
Let Philosophy and Discipline start at Home!

I cannot but feel very sad about the Indian psyche and their approach to living. The so called ever ‘developing’ country will never seems to learn anything on the disciplined way of living in a society except that we try to ape and follow the ‘western style’ only in fashion and partially on enjoying luxuries.

Societal discipline seems to be an alien word to the Indian population if we set out our journey from our home. My recent visits to one of the most developing cities like Bengaluru left me shocked when I found the absolute chaos and confusion in the form of traffic. There are expensive malls and breath taking corporate buildings; but what about the roads and houses? All roads are invariably occupied by the hawkers and shop owners. The newly constructed pigeon holes called houses are meant for paying guest accommodation for men and women who work in the ubiquitous IT industries.

The construction of flats or gated communities both in Chennai and Bengaluru seem to be again thoughtless and indiscriminate. The basic aim here is to make quick money through these constructions both by the public and the real estate people. It is surprising why the Indian diaspora who had decided to settle in the USA and other foreign countires investing in Indian metropolis as property when they have absolutely no idea of coming and staying here at any point of time. When the first gen which had been brought up here itself is least interested in coming back to India, how can we think the kids born and brought up there will ever like India and come for a life here?

This sort of investment only has escalated the prices of the flats and accommodation which invariably results in dead investment. Another major investment is in gold; we still call ourselves a poor country but import tonnes of gold every year. We, Indian hardly follow anything with respect to living according to Indian ethos or culture except in celebrating festivals and marriage with pomp and paegentry.

In public life, most of the population is highly corrupt and without any conscious. Corruption has been accepted as part of our lives where as public discipline is not. We talk a lot of philosophy, but aspire for only material benefits. Preachers and religious leaders advise about simplicity but what they do is just opposite of it. Any scienfitic invention you say, the immediate reaction will be that it had already been done in India long back. Such baseless statements and vanity are only counter productive. Had we been so advanced long back when the facilities have been so less, why we haven’t done anything which will make the whole world look at India with awe? The only great achievement India had done is increasing its population in geometric progression in the last sixty years.
It is better for any citizen of India to first of all develop humility, diligence, hard work, social conscience, cleanliness, maintaining good environment and obey law and order. Let us not advocate philosophy for the world. Let it start at home.


More by :  G Swaminathan

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