Mar 19, 2025
Mar 19, 2025
The recent "coming" together of the USA and India shows the frustration of America with the double standards of our neighbour. But it is not a news for them or India about our neighbour's nefarious activities against us. This friendship of USA with India seems to be out of "historical necessity" and part of international diplomacy of American foreign office. This kind of hegemony is part of American foreign policy for decades. They condemn human rights' violation elsewhere but not in countries of its liking even though they are ruled by dictators and they have many human rights' violation there unhindered.
America is a nation of changing priorities linked to its safety and all other nations must help it achieve its goals even undermining the respective country's welfare and well-being. Now that China is to be countered it is "helping" India on terrorism front and soliciting India's cooperation for its fight against China on South China Sea events.
None can agree that America did not know about Pakistan's repressions against "its" citizens in north west frontier province (Baluchistan), POK and Gilgit, Baltistan. It also knows the operations of ISI and Pakistan government and so only has to kill Osama-bin-Laden in an adventurous mission. It also knows about roaming of terrorists in Pakistan who are sheltered there and have been encouraged in their operations against India. Now that the classification of good and bad terrorists has gone awry and is eating into its operations and patience despite America donating so much money under all pretexts to Pakistan all these decades.
India must be aware of this and balance its foreign policy to suit its benefits and not surrender its judgement to American foreign policy framers. Now that, under changed conditions the USA is providing information to India on terrorists roaming in Pakistan, which, ceded them as tools to their "foreign" policy against us, we should be doubly careful. Hope our foreign policy framers will have all this in mind while framing our foreign affairs' policies.
More by : Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam