Feb 21, 2025
Feb 21, 2025
At times, I feel we have come a long way from what we were. It is true that ageing makes a person wiser on certain things, and also stupid on certain other aspects, bemused on some happenings, and wonder how a few acts and items in our life become just redundant.
For all these, the root is from computers.
Let me share some of the thoughts and acts which have been controlling me in a different way and now how they have changed. First, the letters and the postmen; I hardly write letters and post to my friends or for other reasons. So, all official and personal communications are done only through emails.
Next is banking. Except on certain specific cases, I seldom write cheques or visit the bank for withdrawal of money. My bank balances are checked and payments are made by net banking. Electricity and water and house taxes are paid via nets and receipts could be printed for our records.
Purchasing of books and other electronic accessories are invariably purchased through net only after deciding on seeing the price and comments of the earlier buyers.
Cinema, air, train, bus and drama tickets are booked via websites allotted for booking once the choices are made. Here I have the advantage of choosing the seats I prefer.
Cassettes have gone into oblivion long back and so are the CDs now. I could hear the song whether old or new, I have to just give a Google search and pronto, I can watch the song sequence on YouTube or listen to the song in mp3.
Photography which was very expensive and rare has become such an easy affair. One can click any number of pictures on the spot at anywhere at any time with one's mobile itself. Camera and the photos of the moble need not have to go for prints; hundreds of them can be stored in the computer and viewed at any time.
Surprisingly, I could even lay my hands on some of the old novels in Tamil which are not in print or circulation through internet search and I could download and read them.
The choices are plenty. The opportunities are abundant. A more computer and internet savvy person could use the facilities probably more to their advantage.
I still go and buy clothing alone by visiting the shops and go to restaurants for eating.
Now I could feel that many of the important activities are controlled through my finger tips. Is it not amazing? Don’t you think that many of the items in our life and activities have become easier and some superfluous?
But, my elder brother, an octogenarian who has absolutely no exposure to computers or internet adamantly not acknowledging these advantages and constantly condemning the induction of computers in all fields.
I think that is what is called ‘generation gap’ that gapes at almost all the older people ruthlessly.
More by : G Swaminathan