutical, food supplement ,exercise and fashion industries.
1. finesteride and minixidol are usually first line therapy for its treatment. Other options include tropical or systemic spironolactone or flutamide , at through they have a high incidence of feminizing side effects and better threated in female androgenic hair loss.
A number of other medication used commonly off label are dutasteride and ketokanazole and in female androgenic alopecia spironolactone and flutamide.
Combination of finesteride, minoxidol and ketokanazole are more effective than individual use, suggesting synergistne effects of the medication.
2 More advanced cases may be resistant or unresponsiveness to medical therapy, however and require hair transplantation.
Hair care
1) Always use clean and cold water to wash your head avoid using warm water.
2) Regular application of oil on the scalp
3) use conditioners
4) eat protein rich food ie. Soya milk ,egg etc
5) Comb hair only after hair get dried after wath
6) Remove stress from your life .
7) Yogasana to be done on regular basis
A) Shirsasan
b) Shavashan
c) Bhramari pranayama
d) Anuloma viloma pranayama.
Some house hold remedies
1) one pinch saffron powder,
two Table spoon yasthimadhuka churna +2 table spoon milk make it like paste and apply on scalp and keep for 1 Hour and rinse .
2) Gokshur churna +amalki churna +guduchi satva same quantity mix and take 1tsf bi a day with milk
3) Drink milk atleast 2 times a day
4) if there is dandruff on hair ,then apply lemon juice in night on the scalp then reinse in the morning
5) eats lot of frouts like gwava, orange .etc
More by : Dr. Shiv Dwivedi
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