
Marma in Ayurveda

Ayurved believes that one can be a good physician and surgeon both only when he has practically observed and learnt all about the human anatomy doubtlessly.

Marma is very important and unique concept of Ayurvedic Sharir. First & foremost literature of Marma is seen in brihattrayee which is described in the sixth Adhyaya of Sharirsthana Prathek marma nirdeshsharir of Sushruta Samhita.

Marma vijyana is related to traumatology. Instructions in battle field to protect Marmas and techniques of attacking Marma  places to inactivate the opponent are available in Vedas .The disease and trauma have been the part of life and measures adapted to treat them with development of knowledge and civilization.

The knowledge of Marma is one such concept used all over the world for prevention and cure of the disease since centuries .It holds its own prime importance in Shalyatantra. Marma injuries are hazardous to the body.


Aacharya Sushuruta has defined Marma as the site where “Mamsa, sira, snayu, asthi, sandhi sannipata, teshu svabhaavath eva praanasthistanti.”

According to the predominance of these structures the Marma also differs.

Some experts are of the opinion that it does not mean that all the structure must be collectively present at the site. Prana dwells at these sites and so they are important.
According to Dalhana the vulnerable point are those points on the human body surface on which any kind of trauma or injury may lead to death or symptoms like death.

The term Marma means prana, Jiva or Life.

Aacharya Sushruta has described 107 numbers of Marma and described their Anatomical classification. According to Aacharya Sushruta the five anatomical structures are basically and essentially involved on Marma point.

These structures are:

1. Mansa (muscles)
2. Sira (vein, artery, nerve)
3. Snayu (ligament)
4. Asthi (bone)
5. Sandhi (joint)

Aacharya Sushruta has also classified Marma points in to five types depending upon the ultimate results (prognosis) after the trauma inflicted upon these points. These types are: 

1. Sadhya Pranhara Marma
2. Kalantara Pranahara Marma
3. Vishalyghna Marma
4. Vaikalyakara Marma
5. Rujakara Marma


More by :  Dr. Shiv Dwivedi

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